Aunt Rosie


"dada im hungry" Xenia says rubbing her stomach " agreed" Valeria says, seems like she has gone back to normal " okay, I know a diner not to far away from here, lets go" I say " I didn't take you for a diner type of guy" Valeria says with an arched brow " never judge a book by its cover sweetheart" i say looking at her full of amusement " noted" she says nodding her head.

We exit the Zoo, got in my car and start to head to the diner, a few minutes later we arrive to the diner. all three of us exit the car and head inside. "well well well look who decided to show up" i turn around and see my aunt Rosie and i smile and gave her a hug, aunt Rosie is like a second mother, she and my mother are like sisters, yes she knows that i am the mafia king, heck she is an retired assassin for god sake "aunt Rosie!" Xenia says as she runs to hug her which ends up a leg hug, she scoops Xenia up in her arms placing kisses on her face, when she is done she places Xenia on the floor "and who is this beautiful lady you have here" Aunt Rosie ask looking and Valeria " Aunt Rosie this is Valeria, Xenia's Nanny, Valeria this is Mrs Rosie she is like a second mother to me and she owns this diner" I say looking from Aunt Rosie to Valeria "he its nice to mean you Mrs Rosie" Valeria holds her hand out for Aunt Rosie to take it but Aunt Rosie pulls her into a hug instead and Valeria hugs her back, can she be anymore perfect, I sound pussy whooped and I haven't been in her pussy.....YET.

'please call me Rosie, Mrs makes me feel old" Rosie says with a smile " okay then Mr- I mean Rosie nice to meet you again" Valeria says with a smile and with light red cheeks "the girls and I are hungry, do you have a free table for us" I ask knowing that there is always a free table for me when ever i come here " of course I do follow me this way" Rosie says waving to us to follow her.

we follow her to a free table and have a seat, we take up the menus that are neatly places on the table and look to see what we want, "I have to get back to business, someone will be with you all in a moment to take your order, Valeria feel free to come here anytime darling " Rosie says with a smile " I will" Valeria says with a smile, god dam it that smile. Rosie smiles back at her and tells us good bye before leaving, I pull out my phone I have to text carols to check if anything is locked on Valeria's background check.


LORENZO- Hey brother was there anything locked on Valeria's background check, that didn't seem right?

CARLOS- what do you mean brother, when I looked at her background check it was clean, why do you think something is up?

LORENZO- yes in a way, we went to the Zoo before, the one owned my the Russian Mafia, and the tour guide was explain the history about it and Valeria froze when she mentioned it.

CARLOS- Oh shit you think she is involved with them or was?

LORENZO- I don't know but someone wouldn't react the way she did if she wasn't, lets just hope that she is on the run because if so we might be able to help her, but can you get your guys to look into it please?

CARLOS- sure brother ill get on it and get back to you


"she seems nice" Valeria says as i put my phone away "she is" I say, I was about to ask her if she knows about the Russian mafia but the waitress comes up to our table "hello what can i get you guys this-evening?" i look at Valeria letting her know that she can order first " hi can i have a steak sandwich with chilli fries please" she says " i will have the same thing as her with a hot dog as well along with some ships for my daughter" i say, i didn't expect for Valeria to order that, i thought she would have gotten a salad or something shit but i was wrong, the waitress scribbles down our orders " will that be all for you guys" the waitress asks, i shake my head no and look at Valeria " can you add a cheese cake to my order please" Val asked the waitress nods and starts writing it down"your food with be with you shortly" she says before walking away to put in our orders.

i turn to Valeria "what im hungry" she says with a smirk " nothing, i totally understand" i say trying not to laugh at her "what did you expect me to order a salad, ha no thanks you go big or go home" she says starting to giggle (where did this women come from?) "agreed" i say , after waiting fifteen minutes our food arrived "smells good" Val says licking her lips "taste even better" i say and with that we all dig into our food, well accept for me i am watching Valeria as she takes a bite of her sandwich "Mmmm" she moans i can feel myself hardening in my pants is she trying to kill me "please don't make that noise" i ask trying to be plight "why not it taste amazing" she say with a smile "i know bu-" i look to my side and see that Xenia is listening to our conversation "nothing never mind" i say, she smirks at me and goes back to eating her food.

she is really playing with fire, i find anything else to think about to get my ragging hard on to go down even though it is incredibly hard when she is eating in front of me. im getting hard by watching her eat, i really need to get some pussy. my hard on finally goes down and i dig into my food as well. after we are finished eating i pay for our meals, yes all of our meals of course Valeria wanted to pay for her own food but i didn't allow her to.

we are now in the car and i'm heading to Valeria's apartment, Xenia is out like a light in the back seat, someones had a long day. A few minutes later we arrive to Valeria's apartment building "thanks for today, i had a really nice time" she says as she gets out of the car and leans over the window "no problem i did too and its been awhile" she leans in more and kissed me on the cheek "good night Mr Hernandez" she says with a smile closing the car door "god night Ms Garcia" i say, i watch her leave my side of the car and walk into her building. after i know she is inside safely i start the car and head home.