Ch 14

Warning foul language.

The void. That's what this place is.

Dark and abysmal cold clinging to my skin as a breath tickled my ear. Unlike the waking word it was quiet. And that is what made it unnerving. I was alone here as I was unable to see anything but the dreadful darkness.

'But why?'

Why was I alone here? What purpose is there in me being here? I am an anomaly in this void, unmeant to be present here. I walked around of course curious to find some type of sound or movement around me. The ground felt mushy and unnatural as the solid latched onto my soles like mud. But I kept on moving, kept searching for some sign of familiarity in this darkness as more and more weight was added on. Questions brimmed at the edge of my lips one after another while I held my mouth closed, afraid of what the dark might answer if I ask a loud. All I was left to do was walk aimlessly while my soles became more weighted while an iron stench filled the air.

'Is this what I am supposed to do? What exactly am I doing? Is there a way back?'

That's when my heart stopped it's rhythmic beating for a moment before drumming on at a quicker tempo.

'Back to what?'

I heard my inner thoughts grumble.

'Do you even remember what you left behind? Weren't you grateful for this escape?'

I hated how it caused my heart to drum and how my brain seemed to hum with every word thought.

"But...I'm alone."

My voice trembled at the revelation as my legs stopped wandering to look back. To my horror the iron smell intensified as the cold breath of death filled the air. Suddenly the void became an entrapping space as walls seemed to form around me. I couldn't breathe as the iron smell choked my breath as panic roared through my veins. I was alone in this darkness and all I had to follow me was the awful smell of iron and rot. Tears escaped me as a chill wrapped around my fingertips and spine.

I woke with a scream as fear clung to the cold sweat covering my body. Dreams like this happen more often as time passes by. The fire in the center of the room flickered as the flutter of the entryway door flipped open in a rush.

"Excuse me-" the voice spurred out quickly before directing their attention to me. "Avery!? Are you okay?"

Moss quickly made his way over to my side, nabbing a bowl of water set on the ground not too far away as worry creased his brows. I took a few deep breaths as I felt a cool rag dab against my forehead. My eyes flicked to my hands, and relief flooded me once I saw there was no red staining them.

"Please drink some water," he gently coaxed the stone bowl to my lips. "Was it another nightmare?" I nodded my head after taking a few sips.

The crackle of the fire began to lull me back to security as Moss scrutinized my resting form and just when my panic started to settle my heartbeat quickened again. There entering into the chamber was none other than Cadaver, the man who brought and trapped me here. His eyes scanned the room before landing on my figure as an unamused frown tugged his lips. I couldn't stop the shaking once it started again as stuttering breaths escaped me. He remained silent as he continued to observe my reaction. Moss had a fixed frown on his face as he heard the older male enter. Moss glanced in my direction before hanging his head in defeat.

"What has you so upset, little Avery?" His words hummed in the air as I tried to find my voice. I tried to met Moss's gaze, signalling the look of 'why the fuck is Cadaver here!?' It was useless as the boys eyes only reflected fear and worry. Standing on shaking legs Moss rose with his head down and in Cadavers direction.

"I'm s-sorry to answer for her sir, but s-she's been suffering from night terrors."

Moss stuttered and tried to straighten his posture and head held higher. He cleared his voice as Cadaver eyed him with a raised brow.

"Is that so?"

Cadaver flicked his eyes over towards my shivering self. I watched as his lips pressed into a thin line as his jaw clenched. His thoughts remained unknown as the chamber was left questioning his next move. His ears twitched cautiously as he flicked his eyes between us one final time

"Very well, I will return to discuss some business the two of us have when you are able," He turned swiftly for the door. Moss kept his head forward as he watched his superior nearly depart from the home only to stop as he raised the flap over his head. "But do remember our deal. You are apart of the colony now, I expect better manners from the female under Brynn's wing."

I blinked as my brain just tried to process his departing figure. Exhaling as I no longer held the breath I didn't know I had saved a twinge of anger shot through me at his words.

'The audacity of this beast!'

Moss sighed as he went back to tending to me. Two of his fingers pressed against the wrinkle I didn't know formed between my brows.

"Don't say anything. It's best to just keep low." His brown eyes watched as I slouches in on myself knowing he was right. Tears prickled at the edges of my eyes as I thought back to the dream. The blood. The rotting smell. The crushing loneliness. I relived it all as Moss stayed by my side. Gently he brushed my hair to the side before a shaking hand whipped away the tears on my face. I was taken back by the coolness of his hands blinking away tears to see the warmth his eyes had as they looked at me.

"I know it's scary," his words were softer than any whisper I've heard before. He swallowed as I focused more on him and subconsciously into his cool touch. "But we will do what we can to make it better here." He swallowed thickly as my eyes trailed over his face as nervousness took his features.

I backed away from his touch, fearing I would forget the warm light I already had in my life. I looked away as guilt consumed me.

"I'm sorry," my voice croaked. "I didn't mean to do that."

I felt his shoulders slump as he backed away. "I...have something for you." He reached over the side of my head and into a small basket. In his hand he held a small stone container, carefully opening the lid to show off the dry herbs inside. "It's tea. My teacher suggested you used them, they have a calming affect. And before you say anything this is a medicine given to you by healer-patient reasons."

My nose wrinkled at the aged smell of the white and yellow flowers. I looked up at him curiously. "Your teacher?"

He nodded with a sheepish smile.

"I'm the apprentice of the colonies healer, Cole." I hummed as he continued. "He took me under his wing, literally and figuratively. I honestly don't know what I would be doing with myself if he didn't."

"Are you going to be a healer too?"

