Carlos POV

I and my bother were sitting in the VIP section of the club when I see Valeria and another women walk in. I didn't peg the babysitter to be a girl into nightclubs let alone my brother's club, I look at the girl next to Valeria my heart stopped and my mouth went dry, What the FUCK is happening to me. I look over at my brother who has a club whore grinding on his lap which he doesn't seem to be interested in at the moment, he seems to be lost in thought. "who is the woman with your Nanny" I asked him while watching the girl move with Valeria, Lorenzo immediately pushed the club whore off his lab and looked at the entrance of the club where Valeria and the mysterious woman, who I have the need to be around and to get to know yet know women can make my heart stop as she did and all she had to do was walk into a room, don't ask me why because I don't even know myself. "I don't know, maybe a friend, why do you ask brother," Lorenzo says without moving his eyes away from Valeria "no reason," I say watching the woman move with Valeria "okay whatever you say," he says looking at the Nanny, "says the one who has a thing for his daughter's nanny," I say looking at him just wondering what is going on in his head, he looks at me and flips me off but doesn't deny what I said which makes me chuckle.

we both turn out gaze back to them, one minute they are ordering drinks at the bar, then the next minute Valeria is doing body shots with the woman, then dancing and grinding on each other. now I have a raging hard-on "FUCK" I say looking at the woman "you can say that again" he says but I look at him to see why he stopped talking I know he was going to say something else but he is looking at something and he tensed up. I follow his gaze and it is on Valeria and her friend when I see one of Gavin Garcia goons Aaron talking to them, I tense up as well, "great" I say with sarcasm in my voice and look back at the girls. Aaron has Valeria by her wrist but she is putting up a fight, so is her friend, which makes me smile. I like her already.....wait what? I was interrupted out of my thoughts when Lorenzo shoots up out of his seat "fuck that" I say as we make our way over to the girls.

We see Valeria punches him in the nose and her friend punches him in the eye, can she be any hotter, I see the is ready to lunge at her and I arrive just in time, Aaron looks shocked to see me in Lorenzo's club, what the fuck did he expect I am his brother and co-owner of the club dumb ass "MOVE" he says and I just stand there glaring down at him. I'm about 3 inches taller than him, Lorenzo got pissed about what he said about wanting Valeria and knocked him out cold and called for someone to get him out of the club and turns his attention to Valeria and I turn my attention to her friend and our eyes locked, I could get lost in those green orbs forever. "are you okay?" I ask her "yeah I'm fine, thanks for defending me even though I could've done it myself," she says with a smile....and that's when I know that I am a gonner....this woman, will be my everything. I know I sound stupid but I can't help it "I believe you, I saw what you and Valeria did to him, I gotta say I'm pretty impressed," I say with a smile still looking in her beautiful eyes "yeah Valeria and I did a few defence classes when we were younger, he deserved it though, he's an do you know Valeria?" she asks me with an arched brow. FUCK me she is hot.

"well she is the nanny for my niece so of course I know her," I say with a smile, she looks shocked I think she just clicked who I am and not many people so because I say in the background a lot in Lorenzo's business "oh..ohhh," she says with a shocked smile, yep she just clicked "yeah I'm Carlos Hernandez," I say with a smile and a small chuckle "Victoria Gonzales," she says extending her hand out, I take it and place a small kiss on her wrist. when my lips touch her skin I feel a jolt of electricity run through my veins...WHAT THE FUCK!!!! she shivers and i smirk at myself at least I have some kind of effect on her.

"beautiful name for a beautiful woman," I say which makes her blush, god she is even hotter when she blushes. I am starting to sound like a pussy-whipped fool "thank you, you're not so bad yourself" she says with a sexy smirk. just then Valeria is thrown over Lorenzo's shoulder and Victoria shares a look with her then turns back to me "dance with me" she says "I don't kn-" she doesn't allow me to finish my sentence before she grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor. is it wired that I found that hot as fuck? we arrive at that dance floor and Birthday sex by Jeremiah begins to play. she lets my hand go and turns yo face me with a sexy ass smirk on her face... its official this woman is going to be the death of me.

It's yo birthday, so I know you want to ride out

Even if we only go to my house

Sip mo-Weezy as we sit upon my couch

Feels good, but I know you want to cry out

You say want passion, I think you found it

Get ready for action, don't be astounded

We switching positions, you feel so rounded

Tell me where you want your gift, girl

she places her tiny hands on my abs and slowly goes down my body and flips her hair and looks at me. now I have a painful hard-on, she comes back up just as slowly as she went down but this time her breast graze my very hard member.

Girl, you know I-I-I, Girl you know I-I-I

I been feenin,

Wake up in the late-night

Been dreaming bout your loving, girl

Girl, you know I-I-I, Girl you know I-I-I

Don't need candles and cake

Just need your body to make...

