The Papal Coronation (4)

After the rite for ordaining subdeacon, everyone sits down . . . to wait for Benedict to take off his vestments and . . . to go to the toilet.

"Phew . . . one more second and Our bladder would be a goner . . . ugh, the toilet is so dirty, after this, I must send someone to clean it."

Then Benedict washes his hands and feet and goes back to the nave of St. Peter's Basilica. There, he puts on the alb only, because he won't need to wear other vestments for his deacon ordination.

The archdeacon once again calls his name and Benedict replies with "Adsum", then goes to the main Altar and kneels there, holding a burning candle in his right hand.

The Archdeacon turns to the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and says:

"Most Eminent and Reverend Father,

our holy mother, the Catholic Church, requests that you ordain the subdeacon here present to the office of deaconship."

The Cardinal replies: "Does thou know him to be worthy?"

"As far as human frailty allows to know, I know and I testify that he is worthy of the charge of this office." the archdeacon replies.

"Thanks be to God." the Cardinal replies, but he cannot hide the disdain look on his face, as in his mind, Benedict is clearly unworthy.

The Cardinal then announces to the people:

"By the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, we choose the subdeacon here present for the order of deaconship. If anyone has anything against him, let him confidently come forward and speak in the presence of God and for the sake of God. However, let him be mindful of his condition."

And of course, no one comes forward as they cannot do anything now since everything is settled, although they really want to.

After a short pause, the Cardinal turns to Benedict and says:

"Dearly beloved son, about to be promoted to the order of Levites, consider well to what an exalted rank you rise in the Church. The office of the deacon is to assist at the altar, to baptize, and to preach.

Under the Old Law, indeed, the one tribe of Levi was chosen out of the twelve tribes, that it should attend with special devotion to the Tabernacle of God and to its sacrifices according to a perpetual rite. So great was the dignity bestowed upon it that no one, except of this tribe, could rise to hold an office in the performance of that divine worship. Thus by some great hereditary privilege it deserved both to be and to be called the tribe of the Lord.

Today, dearly beloved son, you receive their name and their office. You are chosen for the service of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, that is, the Church of God, in the Levitical office. The Church, always ready for battle, wages an unceasing warfare against her enemies, as the Apostle says: "Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places." It is your duty to uphold and defend this Church of God, even as the Tabernacle, with the armor of holiness, by divine preaching and perfect example.

Levi signifies added, or lifted up. You, dearly beloved son, who receive your name from an office of paternal inheritance, be lifted up above the desires of the flesh and earthly passions which war against the soul. Be clean and undefiled, pure and chaste, as it behooves ministers of Christ and dispensers of the mysteries of God, that you may worthily be added to the number of those who have ecclesiastical rank and deserve to be the inheritance and the beloved tribe of the Lord. And since you are co-ministers and cooperate in the sacrifice of the body and blood of the Lord, keep yourself proof against every allurement of the flesh, as the Scripture says: "Be ye clean, you that carry the vessels of the Lord." Remember that Blessed Stephen was elected by the apostles for this office, because of his eminent chastity. Take care to interpret the gospel by living works to those to whom you are preaching so that it may be said of you: "Blessed are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, of them that bring glad tidings of good things." Have your feet shod with the examples of the saints in the propagation of the gospel of peace. May the Lord grant it to you by His grace."


Then Benedict lies down again, prostrating, and the choir chants the Litany of the Saints once more.

After the Litany, Benedict kneels, while the Cardinal addresses the clergy and people:

"Let common supplication and united prayer continue, that this man, who are prepared for the ministry of deaconship, may, through the prayer of the whole Church, shine in the order of Levitical + benediction, distinguish himself by a spiritual life and show forth the grace by which he has been sanctified, through the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, God forever."


