Ch 13

The warmth of the furs was comforting as I rolled around and took in a deep breath. It was peaceful in the dark room as the slumbering sounds echoed off the walls. My eyes lazily opened one after the other as I looked around. Darkness greeted me with no surprise while I sighed. I laid there unable to really bring myself to sit up and stretch, more so content with sulking and losing myself in thought.

'Everythings okay. I'll get out of here eventually. It just takes time, I mean one more day wouldn't hurt anyone.'

A rumble of emotions slowly passed over me as I stared at the ceiling. The scars I left on the wall indicated I was here for four days and fading into a fifth and I couldn't help but think of the wolves.

'There alright. They are strong. They aren't going to die.'

The frown on my face didn't change. As I continued to stare into the darkness I couldn't help but start feel claustrophobic as my chest felt weighted. I hated the dark and heights which made it harder to find the bright side in my situation. When I was camping with the wolves the moons at least gave off a glow through the clouds and canopy.

'I never really got to see the night sky clearly.' I sighed to myself. 'At least not here in this world.'

You're acting like you'll never go outside again.

A small voice in the back of my head chuckled.

'Screw off I'm sulking.' I angerly shoved the voice aside. My head felt a bit fuzzy however as I casted the voice away. 'Its not like I can just ask them, right?'

Something clawed against my question.

Who said you couldn't?

It smiled and I paused.

"Yeah why couldn't I?" I muttered.


The chamber was lively again as Brynn rose what felt like hours after me. Cliff set off collecting ingredients for breakfast as I was tasked with watching Branch and making sure he stayed out of trouble. The sizzling of eggs on a pan rang through the room as fresh seasonal fruit where pulverized once Cliff returned.

"How did you sleep Avery?" Brynn asked as I ate my fried eggs while the rest of them drank the fruit drink Brynn made.

My eyelids felt heavy as I looked over at her but all I could do was smile. "I slept alright, what are we doing today?"

"I was thinking we finish making those clothes for you today. We can also keep decorating the chamber. Oh and-"

Brynn went rambling on and on of her mostly spontaneous ideas to keep ourselves occupied. Though my heart was beating wildly in my chest as I thought of what to say.

Stop being a coward! just say what you want, idiot.

The voice rippled through my skull.

'I got it! Stop pressuring me!' I pressed back against the ripple allowing it to simmer down into a shallow annoyance. It was weird though how my usual self-loathing thoughts seemed to be more...distinct. like I was actually engaging in conversation and not a made up scenario in my head.

I just pushed it away however not really thinking more about how I might actually be going crazy. I mean that would be too soon, right?

"Is...something wrong?" Brynn furrowed her brows as she looked me over. "You don't look too well."

This is your chance, say it!

"I uh...I'm fine." I mumbled and have a weak smile.


Brynn looked me over with a scrutinizing glare of a knowing mother.

"Well...okay maybe...I'm not alright..." Words where stressed as they left my mouth. "Do you think...we can go outside? I...kind of miss the sun...and trees..."

And my family. What I would give to see my sisters right now and Mary. Possibly mom to if she's not mad. And now subconsciously thought about the wolves again as family became the prominent focus in my head. Though I know better than to say all that to her.

Brynn glanced over at Cliff for a moment before focusing back to me. "We would have to ask Cadaver, after all, it was his order to keep you here."

"That was because of my cycle, right? Isn't it over now?"

Brynn answered gingerly while her eyes looked over at Cliff. Cliff shook his head and Brynn sighed. "No it doesn't seem so, but Cliff can still ask..."

Now it was my turn to frown as something didn't settle well in my stomach. Her eyes snapped to the door for a moment before she stood up and brushed herself down.

"But that's after a good wash. Why don't we take care of your hair? There is a pool in the cave system we can use to bathe. The communal pools have opened back up in the surface so no one will really...bother you."

I quirked a brow at the sudden change in direction.

"Now don't give me that look pup. I can finish sewing your new clothes before we leave so you can finally wash those old ones."

She huffed with a smile as I was suddenly pushed to stand and directed to carry a basket of items, learning from last time to bring a towel.

The tunnel we transversed over was long and cold while small drops of water rained down. Our path was illuminated by a faint radioactive green that flooded out from the hallowed out log Cliff carried. My eyes flicked to it curiously as the glow remained ominous. Brynn walked along side her mate as she asked questions about his work and where he would be today. Branch sat on my head rubbing my hair relentlessly as if it where cuddling him back. Though I guess my eyes bore holes into the back of the two adults as their conversation became soft before turning to me.

"Avery, how are you feeling?" Brynn flicked her head back and gave a smile.

"Im feeling better than before," My eyes darted to the radioactive walls. "But what is making that strange light?"

Brynn chuckled in amusement. "We call them soul mushrooms. They glow like that of a beastmens soul when they shapeshift."

I blink curiously at her words. "A beastmens soul?"

"Yes, their soul. Everyone has one," Brynn spoke matter-of-factly. "It's what gives us life and gives males the ability to shapeshift. It is said to be Gaia's gift to us as her children."

Brynn quirked her brow.

"Did you not know that?"

I felt my lips press together into a fine line and avoided looking at her. I could feel the atmosphere shift to pity as the intensity that Brynn looked at me softened. It was in a rare moment of quiet that passed over Brynn as she did not press further.

