Ch 8

When I finally came to my senses Corwin hesitantly released me from his hold. To the side I could see the remains of what held his load of the cargo. It wasn't ripped but the messy tangle of dirtied holds didn't help me feel any better. Some furs and food stored away for the journey rolled on the ground while the bundle of meat remained in its container but just barely.

"Sorry, now we have to clean everything again." I rubbed his arm apologetically and remained unable to look him in the eye. I found myself sitting on his lap and caged in by his long arms. He chuckled before rubbing my face with his.

"It's okay Avery, its easier to clean them then have to treat your injuries if you fell off of me. We can always wash the furs at the village and pack away the food."

My eyes flicked over to his as he lifted his head away. Though I nearly jumped out of my skin when another figure spoke.

"Yes, as long as you are not hurt it is alright. Now we can clean up and continue onwards. It will take till evening to reach the rest stop along this trail." Milori looked between Corwin and I has he walked out from behind a tree. He started using his snout to push the food back into the basket while I started to move to help. Corwin groaned slightly under his breath as I got off which caused my head snap towards him.

"What? Are you in pain?" Corwin dismissed my concern as he stood up suddenly and covered his groin.

"Congratulations-er-Avery." Was all he could muster out before backing away and hiding behind a tree.


My face flushed red at his antics while I was trying to understand what he meant. But I couldn't ask Corwin as he continued to back away.

"You have come of age Avery. Congratulations." Milori asserted while giving me a smile. "You are currently in the first stage of it."


'but my period is still about a week away.' 

"We will get to the village after your cycle is over but do not fret. It will come again next year."

'No...I'm ovulating right now...they can tell!?'

"Uhh..." Panic flooded my mind as I looked at Milori. "I-Im not ready. I don't want to mate with anyone yet! Milori-"

"Calm down. You don't have to right away. You can stay with us until you are ready to leave and be with your mates."

'But if I get my period after this then they are going to start asking questions.'

"Yeah! Y-You can stay with us! I'll protect you!" Corwin cheered with a smile as he stood behind a large boulder that covered his lower half. He gave a reassuring smile as his face was stained red. "I just need to...go to the creak real quick and we can leave."

I stood there mortified as I watched him run off. All I could do was question what else they could smell while helping Milori pick up all the fruit and restack the furs.

'It could be worse, Liam could be yelling at me for stealing his spices and herbs. Wait.'

"Is there a way to neutralize my smell? I mean you did hide ours before we left. There should be a way to hide mine right?"

Milori frowned while looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "We can't get rid of your smell. We can try adding more layers around your skin but it will build up."

I slumped down and pouted as I tried to think of a way to possibly stop walking around as aphrodisiac.

'Never in my life did I think those words would be put together.'

Eventually Corwin made it back dripping water off of his wolven body. This time I rode on Milori while Corwin ran beside us.

It was a back aching ride as I had to stay in place for hours as we made our way through the forest. Though as our journey continued the bramble wall crept closer to us and pushed us west. But once we reached the rest stop their was a surprise waiting for us in the cave. A live fire with a grim looking Liam waiting for us.

"What are you doing here? Weren't you going to wait for us at the village?" Miloris voice echoed as he slowed to a stop. His hair started to stand on end as his own face started to form a grim gaze. As I got off and started to unload Liam approached Milori before giving me some side eye.

"There's a problem. The bramble pushes the trail to a dead end." The air felt cold as Milori eyed Liam carefully before turning to me as the last of the supplies were taken off.

"You stay with Corwin. I am going with Liam to check the parameter."

He walked up to Corwin after shifting into his humanoid form and digging around in a pouch he was carrying. Milori waited for Corwin to shift as well before handing Corwin something before charging off with Liam. Corwin did his best not to show his worry but it pretty much was stapled all over his face.

"It's going to be fine. We'll find a way across." His reassuring words didn't seemed directed at me however as a frown tugged at his lips.

Corwin didn't wait a moment as he held his palm closed tightly, guding me into the cave and setting off to clean the area while I did the same.

"So what did Milori give you?" I asked after the awkward silence got the better of me.

"'s a salamander stone." Corwin smiled as he stopped what he was doing to show me. It was a small black rock that had a metallic glow under the fires light. "They are very rare to find due to them being made by, well, salamander beastmen. They use magic to make them be attracted to it's paired stone." He showed off the intricate carving on the back of it that looked like a small salamander foot. "We use them to track each other when we feel something... unpredictable might happen. Just a precaution to find them."

The subject was quickly changed to dinner as he looked over at the skinned animals that Liam left for us to cook.  He and I made dinner over the crackling fire, waiting in anticipation for Milori and Liam's reappearance. The tender meat was barely touched as Corwin sat by me. His tail wrapped around my waist and held me close as his bright smile he wore began to waver as the conversation between us continued.

We talked about flowers and each other hobbies. We talked about what type of weather we like and speculated about the type of food Corwin would like. We made plans to cook and pickle many things but as the conversation died Corwin could barely look me in the eye.

"Do you see me as a potential mate? Or am I just an admirer to you?" It felt like the words left his lips awkwardly as the suddenness took me by surprise.

I sat quiet for a moment before answering. "You..want to court me? Me?"

"Of course." Corwin stated so matter of factly, like it was asking him to breathe.


'This isn't happening. It can't be.'


"Yes, what?" Corwin asked confused.

"Date. Me. With you. Yes."

"Does that mean you see me as a mate?"




"...really?" Corwins body lit up with excitement. He hugged me close as his tail worked like a motor. "You want to mate now? Or should we wait? I...can wait...but you know now would be great as well. Your in heat and-"

"Woah! Slow down! I'm not ready for that yet!" I sighed while he pulled away sitting me in his lap.

"Oh...okay that's alright..." his ears slouched against his head while I felt a bit guilty for getting his hopes up. To cheer him up I decided to get a little bold, doing something that's been on my mind for a while. My hand came up to rub against his hair in a soothing manner. He leaned into my touch and let out a sigh. "This is nice-" his voice cut itself off as my fingers moved to trace his ears. "This is dangerous." His palm cupped mine and pulled away from his ear. Blush covered his face as he placed my hand against his chest allowing me to feel his drumming heart.

"You're in heat..." he gruffly said as a sat in his lap. His eyes seemed to drink in the sight before picking me up. "No, you said you aren't ready. And frankly I agree." He quickly pulled up a piece of fur from the pile and wrapped me up tightly.


"No this is for your own safety." Corwin shushed me while he laid me down in another fur that sat on the ground. He spooned me on the fur as he held me in the bundle close. "You smell too nice touch in sensitive places."

'Oh no.'

His breathing was slightly rigid as his legs curled against the fur bundle. "I'm sorry! I-I didn't realize that...I won't touch them if they're that sensitive." He nuzzled his face into the back of my neck and frowned.

"It felt nice, it's just it's too much with you in heat. It's just hard to control myself, I'm sorry." He gave my neck a small peck before licking the spot.

Now it was my turn to shudder as his tongue grazed a sensitive spot. "Mmh-Corwin...don't do that. It tickles." He stiffened at the sound of my voice while his grip tightened.

"You aren't ready. You aren't ready. You aren't ready.-" He chanted as his head rested on mine. "Let's just...go to sleep. Milori and Liam will come back safe. We have a long day of travel after all and we need as much energy as we can spare."

I nodded while blushing.

'Jeez, how the hell did I manage to snag Corwin? He's like a nugget of gold.'

It was hard to fall asleep as my heart hammered at the thought of Corwin and I going on dates and living happily by each others sides.

'I hope that my hormones can calm down for once. They are getting to me.'