The Papal Coronation (3)

With that, the ceremonies continue.

The archdeacon calls Benedict's birth name, Theophylactus, and he replies "Adsum!"

(Latin: indicates one's presence, usually translated as 'Here I am'.)

The young Pope then goes in front of the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, the Cardinal says:

"Dearly beloved son, you are to be promoted to the sacred order of subdeaconship. Again and again you must carefully consider the office for which you ask today of your own accord. For as yet you are free; if you so decided, you may lawfully pass over to secular pursuits; but after you have received this order, you will be free no longer to withdraw from the chosen course, but bound for life to the service of God, whom to server is to rule. And you will be under obligation, with His help, to observe chastity and to employ yourselves in the ministry of the Church at all times. Therefore, while there is time, reflect. If you decide to persevere in you holy resolve, come forward in the name of the Lord."

Benedict immediately steps forward, without hesitating.

"This is it, We are not gonna turn back." Benedict thinks in his head.

Then Benedict prostrates on the floor, in front of the Altar, and the choir begin to chant the Litany of the Saints.

(Note: prostrate here is lying down on his stomach, google "prostration catholic" to see the images.)

After the Litany ends, Benedict goes to the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and kneels in front of him, on a red kneeling pillow. The Cardinal begin to recite these words:

"Dearly beloved son, who are to be ordained subdeacons, carefully consider what office is entrusted to you. The duty of the subdeacon is to prepare the water for the ministry of the altar, to assist the deacon, to wash the altar cloths and corporals, to hand to the deacon the chalice and paten used at the sacrifice.

The offerings which are brought to the altar are called the Loaves of Proposition. Of these offerings so much must be placed on the altar as will suffice for the people. There should be nothing in the tabernacle to decay.

The cloths which are used for the covering of the altar must be washed in one vessel; the corporals in another one. Where the corporals have been washed, no other linen is to be washed, and the water must be poured into the baptistry.

Endeavor, therefore, to perform these material services properly and with careful attention, and in a like manner to fulfill the spiritual obligations symbolized by them.

The altar of holy Church is Christ, as John testifies, who says in his Apocalypse that he saw Him as a golden altar standing before the throne. In Him and through Him the gifts of the faithful are offered to God the Father. The palls and corporals of this altar are the members of Christ, namely, God's faithful; with these the Lord is clothed, as it were, with precious vestments as the psalmist says: "The Lord is king, He is clothed with beauty." Blessed John also saw in the Apocalypse the Son of Man girded with a golden cincture, that is, surrounded by the multitude of saints.

If, therefore, it should happen through human frailty that the faithful are defiled by some sin, you must minister to them the water of heavenly doctrine, so that, cleansed by it, they may again be an ornament of the altar and take part in the celebration of the divine Sacrifice.

Hence, be such as to worthily assist at the divine Sacrifice, and to serve the Church of God, which is the body of Christ. Be grounded in the true and Catholic faith; for, as the Apostle says; All that is not of faith is sin, and schism, and outside the unity of the Church.

And so, if hitherto you have been tardy as to the church, henceforth you must be prompt. If hitherto you have been prone to indulge in sleep, henceforth you must be vigilant. If hitherto you have been given to drink, henceforth you must be temperate. If hitherto you have been wanting in honor, henceforth you must be without reproach. May He deign to grant it to you, who lives and reigns, God, forever and ever."


Then the Cardinal presents to Benedict and empty chalice with a paten. The archdeacon comes up and helps Benedict touch both in such a way as to put the thumb against the cup of the chalice and the index finger upon the paten.

The Cardinal says:

"Behold what ministry is entrusted to you. Therefore, I exhort you so to conduct yourselves as to be pleasing to God."

Then the archdeacon presents to Benedict cruets filled with wine and water, also a basin and a towel, all of which a deacon helps Benedict touch in a like manner.

Then the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia rises up from his seat, facing the people, he says:

"Let us, dearly beloved brethren, beseech our God and Lord to pour out His + blessing and grace upon these His servants, whom He has deigned to call to the office of subdeaconship. May they be faithful ministers in His sight and attain the reward laid up for the saints, by the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Him in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever."


(Note: the "+" signifies a sign of the Cross.)

Then the Cardinal turns toward the Altar and says: "Let us pray!"

The archdeacon says right after that: "Let us bend our knees!"

Then all kneels down until the archdeacon says "Arise."

Benedict still kneels in front of the Cardinal, who turns to him and prays:

"Holy Lord, Father Almighty, eternal God, vouchsafe to + bless these Thy servants, whom Thou hast deigned to call to the office of subdeaconship. Make them in Thy holy temple valiant and watchful sentinels of the heavenly army, faithful ministers, of Thy holy altars. May the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the Spirit of knowledge and piety, rest upon them; fill them with the Spirit of Thy fear. Strengthen them in the divine ministry, so that, obedient to law and submissive to direction, they may obtain Thy grace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever."


Then the Cardinal sits down, and invests Benedict with an amice which he as to wear around the neck, then pulling over his head, saying:

"Receive the amice, by which is signified moderation of speech. In the name of the + Father and of the + Son, and of the Holy + Ghost."

"Amen!" Benedict replies.

Then the Cardinal puts a white maniple on the left arm of Benedict, saying:

"Receive the maniple, by which are signified the fruits of good works. In the name of the + Father and of the + Son, and of the Holy + Ghost."


Then the Cardinal invests Benedict with a white tunic, the official garb of a subdeacon, saying:

"May the Lord clothe thee with a white tunic of gladness and the garment of joy. In the name of the + Father and of the + Son, and of the Holy + Ghost."


Since the tunic is of the size of an adult, and Benedict is still a boy, the tunic does not fit him as it is too big.

Benedict notices the Cardinal and others who are near and can see him clearly in the tunic have a twisted mouth.

"You want to laugh, right?" Benedict know right away what they are trying to hold back but he does not say a word to let the ceremonies continue.

Then the Cardinal presents Benedict with the book of epistles, which Benedict touches with his right hand, the Cardinal says:

"Receive the book of epistles and have the power to read them in the holy Church of God, for the living as well as for the dead. In the name of the + Father and of the + Son, and of the Holy + Ghost."


"Now the ceremonies for ordaining subdeacon are finished, next are the ceremonies for ordaining deacon." thought Benedict, who begin to feel tired.