
Valeria's POV

I do my normal morning routine, eating breakfast with Victoria, shower the getting dressed for another day and head off to work. here's hoping that I don't run into anyone I know on my way to work or im Fucked. im already fucked as it is, I shouldn't have even gone to the Zoo with Lorenzo or Xenia yesterday, I put them in danger, not only that but if Gavin finds out I was at his Zoo, i better prey that he doesn't make an appearance or pop up somewhere. I really cant deal with him chasing me down like a dog. I wish my life was different, I wish my father wasn't dead or that he owes money to Gavin, my life would be so much easier. I arrive at Lorenzo's house, yet still stunned at how beautiful the house is. im about to knock on the door just as it gets opened by someone I have never seen before, shit I hope Gavin didn't send him. " good morning beautiful" the guy says standing in the door way looking at me from head to toe, he creeps me out "umm...Good morning" I say back looking at my hands like there is something interesting on them, I hate this "I am Carlos, the hotter brother " Carlos says with a smirk.

I totally disagree, i mean he is handsome but Lorenzo is the only one that has the ability to make me weak at the knees and gives me butterflies in my tummy. I extend my had out for him to take it, he accepts and places a kiss on my hand, well I can definitely say Gavin didn't send him. "hi im Valeria " i say with a smile "its ni-" Carlos got gut off by the only person i have the hots for "Leave.Her.Alone." Lorenzo growls, and my panties are now soaked. see what I mean only he has the power to do this to me, even when he sounds serious and stern, its kinda hot though im not gonna lie. I need to see a doctor, I think im losing my mind or I need to get at good Dicken. I look pasted Carlos and mine and Lorenzo's eyes lock.......

"dude relax, im just introducing myself" carols says with a smile "shut up and let her in will you" Lorenzo says, he sounds pissed, I hope nothing has happened, Carlos rolls his eyes and steps aside allowing me to get inside. I enter and see Xenia is already dressed "Good morning sweetie" I say getting down to her level "good morning Val" she says back with a sweet smile, got this girl is so cute. "im leaving now, I have an important meeting I need to attend" Lorenzo says heading to the door "okay bye, ill see you later" I say looking at him them back to Xenia "good bye beautiful, try not to miss me to much" Carlos says as he winks at me, Lorenzo growls at him and its louder then the first time. So Fucking Hot( Valeria get your head out of the god dam gutter, jesus women!) "Shut up and lets go....NOW!" Lorenzo says walking out the door and into his car, "okay jeese" Carlos says rolling his eyes and closing the door behind him. I turn to Xenia "what are we going to do today" I ask, I want to see what this sweet girl likes to do, it might help me get to know her and for her to open up a little. "can you colour with me please?" she asks with her puppy dog eyes, I don't this Xenia is used to having someone to do anything with, I wonder where her mother is. I hate seeing a child go with out a mother or any family at all, I know how it feels to be left all alone I got pulled out of my head with Xenia pulled on my hand," sure lets go" I say as I scoop her up in my arms, placing a kiss on her cheek and I headed to the play room. that's right they have a play room, with every toy you can think of but it doesn't matter if there is no one to play with you.

when we arrive i place Xenia down, she runs over to her table and looks at me with a smile and i smile back at her and walk over to the table and take a seat. "here you go" she says handing me blank paper and colouring pencils and some crayons "thank you" i say as we both being colouring and drawing, Half an hour later and we both are done with our art work. i have being doing art work since i was in diapers basically and i guess it just became something i am really got at, and it got me though my childhood , :yours looks really pretty Val" Xenia says looking at my art work with a sparkles in her eyes " so does yours sweetie, tell you what, how about you keep it for me" i say sliding the paper to her "really?" she asked jumping up and down with a massive smile on her face "yeah" i say happy since it made her happy, she jumps into my arms wrapping her tiny arms around my neck, i hug her back with a smile on my face "how about we stick this up on your room,then we head downstairs and find us something to eat" i say getting up and walking to her room "yes please Val" she says hugging me tighter.

we get to her room and found the perfect spot for the picture and started to head down to the kitchen, i decided to make spaghetti and meatballs for lunch with garlic bread and some home made lemon and strawberry lemonade. i place Xenia at the kitchen bench and start preparing lunch, about thirty minutes later im done with everything and Xenia is helping me clean up the mess i made, i hope Lorenzo doesn't some home at any point soon because the kitchen is a mess and the maids keep telling me they can clean but i refuse to let them help. how can anyone live with so many maids, like god i get that the house is big and all but having 10 maids all working at once is kinda over kill if i say so myself. i finally have everything finished thanks to my sweet little helper, im just about to dish when my phone goes off. it can wait i have a little one to feed, it is probably Victoria complaining about her boss again, i dish up a plate for Xenia and myself and we begin to eat "this taste so good Val" Xenia says with a mouth full of food "thank you sweetie, im glad you like it" i say with a chuckle . we are eating in peace and yet my phone keeps going of , Victoria knows im working so what is so important that she has to keep messaging me. i get up from my set and head to my bag to grab my phone, to fine that i have 5 new messages from an unknown number, Shit , shit , shit please don't be who i think it is.


UNKNOWN: Hola Valeria mucho tiempo sin verte, me has entreado ( hello Valeria long time no see, have you missed me)

UNKNOWN: hola soy you Gavin, tu esposo, que dejaste atras ( hello its me Gavin,your husband you left behind"

UNKNOWN: contesta tu telefono maldita sea ( answer your phone god dam it)

UNKNOWN: realmente crees que no sabria que fuiste a MI zoologico ayer? y con un chico y una nina ( do you really think that i wouldn't know you went to MY zoo yesterday. and with a guy and a little girl)

UNKNOWN: Perra, es mejor que contestes tu telefono o que te ayuden, mi cara sera lo ultimo que veas ( bitch you better answer this phone or so help you, my face will be the last thing you see)

Well fuck im in deep shit, i need to fix this shit or run, but i cant run i have this job, FUCK. maybe Lorenzo can help, but thin he will ask all these questions and i don't think that he would want me around i mean i am the wife of the Russian mafia after all, well ex wife im just waiting for my lawyers to get the paperwork finished. i hope that is soon .

i head back to the table to see the Xenia is slowly falling asleep , i pick her up and carry her to her room and tuck her in so she can be more comfortable and not in a bowl full of pasta, i place a kiss on her forehead and head down stairs to clean up the mess which took my 10 minute to do since it was almost down, the maids started but took off when they saw me, i head into the living room with my phone and bag.


Lorenzo's POV

im driving in my car on my way to a business meeting with the one person i don't want to see Fucking Gavin Garcia, which come to think of it Valeria's last name is Garcia of Fuck please don't be right please. "so Valeria" carols says snapping me out of my head "shut up" i bit back i need to sit and talk to Valeria at some point to find out, i know Carlos is looking at me with a smirk on his face and he is going to say something to get under my skin so i am just going to keep my eye on the road, but i do need to check with him about Valeria " did you do what i asked" i ask still looking at the road "yes i did and to be honest i didn't really find much other then one think" he says looking out the window "spit it out will you" i say getting annoyed at him " we might have a problem with out meeting since it her Husband" he says still looking out the window "FUCK" i say slamming my foot on the breaks " cancel the meeting we are going home i think i need to have a chat to my Nanny" i say slamming the breaks and turning around, its 11am ill be home in an hour, why didn't Carlos see this the first time. Gavin has been trying to get into my Mafia from day one, and if Valeria is apart of this, well it isn't going to end well for her or we could use her to our advantage.