To Regret or Not To Regret

Valeria's Pov

I woke up snuggling into Lorenzo's body. Holy shit! I slept with Lorenzo! Oh My GOD what the FUCK did you do Valeria, I mean I know what I did I wasn't drunk, but for whatever reason, I didn't regret a single second of it. That was the best sex I have had in a very long time, I'm broken out of my thoughts when Lorenzo beings to stir. I look at him and watch his eyes flutter open .when his eyes adjust to the light he looks like he is deep in thought that he didn't even notice I was up. A few minutes later he finally looks down at me and his face is emotionless. I was about to say something to him when he cuts me off " Last night shouldn't have happened" he says coldly and I have to admit it hurts to hear him say it, I am such a fucking Idiot! of course, he would regret what happened last night now I feel like a stupid teenage girl who just gave her virginity away even though I'm not. I feel tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away hoping he didn't notice and I sit up holding the sheets to my naked body.

" you regret it?" I whispered hanging my head down even though he can barely hear me "I..I..." his words seem to be stuck in his throat "never mind I should get going" I say quickly getting out of bed with the sheets wrapped around my body and collecting my clothes that are scattered on the floor including my ripped underwear "Valeria I." I swiftly walk into the bathroom not wanting to hear what he has to say, i wash my face and rinse my mouth out since I don't have a toothbrush and quickly slip on my outfit from last night back on. There is a light knock on the door and I roll my eyes knowing who it is "Valeria there are some towels and extra toothbrushes in the cabinet if you wan..." I didn't let him finish "I'ii wait until I get home," I say with a flay voice not wanting him to know he hurt me "would you like to stay for breakfast," he asked and I got pissed off, like what is the idea here, sleep with me then tell me it shouldn't have happened then invite me to breakfast, I breathe out a sigh "No i'II eat at home," I say shaking my head "are you su-" "yes I'm sure," I say cutting him off, I open the bathroom door and chuck the sheet I took with me into the bathroom on to his bed " I will see you Monday," I say not looking back at him as I exit his room and make my way downstairs to leave. I look out my phone and quickly order an uber, I stop when I hear Victoria's voice coming out of the kitchen along with Carlos' voice and a few others.

I decided that I will talk to her at home instead of dragging her into this shit show I am in right now, I mean she sounds happy, which makes me smile thinking about her are Carlos last night, I slowly turn around and tip to not wanting to be seen "Val! where are you going" she asks "damnit" I mumble, I turn around with a small smile, so that everyone can see including Lorenzo and an old couple " I'm sorry I can't stay I have somewhere to be," I say with a fake smile and not looking at Victoria since she will know I am lying, she arches her brow and cross her arms, now she knows something is up, she knows me so well...DAMMIT! "but you haven't eaten anything," she says with a smile "I'm going to eat at home," I say looking at her with pleading eyes "not you are going to eat here before you go," she says sternly, everyone is just looking back and forth between us "but," I say trying to protest "Valeria Isabel Garcia if you don't plant you beautiful tush in a seat and eat before you leave i"

she just used my government name which means that she is serious and I know she only said tush because Xenia is in the room, I cut her off knowing that i will not leave this mansion without listening to her "okay Mother" i say sarcastically which makes her smile, i look over to Carlos and see his eyes twinkle as he watched my best friend, it makes me really happy "i almost forgot my manners Valeria these are Lorenzo and i's parents maria and Leonardo Hernandez" Carlos says. Oh my god they must think i am one of the main whore their sons fool around with dressed like this, not that i care what people think about "hello dear" maria says waving "nice to meat you" Leo says with a wave as well. i smile and wave back "nice to meet you both," i say " likewise," Leo says after shaking my hand, i take a seat around the island and wait for breakfast to be served, unfortunately Lorenzo have sit directly in front of me. Great! when the food arrived i only ate a small portion because i was in desperate need to get out of here and the reason is because i can feel Lorenzo starting into my soul "done" i say pushing the plate from me " but you barely touched your food" Vic said looking at me " i really need to get out of these cloths, bye love you, see you at home" i say kissing her head and i quickly remove myself from the situation and wait for the uber i ordered earlier to arrive, when the uber arrived i slipped inside and gave the driver my address.


Lorenzo's pov

what happened last night with Valeria was the first thing I thought about the moment I opened my eyes, I didn't regret it but it shouldn't have happened. maybe it's best that she thinks I do though, I saw that she was about to cry and I felt like a dick. she couldn't even look at me. "fuck" I say as I put on some clothes and head downstairs, I'm shocked to see Carlos and Valeria's friend from the club last night sitting down and eating, ill ask him about it later when Valeria's friend called ou to her, my eyes snapped towards her. I notice her reaction when her friend was telling her to stay and for some reason, I found it cute, I know that she was making up an excuse to get out of here, but that way her friend handled the situation she just agreed. when we were eating I couldn't stop looking at her and I know she knew that I was watching her. hell, she barely touched her food for fuck sake! when she left everyone's eyes snapped towards me accept for Xenia because she was now in the living room, even my parents gave me a knowing look before they exited the kitchen and going to the living room with Xenia " what the hell did you do?" val's friends says glaring at me "what the hell are you two doing in my house" I say looking at then both "you can't answer a question with a question ass hat" she says getting pissed-off "and the reason your brother and i are here is because he was in a rush to fuck the shit out of me and apparently you live closer" she said with a smirk and my eyes widened at her boldness, i look over to my brother and who was just watching her with lust and amusement clear in his eyes "jesus woman" he says with a smirk " i didn't get your name"Ii ask her "you still didn't answer my first question so why should i tell you" she says back now she is really pissed off "her name is Victoria" Carlos says.

she snaps her head in Carlos direction and glares at him, he just smiles and gave her a kiss on the cheek, she focuses her gaze back at me "what did you do? i mean you guys looked fine last nigh" she says with a raised brow "well let's just say we got caught up in the moment last night and this morning i told her it shouldn't have happened," i say looking down knowing i fucked up "seriously," Carlos says with anger in his voice "you fucking idiot" Victoria yells at me, they both don't look happy with me " well I have to go now I have a best friend that needs cheering up because of a certain fucking person," she says rolling her eyes at me and standing up "you need a lift" Carlos ask "no ill catch a taxi," she said smiling up at him "but i-" she cuts him off by placing her lips onto his "ill be fine," she says " message me when you arrive home," she says pulling her into another kiss "okay I will," she said pushing him away "bye beautiful," he says, she kisses him one more time and leaves. once again I look over to my brother and he is smiling like an idiot if I didn't know him id think that they were together for years'

"she is gone you, idiot," I say looking at him "so is Valeria, brother but you don't see me telling you anything right," he says with a small smirk on his face "fuck off," I say looking up at him "but seriously why the hell would you do that," he asks "I seriously don't know. it's not that I regret it because that was the best sex I have had in forever and maybe it's better this way, she doesn't know about me being the goddamn mafia king and she will not be finding that out for her safety. and you know I don't do the whole love and commitment thing" I say and Carlos is just starting at listening to me attentively "it's not good to keep running away from your feelings big bro, I see that way you look at her and last night at the club how you defended her, what happened with Carly was years ago and you need to accept it and let it go" he says.

I listen to everything my baby bro is telling me and I know he is right " I hate you" I say " yell at me all you want but you know I'm right" she says with a smile "unfortunately, so what is going on with you and Victoria" I ask and he instantly smiles "I can't explain it but never have I felt like this before with any female normally it's just fuck them and dump them, but with her all that's changed now, yes I know you might think it is crazy and I did just met her last night and I don't give a fuck, but we are taking things slow" he says with a massive grin.