"Trying to. It's a high honor though and not everyone can be one." He closed the container and rubbed his head awkwardly. "We use to have another, Cadavers mother. She was a once in a century genius! My mother studied under her, learning how to make salves, drying herbs, setting bones, gauze, and even used sewing to mend wounds!"

"When she died everyone mourned her and felt so lost without her guidance. It was very fortunate we didn't lose Cole as well in the sickness." 

He trailed off after that, almost forgetting the words he was going to say next. His eyes finally came back to reality from wherever they once where as he stood to heat a pot of water. I followed behind him with a fur slung over my shoulders as curiosity prickled my brain, remaining in the quiet for a short while. He said nothing as we sat staring at the fire and I was left to watch as thoughts seemed to boil in his head. Letting the uncomfortable silence get the best of me I sputtered out the first thought that came to mind.

"You must look up to him a lot, the healer I mean." He hummed as he kept his eyes focused on the pot in front of us. "I wish I had someone like that."

"What do you mean?" He asked with brows furrowed.

"I use to look up to my mom, my father," I grimaced slightly as I unpleasant memories flooded my head. "But I realized later on in life that they weren't the best people to model myself by."

"My mom is...impulsive while my father never really stuck around to parent me." I swallowed thickly, getting uncomfortable with how open I was and how exposed I felt. "He's changed now, slightly, my sister's have it better with them both then I ever did. Can't say I'm not jealous, but I am happy they get to have what I never got. Though I can't say I could ever look up to someone the same way again."

There it was, the lie.

"What do you mean by that?" He blinked away his own termoil to question my own.

I looked away from him. "Have you ever wished for better parents?" I asked bluntly. It was then we finally clicked in understanding.

"I have..." He shyly admitted. "Sometimes still do..."

"I did. I wished for not just that either. I wished to be far away from all of them, my family, all because I felt like they never understood me." I could feel how difficult breathing became and how much noticing it scared me. "But I stopped once I realized how much they needed me and how much I needed them. How much they started to change...and now all I want is to be with them again, but I can't."

I stopped talking at the point as silent tears burned my throat. The fire cracked angerly as Moss pulled the fur over my head as he hummed thoughtfully.

"They abandoned you? Why?"

I glared at him with my eyes blurry with tears. "I... don't know. And I doubt I'll ever know why I'm here. It's scary, you know? I had taken a while opening up to Corwin and Milori after they saved me when I didn't even know how to do anything myself for survival. Then I was torn away from them and brought here, having to do it all over again."

My voice was quaking as I cried again. "Im scared. Is Cadaver going to hurt me? Am I ever going to be aloud outside? Moss-"

I quieted as I eyed how frazzled he looked. "I'm sorry. That's a lot to take in."

I turned away from him to calm myself as he walked off to prepare the tea. Once he returned tears no longer left me as I took a sip of the drink. He fidgeted as he sat away from me slightly.

"I... Out of all the three of us I'm the weakest," he admitted quietly. "I never really was as active like Flint and Brook, my focus was often on observing rather than playful sparring," I listened to his whispered words understand it to some extent. "My father thought there was something wrong with me. I felt like I was wrong, broken even, until Cole saw something in me no one else did. He said I am helpful and I have great potential. Words I never heard from...Cliff. Though he doesn't say much regardless."

Tears weld up in his eyes as he pulled against his hangnails. "I hope you can find someone to fill that hole, I know how empty it feels when it's not," he cleared his throat and rubbed my head in a soothing motion with a shaking hand. "Im not very good at comforting, it's one of the things Cole says I need practice on, but I hope it's working for you. I hope you know...I will help you as you start over again."

I nodded in appreciation, taking another sip of tea. We sat in each others quiet as the sadness lingered in the air, though it was not uas uncomfortable as it once was.

"Thank you, Moss."

"...thank you too."

"And thank me!"

The once heavy atmosphere was cut through with the appearance of the energetic twin.

'Well there goes that moment.'

Moss grumbled to himself as Flint waltzed into the room with a bag flung over his shoulder. Slamming the bag down between the two he gave a cheeky smile.

"I brought you a gift Avery."

Branch came in right behind squeaking obscenities at his older brother stealing the young boys credit.

"Branch says it's his gift too." Moss mumbled and began to separate himself from his energetic brother.

Ignoring Moss, Flint opened the bag to reveal a sack full of slick black stones.

"Tah dah!" Flint proudly presented his hard to collect treasures. "do you like it?"

Avery sat there frozen not believing what her eyes where looking at. Small smooth black stones that looked similar to the salamanders laid abundant inside. Her heart sank in fear as her eyes darted up to Flint in worry.

"What's with all these black stones?"

Flint hummed and right before he could answer Branch cut in with illegible screeches. With a frown the older brother quieted him with a light head smacking.

"Fine. Branch and I saw how much you liked carrying the black rock around so we decided to collect some more for you."

"Lier." Moss sounded out as he left the cave.

"Am not-!" Flint cleared his throat. " you like them?"

Avery remained quiet for what felt like an eternity as to what to do and when she must have had her slip up. Thoughts about who else knew entered her mind sending fear though her at the thought of Cadaver possibly knowing and understanding what her little trinket can do.

"They are lovely...thank you Flint, Branch." It was then an idea sprung to her mind like lightning to a rod. "I can now make pretty jewelry with them!"

"Jewelry?" Flint tilted his head curiously.

Avery nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, it will be my own special surprise for everyone! You'll see what I mean when I'm done. Quickly get some strong for me! I need to get to work as soon as possible."

With not another second to spare Flint left in an enthusiastic rush as happiness spread through his body. Fear permitted itself to spread through her body as she thought of the worst scenarios flooded her mind. She didn't notice the jealous glare that found itself directed at the door.