Hide & Seek

Valeria's pov

after I left Lorenzo's home, I couldn't stop the tears from falling no matter how hard I tried. life was good until Lorenzo and I slept together and now he knows I'm Gavin's wife will soon to be ex-wife if that even counts. for all these years I have been hiding from him and it only takes me to get a job that involves Lorenzo being my boss for Gavin to find where I am and now, I need somewhere new that doesn't get everyone in shit. I call an Uber to get home, I'm glad that Vic isn't home, she must be at work or with Carlos. I walk into my bedroom and grab my suitcase and pack my bags, I grab everything I need and leave what I don't need. once done I grab my money from the safe which is a lot over the years, I have saved over $70,000 for these things and that isn't including what is in my bank account. I need a plan; I can't have him find me... I can't have anyone find me even though I know Maria will find me she always does.

trying to calm my nerve, I try to come up with a plan, one that isn't going to get me killed. yet everything I think off is just running back to Lorenzo and hoping he can save me from this mess, which I know he would do, but I can't bring him or Xenia into my mess even if he wants me too.

Im giving up on making a plan to get away from Gavin since my plans never work, I finish packing my stuff and grab my cash and lock up, I get into a uber and go to a car dealership to get a car. Hoping they have one that is ready from me to drive away in. once I walk into the dealership, I spot the perfect car. The 2017 Toyota Corolla LE, best car I know and that is easy to blend in with everyone else. After spending 25,000 on the car in cash, which the dealership was shocked that I handed him cash but thankfully he didn't ask questions. I grabbed the keys to my new car and grabbed a map that I could use to find where I wanted to go, drove out of the dealership and got onto the Highway and just started to head to Canada, since I know Gavin wouldn't look there for me because he isn't allowed anywhere in Canada well near it as well there is one person that Gavin is scared of and that is his brother, his brother loves me and always has, which is good because he has made it clear that if I ever need help to go to him. Im just hoping that he will help me. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number.



VALERIA: Hello Vincent its Valeria, I need your help

VINCENT: Well hello my dear, what has my ass of a brother done this time

VALERIA: He tried to kill me, I've been on the run, but he found me, im heading to Canada now, please help me

VINCENT: Okay, I will help ill sent you an address go there and I will pick you up so that you aren't driving here all by yourself and don't worry about your car it will be put on the plane with us okay

VALERIA: Okay Vince thank you so much

VINCENT: It's okay sweetheart ii would do anything for my lovely sister in law

VALERIA: I'll see you soon

VINCENT: That you will my dear I'll be waiting

Once off the phone Vince sent me an address to an air strip which is only an hour away from me which is good, I am glad he can help me, I knew he would. I look back at my phone when it starts ringing again for the 10th time, it is Lorenzo again, I don't know whether I should pick up or not. But in my head, it is telling me to answer but also not to. OH god what do I do I really hate this; I pick up the phone and answer


LORENZO: Val where are you

VALERIA: Im leaving new York if you haven't already figured that out Lorenzo, but it isn't your problem anymore, I am not your employee or play thing so go back to your life and forget about me, because it will do you the world of good, good bye Lorenzo

I say and hang up the phone knowing he would be trying to track where I was, I turned my phone off and through it out the window and grabbed my other phone from my bag. I hope if they do track me, they will only fine the phone if it isn't smashed to bits by the time they do. Sitting in my car driving along the highway to my new freedom, well I hope my new freedom, I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen, but it also could be the fact I haven't eaten yet. Which is true wow im a silly girl and forgetting to get food before I left, always I can wait.

I get to the Air strip and saw the plane before I saw him, Shit I knew something was wrong I should have known. I pulled up my car and turned it off and watched as the guys moved around like they have a stick up their ass, which is mostly true, I grab my phone and call Lorenzo and he didn't pick up, I try Tori knowing she would know this number, I gave it to her just in case I needed her

TORI: Hello

VALERIA: tori it's me, I need your help, im leaving the phone on get Lorenzo fast

TORI: Val what's wrong your scaring me

VALERIA: just hurry, he found me please hurry

I moved my phone just as Gavin go to the car door and opened it, "well well well, look how it is boys, my missing wife" he says with anger in his voice "Gavin we know full well I am not your wife, after all the fucked up shit you have done, do you really think I would stick around" I say with venom in my voice and loud enough so the tori could here "well I am going to have some fun with you but not after they boys here do, go a head boys have your way" he says pulling me out of the car by my hair. FUCK im done for


After trying to get a hold of Val she finally picked up the phone


LORENZO: Val where are you

VALERIA: Im leaving new York if you haven't already figured that out Lorenzo, but it isn't your problem anymore, I am not your employee or play thing so go back to your life and forget about me, because it will do you the world of good, good bye Lorenzo

Well fuck, this can't be happing, I lose the one girl I love, and I had to fuck it all up. She wasn't on the phone long but lone enough for me to track her phone, im just hoping she hasn't ditched her phone. I got in my car and headed to where she was. I knew that Xenia would be fine since she is with my mum. I got halfway there when my phone started to ring, I look at it and I saw an unknown number so I didn't pick up, but about 10 minutes later Tori rings me, shit something must be wrong

LORENZO: hello tori, what is it

TORI: its Val, Gavin has her and it doesn't sound good, we have her location, she is at an air strip about 30 minutes from her phone, yes, she ditched her phone, she called my on her main phone. Please hurry I don't know what they are doing to her.

LORENZO: what do you mean by they, tori.

TORI: she left me on the phone so, I heard what was going on, he is hurting me and with a group of guy as well

LORENZO: okay im going there now, don't worry she will be fine

I hung up the phone and through it aside, fuck I swear if he is there, he is a dead man. She has to be okay, I swear after this I am never letting her out of my sight ever.