Ch 11

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The summer wind grazed my skin as I rushed through the tall grass. The blades braced my skin roughly but without care I continued my path onward. My arms where outstretched and my hair flowing through my carved out current. Tuffs of white floated gracefully in the air as the impossibly blue sky painted across my eyes. The world was vibrant and joyful as I pranced around in a loosely fitting shirt and pants. My limbs felt shorter as my face felt softer as I continued to explore this strange new world.

"Is that you again?"

A mature woman's voice called out from behind me before I was suddenly lifted from the ground. I flailed around as my assaulter lifted me higher and higher from the ground.

"ibaba mo ko!*"

I shouted loudly as my small arms tired to hit whatever was in front of me.


It was a sudden shake but it only happened once to make me stop yelling and flailing as I found myself upside down and being held up by green ropes. Before me stood a tall naked woman with glowing eyes. Her ebony skin was smooth and glinted as what seemed to be flakes of metal coated her skin. Her hair was unnaturally green and found itself wrapped around my small body.

"I could have sworn I placed a translator in your brain..."

Her eyes furrowed in confusion as she lightly tapped my forehead with her finger. A warmth trailed from the spot she touched before it went down my neck and caused my throat to tingle.

"Mommy!? Where's my mommy!?"

I whined while the woman furrowed her brows. Suddenly I was being cradled in her hold.

"Shh, it's okay. We don't need to yell again. Remember? I'm Mama Gaia."

Her wide smile and gentle words seemed to soothe me unnaturally as the opposite of what I wanted was comfort from the stranger.

"You're not my mommy.."

She shook her head dismissively as a sigh left her.

"Honestly is this how it is going to be every time?" Her eyes looked away from me for a moment of thoughtful consideration before flicking back over to me.

"Where is you mommy then?"


"Where is home?"

"Eh..." My head felt scratchy as I thought of the answer. "It's not here. I don't see it."

" about Brynn? Let's go back to her. If you can't find your home right now it's good to stay in a place you know is safe."

My brain felt numb as that name passed her lips. "Brynn...?" It was like trying to think with water filling the groves of thought, heavy and blurry.

"Yes Brynn. Though I wish you stayed with those wolves, but I guess the others are still playing their silly game."

The woman sighed as her hair started to lower me back towards the ground. My feet remained rooted as she held out her hand.

"Come now child, the others want to include you in the game."

My hand shook slightly as I reached out to take her hand.

"What game is it?"

She smiled but I couldn't tell why she looked a bit sad.

"It's a game where everyone can have fun. All you have to do is be the princess."

"Why?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Well...they needed a special princess and none of the other girls here could be her. That's why they invited you here." She looked down at me sympathetically. "I didn't want them to invite anyone from your house though, they tend to play too rough. But they didn't listen to their mother so now they have to learn the hard way."

The back of my brain roared at her comment.

"But, I want to go home! With my mommy! Tell them I can't play!"

She tsked at my demand and shook her head again in sadness. "I'm sorry child, but I cannot send you home."

She stopped at our destination in the long grasses. Turning, she bent down to lift me up from under my arms before spinning me around effortlessly.

"But I promise you are a very pretty princess who will have many princes to chose from. You will even met the knight soon. Just remember that you are a special princess child."

She smiled brightly against the ever changing environment she had me in before she suddenly stopped and placed me down. But instead of a solid surface my feet began to sink into the ground and soon after I found myself in the dark.

A cold sweat washed over me as I sat up startled. My hands trembled while tears fell from my face. I coughed and choked on whatever spit was in the back of my throat while someone nearby shuffled close to me in the dark.

"Avery!? Are you okay?"

Brynn wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her chest. Her hands made quick work to soothe me as they rubbed my head and back while I fought her actions slightly. Though I soon learned that despite having such small and round hands her grip was a tight iron grip.

"Shh pup. It's okay, Brynn's here. It was just a bad dream, nothing is going to hurt you."

Thick tears escaped me as the woman cradled me in her arms. But part of me froze as I thought of it the events of the early morning. The stench of iron staining my nose while a pale face haunted my memory. The sounds of crunching bones under forced weight and pulling pressure while a man with a cool gaze looked indifferently down at his mauling. I shook my head to rid the invasion of Cadavers face in the fire light and his predator-like gaze.

