Ch 12

The tall pines of the forest rushed past Brook as he waved his way through the lush needled canopy that sheltered the forest floor. Below him the colonies residents went about their lives with content. Families strode along the beaten dirt paths with sandal covered feet while stalls of different resources could be seen being sold outside of homes. Different smoke beams rose from below as the traffic in the sky started to become more busy. With the seed season officially arriving many where excited for the bounty of fruit to come. Talk of the annual harvest festival whispered throughout the population which was more than exciting for single beastmen.

Brook was no different as a buzz drummed in his heart at the thought of Avery. Though she was different than the other females as she was not only an outsider but had just come of age. Starkly different to the more mature females that have lost their mates to illness and the will of the gods. She was also quiet timid, a shock from the stories he's been told about the outside world and their females. His focused was pulled back to the task at hand with a swift shaking of his head.

Finding gifts that would impress Avery, that was his mission for today. The meat he gifted her before didn't count as a courting gift. It was just an order he was forced to carry out, despite Brook's own intentions. Today he was going to correct that and give something that he put thought into, something to help him stand out from the competition.

But what should he give her?

Food is a bit risky, still not knowing her taste preferences it's best not to leave too much room for failure. Even if she likes fruit she might not like the same fruits as the females in the colony.

What about furs? They are usually pretty great gifts and one could never have too many. Problem on that was color and pelt preference. What if the fur was too short? Or the pattern was barely noticable? No again it was too risky.

Then what else?

Brook brooded over his options for a while. Then it hit him, tools. Avery described strange pots and things called 'utensils'. Maybe he could do something with that.

And that he did. Carving was Brooks forte, whether it be stone or wood Brook was confident in his ability to make these strange tools. First was a simple sanded set of spoons and forks made of pine wood. Next he crafted smaller and more refined knives, the pine handle slightly curved as the smaller sized bone blades where sharpened to a point. He finally stopped at the item she described as a pan, a slightly flattened stone pot with a handle attached to it. Brook smiles at his handiwork, unaware of someone else watching with great interest.

Flint scoffed at his brothers antics, but not unbelieving in what he was observing.

"That conniving dragon!" He cursed as he but at his nails in thought. "If he wants to play dirty then fine, I can play that way to."

Flint flew off in a huff as he mulled over his own gift ideas. His eyes darted wildly about the bussling colony below. His eyes catching few obscured items; furs, woven baskets, bone needles, fruits, and flowers. He was mesmerized by each one and a wise idea came to mind. Instead of wasting his trade items in the market, he could simply create a basket of all  the things he had personally collected. Swiftly the young bat made his way into his family's kin tree and to his hoard. As Flint crafted a delicate basket to hold all the gifts together he didn't notice someone walking into his room unannounced.

"Flint I was making a new salve an needed some more rosemary-"

The shy brother looked around the chaotic state of the room before a deranged looking beast made eye contact with him. A shiver ran up his spine as Flint glared at his intrusion and proceeded to hiss like a wild animal. Flint's body was ridged as he curled around the sloppily put together gift protectively. Moss on the other hand furrowed his brows as he could only sigh at his brothers antics.

"You have issues."

Moss grumbled as his brother hissed at him again. Knowing when his brother was not in his right mind Moss just left the room with an eye roll before packing his supplies and continuing his work at the healers kin tree. It was best to do so when Flint was clearly not in his right mind.

"Why can't they just be normal?" Moss glowered as he shook his head in disbelief.

That was what snapped Flint back into reality. "You-! I am normal! Unlike you I can actually talk to beastmen." Flint retorted through a crookedly smug smile.

Moss clenched his jaw as he stopped right in the middle of the doorway. The animal skin door fell behind him as he turned his gaze back towards Flint.

"Oh you think you're the 'normal' one?"

Moss sassily scoffed as he shook his head in disbelief, marching up to his brother. Flint now stood his ground, being taller than Moss by a head as he gave an intimidating glare at his younger twin brother. Moss didn't care as he harshly jabbed his finger into Flints chest.

"You know saying everything in your head on impulse is not any better. I bet you don't even realize how careless you are when you speak."

Flint grabbed Moss's wrist and yanked it away from him. Now it was Flints turn to jab his finger.

"At least I could say what I feel. I bet you stood there like a rock. I bet she thought you where creepy-"

"Me-!? Creepy-!?" Moss shouted. "Why did you even bring Avery into this-!? If you want to go there then-" Moss shoved his brother. "I bet you're the creep in her eyes!"

Flint shoved back, harsher than what Moss had done. Rage radiated off of both males as Flint glared at the bangs over his brothers eyes. Tension filled the room as the two went for each others throats. They tumbled into the hall, crashing onto the opposite wall and waking the youngest brother. The small bat was startled and quickly fled the room as to see what the commotion was. Branch squeaked nervously as the two fought.