The cool floor beneath our feet vibrated rhythmic until we reached a humid opening on the side of the wall. A dull glow casted over the walls as steam filled the air. The floor was warm and damp in the widen open space while a large gash between the far wall and roof allowed light to flood in from the outside. In the middle a large bubbling pool sat welcoming me in as light glowed from the bottom of the pool. It's shape wrapped around a large stone in the middle giving a bean-like silhouette.

"Welcome to the pool Avery!" Brynn cheered as she dragged me along. "It's safe here due to it being the off season and because of the bend. Females tend to stay on this side while males are in the more open part of the chamber."

Brynn hummed as she motioned for me to rest the basket I was carrying onto the ground. Cliff did not dare to come around the bend with us while Branch stayed cushioned on my hair. It wasn't long before she pulled Branch from my head and held him in her arms.

"You can relax now, I'll wash Branch while you bathe." Was a she said before she started to strip. I turned away quickly and marched to the basket. I didn't bother moving from the spot until I heard her enter the pool. My hands moved to the small pocket that held the stone while I sighed.

"Avery?" Brynn's voice echoed about.

"C-can you um...not look?" My voice quaked.

"Why? we are both females, it is quite alright." While a chirp sounded off meekly. Branch seemed to call out to me over and over while I sighed.

"Just until I get into the water, please?"

Brynn just tsked as she turned around allowing for some privacy. Quickly my shaking hands stripped my clothes while the salamanders stone was carried with me in a small container that held bathing goods. The pool wasn't deep from where I entered, having almost a seat-like area to rest while the water remained a comforting warmth around my skin. I sighed and leaned against the rock as I rubbed the water over my skin. Brynn turned around before swimming over with Branch skimming the water gracefully.

I lowered my head so the water could coat my greasy hair, rubbing it with the nice smelling salve Brynn brought. Branch squealed in delight and tangled himself into the brown locks that had started to become silky in the water. I giggled and slightly hissed when his claw-like thumb tugged against my hair. I didn't mind it but I couldn't let him get tangled. I picked him up, carefully plucking him from my long locks and resting him on my crown. He fought slightly and when I let go he went to work nesting himself in my hair again.

I rubbed my skin with a rock that came from the container and Brynn did the same. My nerves where on alert as she continued sticking her hand near where the salamander stone rested. As nonchalantly as I could I retrieved my trinket and held it tightly in my palm. We remained in the pool for what felt like hours just soaking and relaxing. Time to time I felt prickles against my neck that alerted my anxiety slightly but settled once I spotted no one near us.

It was relaxing for whatever time we spent in the pool chamber. Shadows danced across the room as the sun moved overhead while the wind whistled above. The salamanders stone danced between my fingers when I thought no one was looking as my mind allowed me to absently float about before my skin was pruned.

We didn't stay long, only about an hour before I got too wrinkly. We both walked back to the chamber in the clothes we brought after drying ourselves with a spare fur. Once we stepped foot into the home did Brynn finish the last touches to her creation before proudly holding it up for me.

"Try this on Avery, it's all finished now." Brynn smiled as she presented the garment tailored to fit me. Slowly my fingers trailed over the fur of the dress. Mellow browns of a fawn's short hair coat where felt against my hand. This dress was a bit more sophisticated as the cream belly hairs lined the inside of the clothes for warmth. I could feel myself relax slightly as my makeshift towel wrapped my hair. I looked around in the chamber. We where back in Brynn's home and the males where no where to be seen. Pulling a bit on the copper clothes I wore I gave a hesitate nod.

After getting Brynn to turn around to let me change I slipped out of and folded Corwins gift. I looked at it for a moment as the salamanders stone remained folded between the two pieces. Tugging the new garment on I couldn't help but be impressed. The fur felt very soft and clean as it had a halter neckline that connected with the square frame of the dress.

"I'm changed."

Brynn's eyes lit up once they landed on me.

"You are changed! My, look at how beautiful you look!" She gushed while circling me and inspecting her work. "You will definitely need someone with you to fend off those brain dead males."

She shook her head at the mention of rouge males.

"D-does that mean I can...go outside?"

My heart fluttered slightly at the mere thought of touching grass. Brynn on the other hand seemed to flinch and have her eyes suddenly find themselves fixed on the far wall.

"Not exactly Avery," she spoke quickly once again though her voice wavered in slight hesitation. "Cliff still has to ask Cadaver and even then you still are in heat..."

Her hand rubbed the back of her head as the other came to soothe her elbow. Her eyes however met mine and soon her demeanor changed in a heartbeat.

"Let us continue decorating. I have flowers from Moss and Brook. Flint had brought more furs as well." She busied herself shoveling through the piles while allowing her thoughts to roam."Cliff should be coming back with clay for us as well! I can't wait to show you what you can do with it."

I hummed in recognition as I allowed my thoughts to wander. It was starting to feel small in this chamber the more time I spent in here even if it was only four days.

But then again, was it? Was it only four days? It's hard to tell down here.

It has felt far longer than that.


Tangék: dumb, idiot

Fact: Bitter oyster mushrooms glow green and can be found in Europe, North America, Australia and Asia. They are non poisonous and have a acidic/bitter taste.

Though they do not glow nearly as brightly as Eden's soul mushrooms :)