I woke up in a car, looking around I didn't see Gavin, well I didn't see anything, every part of my body hurt, my brain started to go back to what happened and I started to shake, knowing what they did to me scared the shit out of me, even if it already happened. I just wish they finished the job instead of leaving me there. I started to see black dots cloud my vision and before I knew it my world turned black, like I was being swallowed into the blackness. I don't know where I am, but it is peaceful, and I hope it stays like this forever.


I managed to get to the airstrip, but it seems that no one is here apart from a Toyota Corolla, which assume is Val's car. She has decent taste in cars at least, I walk up to the car hoping she is still in it, but my heart dropped when i looked and she wasn't in there. Her phone still is and all of her stuff, but she is nowhere to be found. I looked around me and her car to see if I can spot anything that shows me that she is still here, but all I see is blood and lots of it. FUCK!! I started to panic thinking the worst. Blood is scattered all over the pavement and not just little bits here and there, its puddles of blood, looks like someone got into a fight and a big one. I started to think over what Carlos told me when I left, SHIT!!! They better not have hurt her in anyway or so help them I will hunt them down and kill every last one of them.

I started to spot more blood that created a trail on the pavement, seems they dragged her from the car but why. Once I found the rest of the blood I followed it to a clear patch of grass, I found her shoes and bits of clothing, shit I hope they didn't do what I think they did, I got closer to the patch of grass and found Val lying there face down covered in blood, "fuck what happened to you baby" I got closer to her and spotted a knife in her side and a gun thrown to the side, shit they really did want to fuck her up. I moved closer to her trying to make sure she was still breathing, which she is thank god, but her heartbeat is slowing down. I picked her up in bridal style and carried her to the back of my car and wrapped her in a blacked I had to make her comfortable, once she was safe in the car I moved to the driver's side of the car and started it, quickly pulling out of the airstrip and heading to the hospital which is about 30 minutes from the airstrip. I pulled out my phone and dialled Carlos, "please pick up brother I need you", after a few rings her finally picked up


CARLOS: hello brother

LORENZO: brother I need you, Val is hurt badly and barely breathing

CARLOS: calm down Enzo where are you know

LORENZO: I just left the air strip and im now heading to the hospital

CARLOS: okay, ill grab tori because she is going out of her mind and ill meet you there okay brother, Val will be okay

LORENZO: okay, I hope so because she has a knife in her side, and she is coved in blood

CARLOS: SHIT what the fuck did they do to her

LORENZO: I don't know but I found her face down in a patch of grass with hardly any clothes and a gun next to her as well

CARLOS: WHAT! Do you think they did?

LORENZO: I don't know but I hope they didn't, they are already dead when I get my hands on them, I don't care who they belong to, no one touches my girl

CARLOS: im with you on that one brother, she is your girl wither you fucked up or not,

LORENZO: I know I fucked up, but I will never let her out of my sight again

CARLOS: okay brother, I will see you soon, be safe

LORENZO: okay I will

Once Carlos hung up the phone I placed it in the centre console so it was out of the way, I pushed down on the gas and speed down the highway trying to get to the hospital, thank god I was only 5 minutes away by the time Carlos hung up the phone, im kinda glad that I had no trouble with the police while I was going 20km an hour down the highway. I looked over to see how Val is holding up but what shocked me was they the blanket is socked in her blood, shit they must have done more damage then what I thought, thank god I go to the hospital and pulled up to the emergency parking and saw a nurse rush out with a bed and helped me get Val out of the car and took her to the emergency room where they could help her. I saw Carlos get out of her car and walk next to me and tori follows behind, " what happened to her Lorenzo" tori asked with tears in her eyes "I don't know but I wish I did" I said looking down at the ground " im sure she will be fine, she has to be" Carlos says walking to tori and pulling her into a hug and looked at me.

We sat in the waiting from for what felt like hours until the doctor came out and looked at me, his look gave it all away, something when wrong "who brought her in" he asked " I did, is she okay" I asked walking up to him " she is in the ICU, she suffered a lot of damage to her right side of her lower abdomen, we managed to remove the knife and 3 bullets from her safely, and we are currently replacing the blood she lost, but we had to put her in an induced coma to help her body recover" he said looking at me then back to his sheets of paper " there is one more problem that we need to talk to you about" he said looking at me " yes what is it" I say looking at the doctor with concern " we found a chip of some sort in her right forearm which we removed, do you know if anyone would want to track her" he said handing me a plastic bag with the trip in it, "no but thank you for doing all that you can, are we allows to see her" I ask looking at the doctor "yes you can, right with way" he says walking of in the direction of her room.

I waved to Carlos and tori to follow and they did, after a few minutes we finally found her room. And what I saw shocked me to my core, she was covered in bruised and cuts left, right and centre, I fall to my knees and wished I could take all that I have done to her away and turn back time to stop her form leaving. I got up and walked over to her and lent in to kiss her head and stayed like that for a while "baby please come back to me, I need you, Xenia needs you, I love you baby, please come back to me" I say crying into her neck wishing she would wake up.

Its been 2 weeks since I brought Val to the hospital and I haven't left her side, just hoping she would wake up, but in that 2 weeks noting. They took her off life support about a week ago and since then she has been able to breath by herself, now its just a waiting came, Carlos and tori come and see her everyday and try to convince me to leave to shower and get some sleep but I won't, I cant leave her here, I keep going back over what I saw and how scared I was when I saw her lying there lifeless. I never what to see her life that again and I never will.

I have a plan when she wakes up, I am going to make her mine if she will have me, I am going to hunt down Gavin and kill him. Her phone snapped me put of my thoughts, it's the same number that keeps calling every day, I had enough today and answered the phone


UNKNOWN: Valeria, finally I've been trying to get a hold of you, you never showed up what happened

LORENZO: who is this, and how do you know Valeria

UNKNOWN: oh, sorry I am Vince, Val and I go way back

LORENZO: what do you mean by way back

VINCENT: well she is married to my brother

LORENZO: so, you are related to the fucking cunt who put Val in hospital

At this point I was pissed, he is related to Gavin, im going to kill him

VINCENT: what do you mean in hospital

LORENZO: I mean that I fount her at an air strip with a knife in her abdomen and face down with 3 bullets in her and now she is a coma, that's what I mean

VINCENT: oh fuck, I am so sorry I didn't know that Gavin go to het, she rang me for help and said that Gavin found her, he always seems to fine her

LORENZO: yes, will that is because she had a tracking chip in her

VINCENT: FUCK, what hospital is she in, I promise my brother will pay for what he has done, and I mean you and Val no harm

LORENZO: we are in the South Shore community hospital, and if I find out that you are the reason Gavin go to her, trust me when I say this your family will be getting your body back in pieces

VINCENT: I mean her no harm and I will never harm her; she is my family, will see you soon.

Vince says as he hangs up the phone" so I get to meet your Brother in law, baby please come back to me, I can't live without you.


Well fuck they found the chip, and she has some fuck whit with her, well Val looks like I have found you once again, I wish those boys of mine had just finished the job like they should have. "what do you say brother, huh should I go pay a visit to my dear wife and leave you here, what were you going to do huh run off with her" I say looking at my brother who is lying on the floor with a gun too his head " well come on speak, what did you want her all to yourself" I say kicking him in the face " no, I wanted to get her way from you, you asshole" he says spitting blood on the floor "well looks like you won't be doing anything from now on" I say as I pull the trigger and killing him. Well looks like I have a hospital to get too.