Endless Nights & Endless Fights Part Two

Valeria's pov

I arrive at the apartment and head inside, to find Victoria sitting in the living room eating popcorn and watching ' Being Human' on Netflix "hunni I'm home!" I say as I walk in the door, she looks up at me and smiles " well your home early" she says going back to her tv show and popcorn "yeah Lorenzo came home early and gave me the rest of the day off" I say talking off my shoes and placing my bag and keys on the Kitchen bench.

"That's awesome, now you can finally go clubbing" she says jumping up on the couch. On no no no no she didn't just say clubbing "i do no-" " yes you are coming with me to show that fine piece of are you have" she says cutting me off, dam this women knows how to shut me off "bu-" "no buts Val, it's Friday for Fuck sake, we haven't been able to enjoy ourselves ever since you got your new job and my crazy shifts, pleasseeeee for me" she says cutting me of yet again and looks at me with a pout and those god dam puppy dog eyes, (Don't look, Dont give in, Fuck this woman is going to be the death of me)

"Ughhhh...FINE" I say and just like that her facial expression changes to overly excited "YES!!!" She says with a giggle " now carry they fine ass you have to your room and go get filled up" she says pointing her finger at me then to my room, dam girl "yes ma'am" i say with a giggle, she snakes my ass and we both head to our rooms to get ready for a night of FUN.... I hope..

I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth, once done i pick out an outfit and slip it one, I look at myself in the mirror.

"This will do" I say turning around and grab my purse and head into the living room, and see Victoria dressed and waiting for me.

"DAMN baby all that for mee" I say as she turns and looks at me and smiles " I dont know baby, did you do all that for me" she says and I give her a little twirl "you like" I ask, " yes babe you look hot as Fúck) she says looking at my ass " you too babe, lets go" I say as we walk out the door and lock up the apartment and head downstairs into the lobby, Victoria ordered a Uber driver while I was getting ready, and now be didn't have to wait for a long time to get to the club. We got into the Uber and head to the club, I'm hoping that Gavin isn't there or anyone I know is there since the messages today I've been on edge and then having Lorenzo ask all those questions put me in shock. HOW THE HELL DOES LORENZO KNOW GAVIN, I'm fucked if Gavin finds me again.

The uber driver snaps me out of my thoughts once we stop out the front of the club,

I get out of the car and head to wait in line, which is long ass, I've been standing g her with tori for a god 10 minutes and I'm getting aggravated and Victoria is getting annoyed " a la mierda esta (FÚCK this)" Victoria says leaving the line and going to the front " a donde vas (where are you going?) I ask yet she completely ignores me and walks up to the bouncer and begins whispering in his ear, she looks up at him though her eyelashes. He smirked at her and opens up the door for her, she runs back to me and drags me along with her back to the entrance " thank you handsome" she says winking at him " no problem beautiful" the bouncer says winking back at her as we head in, some people are getting upset the we got in and they didn't. Tori and I look at each other and laugh because frankly we don't care.

"What did you tell him" I ask, wondering what she is making the guy want but will never get " to meet me in the back of the club later and I'll give him what he wants" she says with a smile " oh my god that poor guy, you and I both known that guy isn't getting anything" I say while I look at her with my brow arched " this is why I love you so much, you know me so well " she says with a smile and taps my ass. We both look up and finally get a good look at the place....WOW

" Esta noche va aser divertida" (tonight is going to be fun) she says walking to the bar

"Si lo es" ( yes it is) I say as we get to the bar and try to work out what we want to drink

"Good evening ladies what can I get you this evening?" the bartender says as he walked up to us behind the bar, I look at tori knowing full well that she is going to want "BODY SHOTS" tori screams, I look at the bartender and giggle, thanking back to college parties. The bartender smiles at us and starts preparing our shots "here you go" he says while handing us the shots along with a slice of lime and some salt, we both pay for our drinks. Victoria and I go to look for a table that is not taken. when we eventually find a table Victoria lays on the table, I look at her with a smirk "you still remember how we did this in college" she asks with a giggle " "how can I forget" I say as I place the lime in her mouth and begin to put the ingredients onto her stomach. I place shot glass between her breast and I also place some salt on the side of her neck. A few people began to crowd around us but we don't mind, we enjoy the attention, I look up at her with a smile " are you ready" I say with a smirk she just nods because of the lime in her mouth. I go down onto her stomach, I lick my way up her stomach picking up the salt that I spread across her stomach, when I reach Victoria's breast I pick up the shot glass between my lips and chock it down, god I hate vodka, why didn't the bartender do tequila that's what they are meant to do for body shots. I come up to her neck and bring my lips to hers taking the sour out of her mouth, when im done the crowed immediately starts cheering. I didn't even know more people stopped what they were doing to watch us, we both get a few cat calls. we look at each other and laugh "you still got it best friend" she says picking up the rest of the vodka and shooting in down "I know I do" I say with a smile "lets dance" she says rubbing her arms along my body "lead the way" I say as she grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor just as the music starts again but with ( The take by Chris brown/ tory lanez) I give Victoria a knowing look

