Hospital Visit

Lorenzo's Pov

It's been a few days since Vincent called and I haven't seen him, which is a good thing, I really don't want to deal with Gavin's brother while Val is still in a coma. It's about 6:30am when the doctors came in to do some more blood test, they have even put another bed in here for me since I don't leave, well since they moved her into the private wing of the hospital as I requested them to do. Me being the Mafia king people tend to be scared of me but at this moment I couldn't care less if they were or not, each day they do blood work and scans to see how she is and if she will ever wake up, but for the time being they don't know, all they know is, it is up to her body for when she will wake up. My brother finally convinced me to leave to go home and see Xenia since we haven't t brought her here and I really don't want too but she keeps asking for Val, so I plan on bring her to the hospital later today.

Since I will be going home I really should get stuck into some work with my clubs and everything, Carlos is having bodyguards for Val placed in front of her door and the only people allowed in is me, my mother and father, tori and Carlos and well as Xenia. They all have photos of what we look like so that there won't be any confusion and there will be guards placed at every entry and exit point in the hospital just in case Gavin try's anything or even is brother, which I have done some checking up on as well. The funny thing is both me and Carlos have met Gavin twice now so we know what he looks like and his brother looks nothing like him which is good.

The doctors finally come back into the room about an hour and half after the blood test and the main doctor looks at me with sorrow "is everything okay doctor" I ask with worry " yes for now but there is one thing we didn't even look for what you brought her in, Valeria is 2 weeks and 4 days pregnant" the doctor says looking at me and handing the results of the blood test "what, how is it that the baby survived what she went through" I asked in shock "well it seems that she didn't know about I and she also shows signs that she blocked her stomach as much as possible, it also shows that she has been through this before" the doctor says looking at his clipboard again then back to me. I sit back down the chair looking at Val, this is a game changer and big time, 2 weeks at 4 days that puts her conception date, wait the night at the nightclub that was two weeks and 4 days exact, im going to be a dad "we will leave you to think but there is one more thing we need to talk about" he says looking at the other doctors to leave.

"we need to wake her up, because she is pregnant we can't keep her in a coma and she isn't waking up by herself any time soon" he says walking over to me " when do you need to do that" I ask looking at Val " the latest tonight, so I suggest you go home and clean up and then when you come back we can start the process" he says walking to the door " thank you doctor" I say as he walks out the door, just in time for Carlos and tori to walk in "what was all that about brother" Carlos asked " um they are going to wake her up later today due to some other things" I say looking at the floor "what other things Lorenzo" Victoria ask looking at me then to Val " um... well... how do I say this umm Val is 2 weeks and 4 days pregnant" I say looking at the floor and mumbling that last part "WHAT!!" they both say "yeah...up. So I'm going to go home and clean up so byeeee" I say running out the door like a mad man. Not knowing what to do I got in my car and drove home to Xenia hoping that she would be up with mum and dad. It didn't take me long before I finally got home and thank got all the lights where on. So, I can tell my mother that she is going to be a grandmother again and Xenia is going to be a big sister.

I walked in the front door to find Xenia and my mother coming down the stairs "daddy" Xenia yells at the top of her lungs "princess I called back as she ran to me with her arms up in the air "oh how I have missed you my princess" I say as I am kissing her on her cute chubby cheeks "how is Val son" my mother ask looking at me with a sad smile " they are waking her up today, umm she is also pregnant" I say in a small voice "what was that son" my dad ask walking out of the kitchen "Valeria is pregnant" I yell so that they can hear me "she is what!!" my mum ask walking over to me " Val is 2 weeks and 4 days pregnant, with my baby" I say with tears coming out of my eyes, shit the realisation that Val is pregnant has just hit me. I'm going to be a dad. Holly Shit!!! I"M GOING TO BE A DAD. My mother was looking at me with tears in her eyes, I think she is glad that she is going to have another grandchild, well I hope she is.

I mean she loves val. But the main problem is Gavin "hey can you take Xenia so that I get a couple of things done before all of us go to the hospital" I ask my mother while handing her my princess "sure honey we can look after her, get your work done" my mother says looking at me with a smile. I walked up to my office hoping that i can find where Gavin is since i can use all cameras in the city and will be alerted to when he sets foot in LA. I jumped on to the computer to hack into the cameras to find his face, all of my men know who they are looking for and at every check point and entry point i have guys at Then to find him and take him in if he does show up and i hope he does. i snapped out of my work when my phone started to ring.

VICTORIA: Enzo you need to get to the hospital ASAP, val is awake and freaking out, there is a guy here, who says his name is Vincent, he says he spoke to you the other day about coming

LORENZO: Shit don't let me take her out of the hospital, that isn't Vincent, that is Gavin, i can see him on the camera tell Carlos to move to Val and don't leave her side, im on my way

VICTORIA: Okay, hurry up I'm worried about her

LORENZO: tell her i love her and see her soon

i hung up the phone and grabbed my keys "mum , dad im heading to the hospital, Val is awake and Gavin is there" i say glancing at them when i walk past "we are coming with you" they both say as they grabbed their eyes and walked out the door. Gavin is fucked, he is going to wish he wasn't here at all.