Lorenzo's POV

I arrive home to Valeria in the living room with her phone in her hands and tears in her eyes, oh fuck what heppend, i don't see xenia, shit did something happen to her "where's xenia" I ask looking around "jeause Lorenzo, don't do that" she says holding her heart and wiping her tears away "sorry" i say walking closer to her, I notice het phone keeps lighting up with an unknown number but she turns her phone off, is something going on with her "she is upstairs asleep, she almost fall asleep while eating lunch, there is also leftovers there as well" she says walking over to the kitchen "I didn't expect you back so soon, everything okay" she asked looking at me with tear filled eyes, I look at Carlos who was also looking at me, "we need to have a chat Valeria" I say walking to the living room and she follows "okay, is everything okay, did I do something wrong" she says with hurt in her voice " no we just need to ask you something, do you know a Gavin Garcia" I ask looking at her, her whole body starts to shake, "y-yes, w-why" she says looking at me with more tears in her eyes " can you tell me how you know him" I ask getting closer to her but she flinches away like I was going to hurt her.....OH FUCK

"he is to b-be m-my soon to be ex husband?" she says trying to make herself smaller in the seat "its fine, but you do know who he is right" I ask looking at her, and there see it fear flash though her eyes "y-yes, he is the Russian Mafia b-boss, and I know a-about you b-but not f-from h-him, I-i haven't seen h-him in 2 years" she says while trying not to cry "can I see your phone please" I ask just wanting to see if it was true "yes" she says handing me her phone, I turn it on and see that there were messages from an unknown number and I went though all her other contacts, she only has mine and some Victoria's on her phone. I open up her call list and there isn't any calls other then mine "can I open the unknow messages" I ask looking at her and she just nods her head, Carlos on the other hand seems pissed off to the max, by they way she looks it seems the Gavin has hurt her in more ways then one but how.

I open the messages and it seems to only have been all sent today at 11am now my meeting with Gavin was meant to be at 12 and knowing him, he will be at my cub tonight.


UNKNOWN: Hola Valeria mucho tiempo sin verte, me has entreado ( hello Valeria long time no see, have you missed me)

UNKNOWN: hola soy you Gavin, tu esposo, que dejaste atras ( hello its me Gavin, your husband you left behind)

UNKNOWN: contesta tu telefono maldita sea ( answer your phone god dam it)

UNKNOWN: realmente crees que no sabria que fuiste a MI zoologico ayer? y con un chico y una nina ( do you really think that I wouldn't know you went to MY zoo yesterday. and with a guy and a little girl)

UNKNOWN:perra, es mejor que contestes tu telefono o que te ayuden, mi cara sera lo ultimo que veas ( bitch you better answer this phone or so help you, my face will be the last thing you see)

After reading the message a new one pops up, but im still pissed that he knows that she was at the zoo yesterday with me and Xenia,

UNKNOWN: perra, no me hagas lastimarty y deja que todos los demas se salgan con la tuya, como en viejos tiempos ( bitch dont make me hurt you and let all the other guys have their way with you, like old times)

Now im pissed, really fucking pissed, how can you be married to someone like that but then Gavin always has girls around him so we never knew he is married, the is probably way he wanted to met, so we could help him find her, well he fucked up there Valeria is mine in a good way, I hand her phone back to her wit a smile, " you can have the rest of the day off" I say looking at the tear filled beauty sitting next to me "really" she says in shock, was she expecting me you yell and scream at her "yes go home and rest , ill see you bright and early Monday morning" I say getting up and walking her to the door "thank you and see you then" she says walking out the door with a small smile Fuck me that smile gets me every time "ahem, ill be in the kitchen" Carlos says looking at me with an evil grin, shit he is going to give me hell for this.

I close the door behind her after making sure she got in the taxi safely , i head up into Xenia's room and message my parents to see if they can come over to watch Xenia because it seems that i have some business to take care of tonight, they agreed and said that they will be here shortly "brother i hate to say this but i think you have a thing for your nanny" Carlos says just pointing out the obvious as he normally does anyway "she makes me feel things I didn't know I can feel, and i want to make sure she is same from Gavin, we both know what he is like with his girls and where they all end up" i say looking at him and he just nods.

"not even with you know who" i say looking at him, he knows all to well who I am talking about "maybe its love" he says with a smirk, is he really trying to pissed me off, I mean i am already pissed enough as it is "no" i say coldly "tskk,sure brother" she says giving me a side ways look, just as I was going to reply the door bell rings and I go to open it and Carlos follows me. "hello my babies" my mother says walking in the door just as i open it "hey mum and pops "I say as i get pulled into a hug from mum "hi mama and dad" Carlos says walking over to give mum a hug as well. we go and greet our father who kisses us on our foreheads as well, even though my father was the Mafia king , family matters more than anything to him, he is the best father i could have asked for growing up as a kid.

"where is my little butterfly" my pop ask looking around the house "she is taking a nap, we are going yo head out now, you guys need anything just call okay" I ask walking over to them ans the door "we know. you boys get going" mum says walking to the door and we kiss her goodbye and get into my car and hit to my club, lets hope Gavin isn't there tonight.