I returned the comforting hug cautiously as I carefully sank into the woman's warm motherly embrace. It was weird to wake up with strangers again, especially with a women who is determined to treat me like a daughter. Unconsciously my grip tightened as the first couple of tears escaped me. Maybe it's because they saved me and I had no one else to rely on but those wolves mean everything to me, almost as much as my sisters do. Consciously I focused on the feeling of the salamanders stone I had with me. They will come back for me as long as I have it, but it doesn't get rid of the fact I have to stay here until then.

My stomach tightened at the thought.

"T-Thank you Brynn." I stuttered after calming myself down from the nightmare. I could feel her smile against the bare skin of my arm while I subconsciously cringed.

"You're welcome Avery."

Clicking of stone sounded off in the room before light flooded the space. My eyes squinted at the suddenness of the change in lightening before having to blink to readjust. Cliff whom was crouched over the flame looked over at the two of us while readjusting his skirt.

"Cliff, can you get some water for her? It's in the basen that Moss left behind."

The male nodded while leaving to carry out the task his mate has given while Brynn continued to smooth out my hair.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to make you sleep...." She muttered aloud. Her small hands pressed against my back in comfort as her tone became lighter. "I know, why don't we decorate the chamber now? I'll have my pups bring in some pretty flowers and hang up the furs we have."

I blink slowly as I looked around the room, following the shadows carefully.

"Avery? How does that sound to you?"

I swallowed the non existent spit and nodded my head. "Sounds fun." It was all I could muster while Brynn frowned. Hesitantly the round woman stood up and began to go through the pile of furs Flint had brought.

As I eyed the door I brought a hand up to the secret pocket where I hid the salamanders stone. It remained still like hours before but it's presence alone helped calm my nerves. Cliff walked over to me and gently bent down to reach eye level with me. In his palm he held a small stone bowl filled with water. He gestures for me to take it before looking over at Brynn. His gaze softened as he watched his mate look through the furs carefully before turning his attention back to me. He remained by my side without a word as he readjusted the furs around us, tucking me into them as I remain sitting cross legged.

"Cliff can you find out where Moss is? I want Avery to meet Branch and him, after all it is only fair she mets everyone."

Brynn didn't look back to the two of us as her focus remained on the furs. Cliff sighed as he looked at me and stood up. Walking over to Brynn he stretches and pops some of his joints before squatting down to give her a gentle peck against her cheek. Brynn doesn't tear away her focus from her task but still turned to give him a quick peck on his lips.

Cliff slowly made his way to the hall, making sure to throw his skirt back inside before transforming with a flash of rich grey-blue light. I remained by the fire with my bowl of water and heavy thoughts keeping me busy.

'Are Corwin and the others really safe? What if they are in danger?' I slowly took a sip of water while playing with the salamanders stone in my palm. 'What if they are too far away for the stones to work? How would I even escape from the face of a cliff side? Am I going to be trapped here forever?' A chill runs up my spine at the question. Living where Cadaver just exists is enough for me to want to leave.

"Avery what color do you think would be better? This honey yellow or dusty hazel?"

My eyes blink in surprise to see Brynn standing next to me holding up the folded fur pelts. Looking between the two colors I couldn't help but want to cry.

"Is something...wrong?"

Brynn's face filled with worry as more tears escaped me. The hazel coat looked almost exactly like Corwins as the long haired pelt mimicked his fur palette.

"No," I wiped at my eyes while my voice shook. "I-I'm fine. Can we not use the hazel one though? I-I don't think it would look nice hanging up in the wall."

"Pup, look at me." Brynn sat the furs down and pulled my head into her chest. "It's alright, just let it all out now. It seems you've had a lot happen to you in such a small amount of time." Gently she ran her hand through her hair. "Avery it's alright now, you're safe here in the colony. No one is going to hurt you here I'll make sure of it."

I bit my tongue as the words almost jumped out of my mouth. 'You can't. The one who I'm afraid of is that creep!'