Birthday sex... Birthday sex

Birthday sex... Birthday sex

I spin her around and now her back is on me and her ass is pressing against my cock. IS THIS WOMAN TRYING TO KILL ME!!? she places my hand on her waist and begins grinding her hips on my cock. I tighten my arms on her waist but not tight enough to hurt her and bring her closer to me if that is even possible and being to move with her. minutes later the song is over and we both are breathing heavily. she turns to face me "not bad" she smirks "I can say the same thing about you," I say looking at her lips "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," she says licking her lips " I more than enjoyed myself," I say looking at my hard-on than back to her. she laughs and I watch her because her laugh makes me happy for whatever reason. she stops laughing and looks at me "what" she says raising her brow "do you know how much I want to kiss you right now?" I say not thinking "no I don't," she says like she doesn't know that she is driving me crazy even though we just met "how about you show me" hold on did she just say that, i look at her with a smirk, that's all I needed to hear, I smile and place my hand on her waist to pull her to me and kiss her sweetly. the kiss turns from sweet to steamy and neither of us cares that we are in the middle of the dance floor making out.

she moans softly into the kiss not thinking I would hear her over the music but I do and I growl and pick her up and throw her over my shoulder which makes her squeal in delight and I exit the club. now I think to myself this is the exact thing my brother did to Valeria, I smile at the thought of them together and happy but my brother is too retarded to see that. "where are you taking me" she asks "I would take you to my house but that would take to ling and I cant wait" I say getting out of the club "so where are we going to go?" she asks still over my shoulder " to Lorenzo's place, I'm sure he won't mind" I say with a smirk knowing that he won't mind and he has plenty of room "oh okay...hurry up" she giggles out, I smack her ass as a response and she moans out in reply "fuck" I say as I run to the parking lot with Victoria still over my shoulder and she is just laughing. I finally arrive at my car and quickly put her in. I made sure that she was strapped in and I drove off as my life depended on it to Lorenzo's house.

we arrive at Lorenzo's house, I quickly get out and lift Victoria out of the car with me.I'm glad I have a spare key to let myself in since Lorenzo is preoccupied with Valeria. once inside I basically flew up the stairs holding Victoria, I didn't stop until we both are in one of the guest bedrooms. I take off both of our shoes and place her in the bed, I lay on top of her holding my weight as I move my lips to kiss her. she pulls the collar of my shirt so that my full body weight is on her but she doesn't seem to mind. she wraps her legs around my waist and begins to grind her pussy against my cock. "FUCK" I moan out, I roll over on my back and have Victoria is up and straddle me, she rips my shirt open and the buttons fly all over the place, I look at her shocked "Mm..too much cloths" she moans out as she gets up and takes her clothes off and I follow suit.

She pushes me back down onto the bed, she begins kissing me and sucking on my neck, I know she is leaving marks but I don't care, she continues to kiss her way down my stomach, I growl and flip us over so that I am now on to again. I take the opportunity to scan over her body before latching my mouth onto her nipple and massage the other between my fingers. she arches her back off the bed and her hands find their way in my hair "Mmm...Carlos" she moans out, hearing her say my name while she is moaning is driving me crazy. kissing my way down her stomach just like she was doing to me, making sure I only to light kisses to make sure she begs for more when I arrive at her pussy I hear her gasp at the feeling of my breath on her bud, not giving her time to say anything I slowly run my tongue along her wet folds, making her tighten her grip on my hair "Mmm...FUCKKK!!!" she moans out.

I growl and stick two fingers inside her, I began sucking and licking her but faster while curving my fingers inside her hitting her G-spot, she starts moving her hips at the same pace "I'm gonna cum" she moans out breathlessly "cum for me then" I growl back making her whole body vibrate. her legs begin to shake and she shatters inside and I happy suck every last drop of her up. I quickly slip a condom on that wad in my nightstand "aren't you going to let me return the favor" she says with a smirk, god this woman is going to be the death on me "me being balls deep inside of you is you repaying the favor" I growl out as I pull her to the end of the bed and place myself at her opening "you ready" I asked not knowing whether she is going to say no or not, but I wanted to make sure you wanted this as much as me.

she nodded her head and bites her bottom lip, I slowly make my way into her tight pussy and her eyes roll back in pleasure. I gave her time to adjust to my size before I begin moving in and out of her "Mmm...Faster!" she moans out moving her hands down my arms, god I love it when she begs and that's all I needed to hear before I begin pounding into her "oh fuck" she moans out, I grunt at her sweet moan and she wraps her legs around me and pulls me down on to her which causes me to go deeper in her than before, I move my lips down from her jaw to her neck and start to bite and suck on her sweet spot while I pound her pussy to heaven "" she moans in my ear " ..babI'mim" I moan out while she sinks her nails into my back and drags then down.

I know that's going to leave marks but I couldn't care less as long as they are from her, her eyes roll back and she cums undone, I follow suit and collapse on top of her with both of us breathless "t-that was-" "fucking amazing I say continuing what she way going to say, she giggles and that sound is music to my ears. i lead her from the bed to the bathroom and we end up having sex again before we both shower and crawl into bed and let sleep take over.