I wanna put you in seven positions for seventy minutes, you'll get it babe

You got a lot on your mind, and I want to ease it up and lick it and slip it in

You do a light scream on the ice cream when I scoop it and dip it in

Unzipping her tight jeans, and the feminine hygiene is magnificent Tryna show you girl, I'm different

I get to licking and sticking and licking and sticking

Until the pussy get too wet and it's dripping and

Splitting both them legs like dividends

If it ends up how I want then you'll end up sitting all over my bottom lip baby

The feeling of fucking you, feelings all up in you, make it hard for you to bottle 'em baby

This dick is too big just to swallow it babyBut still you do it like it's Thanksgiving and you gobbin', gobblin', gobblin', gobblin', baby

Like what's a goon to a goblin baby

That pussy hotter than the summer, June in metropolis baby, no hiding it baby

She know what it is when I come around, let me take you down

I give her a wink and she slowly walks to me with a smile on her face and places a hand on my shoulder, she slowly moves her body down my leg earning a few more cheer from the crowd

It ain't my first time, but baby girl, let's get it in yeah

Bump and grind, already know

I wanna take you down again, yeah

Hit that rewind button, ohh

Let me take you down, really wanna take you down, you down, you down

Take you down right now

You know I know how, oh whooaa

Come put the shit all on top of me baby

I'm the one that feel it, so they copy me baby

Got it copy-written, that's my property baby

And the way that she whip it is driving me crazy

Think I been hitting the lottery baby

Buy you a Wraith, I'm a give you my safe

Put you in apartments, you parking in places

Yeah, this the real like Monopoly, baby

We got all night to get it right babe

So let me play

We got our whole damn life baby

So here we are, all alone in this room

Girl you know what I came to do

Know you got me on your radio playing old school CB

It's just me and you

when she comes back up we begin to grind ourselves on each other and the crowd goes wild. we laugh and keep dancing, I missed a step and accidentally bump into someone, I turn around to apologise to the person "shit im sorry" I say " you can bump into me anytime you want beautiful" I don't know if its just me but I get a weird vibe from this guy, its like i know him. i turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist and tightly holds onto it "let me go" I say with a stern voice "her asshole she said to let her go! do you understand English" Victoria says getting pissed off, yet he still hasn't let me go "mmm another one" he says with a disgusting smirk and looks at me and tori like a meal. I want to puke this guy is disgusting " I do understand English sweetheart and Spanish as well" he says still smirking and holding onto my wrist "Esta es la ultima vez que ta preguntare ( this is the last time i will ask you )" I say getting pissed off "dejar yo vamos ( LET ME GO)" i say getting really pissed off

" bueni,dno eres una cosit a luschhadora- ( well aren't you a feisty little thing)" he says, I am really losing my patience with this guy "let me buy you a drink" he says still holding on to my hand " sorry asshole she is with me" tori says getting pissed off "can you please shut the fuck up" he says getting pissed off and did he just tell my best friend to shut up, he turns his head back to me with a smirk that irritates me , with my free hand i punch him square in the nose, breaking it. i took up a few self defence classes plus i had help from my uncle who trained me, so did tori we did everything together. im a little rusty but i still do some damage... i think "ohh you fucking slut" he screams just then tori knocks him in his eye "boy shut your bitch ass up" she says, he lunges for her, but then out of no where Carlos appears in front of her "move" he says pissed off the i hear his voice and I immediately get wet all over again "get out of my club NOW" Lorenzo says, shit he seems pissed off to the max, the whole club goes silent, there isn't any music playing at this point , everybody is in the club jumps accept for Lorenzo and Carlos "not with out her" the creep says as he points at me, i feel Lorenzo going stiff beside me "Que tal si te vas a la mierda- how about you go fuck yourself" i say getting pissed off even more, could this creep get lost for once, and why does he seem familiar, i know he doesn't work for Lorenzo because I've never seen him before "why would i do that when you can do it for me" the creep says and Lorenzo lunges forward and knocks him out cold, tori and i are staring at him and then each other and then the asshole knocked out on the club floor with out mouth hanging open.

"get him out of my club now!" Lorenzo orders, a bouncer comes in and drags him out of the club, Lorenzo walks up to me "are you okay" he asks grabbing my hand "yeah im fine" i say looking away from him "are you sure, you got him pretty good in the nose" he says rubbing my hand making me blush like a beetroot "yes im a big girl, i can handle myself" I say pulling my hand away from him " I can see that...how come you never told me you speak spanish" he asked looking at me "no preguntastc- you never asked" i say with a smirk "cirerto- true" he says "how come you never told me you speak spanish" i say looking at him though my eyelashes " you never ask" she say getting closer to me , he is using my words against me but I cant help but smile "touche" i say looking at him "you know I saw that performance you and your friend put on" she says with a smirk "really which one?" I ask feeling my cheeks flush "both of them" he says with a smirk shit !! he steps closer to me and leans down to my ear " you made me so hard that I couldn't think straight ...I want you" he says which makes my panties wet even more FUCK!!!! " Take me Mr Hernandez " I say looking up at him with an innocent smile, he growls and picks me up throwing me over his shoulder and smacks my ass.