"..." Brynn held me in silence as I hugged her again. Her head rested on mine for a long while allowing the two of us to soak in the crackling of the fire. Eventually I felt her lift her arm in an exaggerated gesture before speaking softly. "Look Avery, Branch wants to say hello."


I lifted my head curiously while I heard someone enter the room. He was tall and tan with curly chocolate locks that covered his eyes while a pair of fluffy ears shyly hid behind his head of hair. He was skinny compared to Brook and Flint but looked just as young as both of them. A skirt was tied around his waste as he gently held a ball of fur in his arms. He stood by the entrance motionless while the ball of fur moved before a pair of glittering black eyes became visible along with a click. The ball's fox-like nose and round eyes where over shadowed by its cute little ears and the small teeth that poked through his lips.

"Avery these are my other pups, Moss and Branch. Branch is my youngest and has yet to reach maturity." The small bag chirped and gave a wide smile. "And he says you are pretty." Brynn giggles while the small bat crawls out of Moss's arms, down his body, and across the floor.

"Oh, thank you Branch.." I mutter as I watch the small puffball approach me. "I think you are pretty too." The small bag chirps pointly while Brynn tried to hold in her laugh.

"Handsome." Brynn covered her smile. "He's handsome not pretty. That's what he said."

Now I couldn't help but give a smile.

'Well aren't you cheeky.'

Cautiously I quirked my head to the side and relaxed into myself as Brynn's hold on me loosened. Branch mimicked my action as his small body stopped infront of me while curiosity glimmered in his eyes. He chipped curiously as his tiny eyes flicked between Brynn and I.

"He wants you to pick him up," Brynn smiled as she gently took Branch into her grasp. The small bat in question squirmed a little as she pressed his body into her fur dress. "It is alright if you are uncomfortable, but do not be afraid. You won't hurt him and he won't hurt you."

I nodded my head and held out cupped hands. "I can hold him, I don't mind."

The small bat beamed with joy as he practically jumped on me. I laughed and gently rubbed his fur while he snuggled into me. I felt the stress start to melt away fully while my tears finally dried. I played with the small bat through what felt like hours, games involving tug-of-war with sticks and hide and seek ensued. The skinny guy, Moss, had left a while ago, not seeming comfortable staying in the same room as me. Cliff has left to work on a 'project', a request made by a man who seemed overly stressed. That only left Brynn with me and her son andher culture she wished to teach.

"I would like to teach you about the colony Avery," The woman said as she sat near Branch and I while we played a game of peekaboo. "I think you will find it quite interesting."

I nodded my head to indicate I was listening. "Okay, what do you want to teach me?"

Brynn smiled for a moment but when our eyes met it had faded into a stern line. "Avery, you are now of age which is a tremendous milestone in your life," The women said as she folded her hands into her lap. "It means you are ready to find yourself mates and begin a family of your own."

I swallowed nervously at her words.

"Y-yeah...I know..." I pulled my focus back on Branch who smiled after I lifted my hand from his head. "There you are..." I whispered while smiling.

"But mating is a bit different here than it is from where you come from," Brynn touched my arm as her eyes demanded that I pay close attention. "Here in the colony females only have one mate. One for most of not all there lives. I know that it is different...but here you are expected to only have one and no more."

I let out a relieved sigh that I didn't know I was holding in. 'At least I don't have to be forced into having a harem.'

"Oh...that is indeed different," My voice was less convincing than I like. "But I can still chose who I want, right? And I don't have to chose now, right?"

Some amount of surprise hit Brynn's features. "Yes you can still chose who you want and certainly don't have to chose now of all times. You just got here." Brynn shook her head in disbelief.

"Are you okay?" I giggled nervously as Branch rubbed his head against my palm.

Brynn only nodded her head. "I'm alright Avery no need to worry. You are just taking this quite well that's all..."

"W-well I mean-" my voice broke a bit as I tried to catch up with Brynn in the conversation. "I won't say it's not shocking or a bit world changing. But what you say just means I get to be even more picky with who I chose. After all my mother told me not to settle for someone mediocre." I cleared my throat as Brynn let out a snort. Relief filled her eyes as her body relaxed.

"Well your mother is right you know. Bare minimum isn't exactly an attractive achievement." Brynn's eyes wandered to Branch as he gently nibbles on my fingers to get my attention.