Then the Cardinal turns to the young Pope kneeling before him, saying with a loud voice:

"Dearly beloved brethren, let us beseech God, the Father Almighty, that He may graciously pour out His grace upon and bless these His servant whom He deigns to assume into the office of deaconship, and in His goodness preserve in him the gifts of the ordination to which he is admitted. May He graciously hear our prayers and by His loving assistance bring to perfection what we are about to administer, and may He by His + blessing sanctify and strengthen him, whom according to our knowledge we consider worthy to be assigned to the celebration of the sacred mysteries. Through His only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with Him and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, God,

Forever and ever."


"The Lord be with you."

"And also with thee."

"Lift up your hearts."

"We have lifted them up unto the Lord."

"Let us give thanks to the Lord our God."

"It is meet and just."

It is truly meet and just, right and profitable unto salvation, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to Thee, O holy Lord, Father Almighty, eternal God, who givest honors, assignest rank, and bestowest offices. Abiding in Thyself, Thou renewest all things and disposest all things through Thy Word and Power and Wisdom, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. With eternal providence dost Thou prepare and dispense in due time what is needful. Thou hast adorned with a variety of heavenly gifts Thy Church, which is His body. Its members are distinct, but Thou hast united them by a wonderful law which governs its whole structure. Thus Thou makest it to grow and to expand, and Thy temple to enlarge.

Thou hast ordained that those who are in charge of the sacred ministry should serve Thy holy name in three orders. So of old, the sons of Levi were chosen as faithful guardians to devote their lives to the sacred mysteries celebrated in Thy house and to possess as their abiding portion the heritage of a blessing which was to endure forever.

Look down graciously, O Lord, also on these Thy servant whom we, amid humble prayer, ordain to the office of deacon, that he may serve Thy holy altars. As men without the resources of divine perception and supreme understanding, we judge of his life so far as we are able. But what is unknown to us, does not escape Thee, O Lord; and what is hidden does not deceive Thee. Thou knowest the secrets; Thou searchest the hearts. Thou art able to examine his life with heavenly discernment, by which Thou always prevailest, both to cleanse from sin and to grant what is to be accomplished."

Hearing these words, Benedict cannot help but gulp, his heart beats faster.

"Calm down, I . . . We are not guilty of anything. This happens is due to God's Will."

Then Benedict goes up to the Cardinal, kneeling down, the Cardinal lays his right hand on him, saying:

"Receive the Holy Spirit, unto power and to resist the devil and his temptations. In the name of the Lord."

Then he continues, with his hands extended:

"Send forth upon him, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the Holy Spirit that he may be strengthened by Him, through the gift of Thy sevenfold grace, unto the faithful discharge of Thy service. May the pattern of all virtue abound in him, modest authority, constant propriety, the purity of innocence, the observance of spiritual discipline. Let Thy precepts shine forth in his life so that, by the example of his holiness, the faithful may be aroused to holy imitation. May he prize above all things the testimony of a good conscience, persevere firm and steadfast in Christ, an by Thy grace make himself worthy to rise in due succession from a lower to a higher order.

Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever."

Then the archdeacon comes up, holding a white stole in his hands, he gives it to the Cardinal, who takes and imposes it on Benedict left shoulder, saying:

"Receive the spotless + stole from the hand of God, fulfill thy ministry; for God is powerful to increase His grace unto thee, who lives and reigns forever and ever. "

"Amen!" Benedict replies.

Then the archdeacon gives the Cardinal a white dalmatic, which he invests Benedict, saying:

"May the Lord clothe thee with the garment of salvation and the vesture of gladness, and may the dalmatic of justice ever encompass thee. In the name of the Lord."


Then the Cardinal takes the book of gospels from the archdeacon and presents it to Benedict, saying:

"Receive the power to read the Gospel in the Church of God, both for the living and for the dead. In the name of the Lord."


The ceremonies of ordaining deacon ends with the prayers for the newly ordained deacon said by the Cardinal.

"Next is sacerdotal ordination, the last of the Holy Orders. with which We will be able to say Mass and celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." thought Benedict with emotions, remembering when he was still Giovanni.