"Momma said sparring is an outside game! You can't play here!"

He tried to scold the two over the ruckus but his voice was too weak. In desperation to stay out of trouble for once Branch flew off to find Brook, the eldest brother always knew what to do. Out near their uncle's abandoned kin tree he found Branch scrapping away at a wooden log.

"Book! Mo- Fin- they're sparring inside!"

Brook shifted his focus away from his woodcarving and towards his little brother. Brook furrowed his brows at Branches words.

"They're sparring inside...?"

Brook had unease build in his chest. Not waiting to hear anymore he took off in the direction Branch had just flown from. Quickly Brook flung himself through the door as he heard items being thrown against walls as loud thuds hit the floor.

"AND YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS APPROPRIATE TO SAY-!? I was right! You are a Creep!"

Brook could here Moss shout as he ascended the steps.

"I heard that male from the outside did the same thing when first meeting her!"

Flint retorted.

"And that makes it okay?"

"Well if it worked for him-"

"Enough! BOTH of you!"

The two flinched at his sudden appearance and freeze. Each of them had a fist full of the others hair while the other fist was in the motion of throwing a punch. Both of their bodies were covered in bruises, cuts, fruit juices and and other unidentified sludge. The upstairs was trashed, both their rooms destroyed while the hall was littered with debris. Brook pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy sigh.

"Can you not 'spar' in the tree? Mom is going to be very upset when she gets back."

The twins lowered their gazes in shame.

"Look at the mess you two made. Clean it up before mom comes here and sees what you've done."

The two remained silent as they cleaned the wreckage that they threw about. Pieces of woven baskets littered the floor while stains covered the walls. The more they observed their own chaos the guilt hit both of them like heavy weights.

"I just wanted some it looks like I have to restock on everything, again."

Moss mumbled as he picked up the stone container that was going to house the salve.

"Yeah, well, you're not the only one who has to start over."

Flint grumbled as he chucked the remains of the basket he worked diligently on against the wall. The basket in question crumbles against the wood while the furs and other gifts laid broken. The two dared not to glare at each other knowing that it would only frustrate themselves more than anything. Brook stuck around to ensure a fight wouldn't break out again while Branch had stuck by his eldest brothers side, dying of boredom the whole while.

"Brook play with me!" The small child whined. "I'm boooooreeeed..!"

The eldest obliged, keeping Branch busy by waving the young bats favorite toy around. It was a witch hazel stick, a herb with a very pungent smell. Brook waved it around mechanically as he thought about the future.

'Moss and Flint are already at each other's throats, not like I'm any better really. It's worrisome how effective her scent is.'

Brook signed in that thought. He hated how addictive it was, how it makes him act. He wants a mate yes, but does he want her because of genuine interest? What if he loses interest after her heat settles? It honestly made him question himself. Not too long ago he was making courting gifts and now he's questioning his own intentions.

'I should get to know her more. Maybe it could help me figure it out.'

In his heart he really hopes its not just her heat getting to his head. After all her shyness is charming. She's soft and gentle which Brook finds more appealing than the dominant personalities of the single females. The Females here are also older and harder to approach and relate to. With Avery he found helping her decorate the chamber and cooking the family meals enjoyable. Though they never held a proper conversation he feels it was a good start.

"Book, what's wrong?" Branches small beady eyes stared up at his solemn brother.

"Just ready for a nap," Brook gave a strained smile. "Like you should be."

"I don't wanna. I'm not sleepy!" Branch protested. "Avery doesn't make me nap!"

"No wonder she always seems tired then." Brook chuckled. "come now, you need to sleep."


Brook gave a stern look at the bat.

"Don't make me yell at you too."


Branch didn't bother with the older bat and instead started biting on the stick.


Brook warned.


"Fine, I guess you don't want to play with Avery then." Brook monotony mention.

"What!? No fair!"

"Is fair. You can play with her after you nap alright?"

Branch hung his head and sulked.


The small bat let go of his toy with a grumble and climbed into his brothers arms. Brook rolled his eyes with a smile over his victory. Brook carried the bat back into the room he was previously napping in before laying him down on the large nest of furs. The small bat snuggled into the softness before pouting humf presses his snout.

"I'm telling Avery you're a meanie."

"Let's see if she believes that."

Eventually the carnage was cleared away and the two left the tree without another word. Moss and Flint had left the home barely saying a word till they were far enough from the tree.

"I'm sorry..." Moss was the first to speak his throat feeling dry and his world a bit clearer. "I went a bit crazy in there."

Flint felt the words hitch in his throat. "I...I'm sorry to. I don't know what came over me."

Moss gave his brother a sympathetic look as more sanity found itself into his head.

"Its fine. I'm just happy it wasn't any worse than it could have been."