"Young beastman you know better than to do that!" Brynn chastised Branch who was petrified by her glare. Quickly he began licking my fingers apologetically before hiding behind my leg. He chipped and nudged my leg while Brynn gasped in disbelief. "Oh no you don't! Avery isn't going to save you from me. Especially when you are doing something wrong."

Her hands quickly reached over and plucked the small bat from my side while pressing him close into her chest. "you aren't going anywhere, you hear?"

The small bat let out a few dramatically frantic chirps before giving up and sighing once his mother started to stroke his head. "He's only like this when he's tired. It's about time I put him down for a nap."

Brynn looked over at me apologetically. "We can do something fun afterwards, I just have to make sure he is asleep."

I nodded my head while giving a small smile. Brynn in turn proceeded to head to the nest and lay her son down in her lap before gesturing me over. She pressed my head down to her shoulder.

"Why don't I tell you both a story?" Her lips curled into a wide smile as the gentle fire crackled eagerly. The two of us patiently waited as she we nodded our heads.

"Wonderful." She breathed out looking over at me before flicking her eyes around wildly as her thoughts came together.

"Okay let me see," her hands stroked her son's head as he moved around restless. "Imagine if you will the smell of salt and the peace the night would bring you as the fog rolled across the forest like waves against the oceans surface. But "why here you" ask? Why  here do we find ourselves reveling in the beauty that is the evening?" Her head bobbed between the both of us as she pointed to a floating ember. "We are here because the spark is about to be struck."

Crickets and cicadas drown out the empty thought between the wind and dancing leaves. The creek unstill as its rushing song kept the forest alive and well as the night carried itself softly. The hum of a woman echoed as her soft breathless prance lead her through her throat.

Her body etched in ebony as skin as smooth and soft as silk tickled the emerald blades. Braided vines speckled in juniper green as the darkened blue jewels tangled themselves in elegance. Eyes of hazel, never once just the blues of the noon sky, never once just the amber of the sap of trees, never once just the ebony of the oak bark, never once just the sage of leaves nor the olive of mosses, never once did it still between the colors as they swirled in her irises like the cosmos in ever shifting marble. A crown of glistening metal rested on her head woven in the shape of white lilies. The same metal glistened on her skin like tattoos, each blotch complementing the moonlight as she ventured further with a painted smile on her lips.

From the sky a bright light broke loose from the beyond; the morrow. Dawn rose with glee as colors painted the sky like a masterpiece. The sun eyed the below carefully while the woman covered her eyes.

"My fair lady, the morning is a beauty is it not?" Heat rose from a young man's chest as his olive skin radiated a honey glow. His gold bands decorated him as marks coated his skin. Waves of scarlet faded into raven as. Braids tied his hair together as gold emblems held them. Broad shoulders held his chest firmly as his proud head bowed before no one. The Polynesian looking man carefully floated down from the sky while his ruby eyes scanned the woman.

"Apollo," The woman huffed shortly as she turned to him. "What of you here and not the sky?"

"To see you Gaia; the fair and gracious. The mother of all upon you." His grin was impossibly wide as he stopped short of touching the soft ground below, hovering above the delicate blades unnaturally.

"Trouble is why you are here; flattery will not change my thoughts," The woman crossed her arms and allowed her braided hair to thicken and carry her farther from him. "I adore your songs and enthralled in your stories but my heart is not for you."

Apollo frowned at her words and dismissal. "I painted the sky with stars, made to guide your beastmen. And what of my songs? Do you loathe the wind that plays them? Why not your heart to me?"

"Your brashness Apollo; too close you dance and with it I could feel you burn my very skin." Gaia presents her arm to show the flaking she has as the world around them began to whither. "Soon all that is left would be rock here as sand replaces grass and the sky is all one can see."

"All I wish is only your heart, please bare it for me and only." Pleading the god nelt on the ground as he took Gaia's hand hastily but not seeing what has been done. Burned Gaia pulls herself from him with a hiss as the ground bursted into white flame. Eaten away was her garden as bare rock was left chard and exposed.

"You bring only pain to me like this!" She cried. "I told you, you cannot! Desert this nonsense at once!"

Apollo looked at