!Hot Steam!

Valeria's pov

I giggle and look up at Victoria, she wiggles her eyebrows at me and goes back to chatting with Carlos. I think they like each other. we are now outside and I feel a cool breeze hit my body which makes me shiver enough for Lorenzo to notice as he places me down next to his car "where are we going" I ask opening the car door and getting in " home" he says short and sweet while getting into the car and speeds out of the car park off to his house like a mad man "slow down you are going to get us killed" I say gripping the seat tight " I can't, do you know how long I waited to hear those words come out of you sweet mouth" he says speeding up. within 10 minutes we arrive at his house and I couldn't even get out of the car before he flings the door open and picks me up and puts me over his shoulder "someone is in a hurry" I say looking at his ass, dam it looks good "you have no idea" he says as we get up the stairs. we stop in front of a door, he opens it and I lift my head up to see that we are in a bedroom, I'm guessing his.

It looks comfy, he flings me on the bed and strips himself until he is only in his underwear, I bite my bottom lip while I take in the view of him "enjoying the view princess" he says as he comes to the bed and takes off my heals before I know it he is in bed and smashing his lips onto mine and we are having a heated kiss, he starts trailing kisses along my neck "Mmm" I moan not being able to control my actions, he growls and rips off my dress "hey I liked that dress" I saw with surprise, dam its a massive turn on having him rip my cloths off like that but I wish I didn't wear my most expensive dress " ill buy you a new one" he says as he takes off my bra and throws it, he takes in the view of my breast now his eyes are pure black with list in them as well "Hermosa- beautiful" he says and with in no time his mouth latched onto my nipples while he massages the other between his fingers while he does the same with to my other breast but with his teeth "Mmm...that feels so good" I whisper Lorenzo places soft kisses on my stomach all the way down to my navel. when he reaches my panties he rips them off too (Come on really again). I sat up on my elbows and looked down ay him, he looks at me with that stupidly handsome smirk on his face and I instantly become wetter. he places what my feet either side of his shoulders "what is it with you and ripping my -" I couldn't even finish my statement, Lorenzo started to slowly run his tongue along my folds, I fall back on the bed and moan that earns a growl from him which sends shivers and sends vibrations up my body " you taste better than I imagined princess" he says lapping up my juices.

He puts a finger in me and my body reacts by arching my back up off the bed to meet his movements, there is so much pleasure surging through my body to the point I can feel in coursing through my veins and it feels pretty damn good. Not once in my life did I ever feel this good with anyone, but with Lorenzo he makes my body react in ways that it never has, and no I'm not a virgin, it just feels so dam good and it has been a while since I have had sex. Lorenzo snaps me out of my thoughts by adding another finger and begins to move them at a rapid pace "oh fuck me!" I say gripping the bed-sheets "I will but you need to be patient" he says picking up the pace with his fingers, curving them inside of me, hitting all the right spots "Ahhh...Fuck...I'm going to cum" I scream out. when he hears those words he removes his fingers and replacing them with his mouth and tongue. He starts fucking me with his tongue and I feel my abdomen starting to clench. I grip his hair tin my hands trying to hold off my orgasm "let it go princess" he says as my eyes roll in the back of my head, my legs began to shake, and just like that I let myself go and cum into his mouth, he sucks me clean and comes back up to me crashing his lips on mine letting me taste myself "do you like that taste of yourself princess" he says breaking the kiss and looking deep into my eyes "yes" I say breathlessly as I flip us over so that I am straddling him in bed.

I place soft kisses on his neck, moving down his body to he breathtaking eight pack, I run my tongue along with his nipples all the way down his stomach and stop just above his waistband, I look up at him with a smirk "up" I way with a grin, he lifts up off the bed a little so I can slide the briefs down and take them off. once they were finally off his very big member is out and springs to attention, I lick my lips at the sight of how big he is and it seems to catch his attention, he grunts at me like an animal in heat "you don't have to" he says looking at me with eyes full of lust " I want to " I reply back looking at him through my eyelashes. I run my tongue along his cock and place a soft kiss at the head, he jerks up off the bed a little "princess now is not the time to tease me" he growls at me "are you sure coz I'm liking every bit of it" I say eyeing his cock "yes I'm su-" not giving him time to finish his response I take him into my mouth and massage his balls in my hand, he growls and wraps my hair around his hand as I begin to speed up " just like that princess" he moans out, I run my tongue along his cock and suck the tip, Lorenzo's grip tightens on my hair but not tight enough to hurt me.

He begins moving his hips off the bed to match my pace, he begins to fuck my mouth faster so I know he is close "mmm...fuck..I'm almost there princess" he groans out, hearing him say that makes me suck his cock faster, I feel his balls clenching in my hand, I push his cock into the back of my throat, when he is done emptying his load in my mouth I suck the access cum off his cock and wipe my lips to remove the access cum left from my mouth. Lorenzo looks at me with wide eyes when he realizes I was sucking my fingers clean of the cum that came from my mouth. with a moan he quickly stands up and gets a condom out of his nightstand and slips it on, Lorenzo walks back and pulls me by my legs to the end of the bed and opens them wider "ready princess" Lorenzo says eyeing me "Mhmm" I moan out not being able to form words "words" he says pulling me closer to him "yes" I mumble. He growls again before ramming his cock inside of me "ahhh!" I moan out in surprise "are you okay" he asks looking at me not moving "yes! move please" I say breathlessly, he smirks at my reaction and begins to move slowly, i can tell he is holding back on me "faster" I moan out breathlessly.that was all he needed to hear before he started to go faster, I wrapped my legs around his waist allowing him to go deeper "your so tight baby...FUCK!" he moans out while going deeper and faster which made me arch my back "OH....MY....OH" I moan out.

He wraps his free hand around my throat and starts fucking me faster and harder, enjoying the sensation while digging my nails into his back which he doesn't seem to mind "FUCK" he moans out, at this point, the bed board is hitting the wall and all you can hear is me moaning uncontrollably and Lorenzo grunting and sweating non-stop, our body's slapping against each other "im....gonna..t..to...cum" I moan out loud while he is hitting my G-spot over and over again "fuck..me...fuck..me" he moaned as he slams into me hard making my eyes roll back, once again my walls tighten around his cock and I cum hard, he keeps pounding into me until he gets his release which is like five minutes after I do. once finished he pulls out and pulls off the condom and discards it into the trash can on the side of his bed and falls back on my chest still trying to our breath they lay there for a little bit, I run my hands through his hair "that was amazing" I say breathlessly " yes it was" he says back still out of breath as well. once we can both breath properly Lorenzo moves me under the covers and we both fall asleep with Lorenzo spooning me comfortably.