Belle was curled up upon her bed, trying to ignore her alarm clock as it proclaimed that it was time for her to get up. She honestly did not want to go to school, but today is a special day, that the school having an fair, the neighbour will come and the students must show them good attitude toward the community, the eldest, and to youth.

Of course, it was mostly likely because Belle had done her best to always have a ride to and from her house, along with do whatever she could to avoid being alone.

Belle moaned as she stretching her body, yoga position on bed, accidently she letting out loud scream, grunted as all her bones, spines crack together, her parents from downstairs heard her. She's up jumped up from bed, reaching the towel she went inside the bathroom.

Moment, she ready for school. Belle grab her things then running downstairs to kitchen meeting the parent. "Good morning, Decker's."

"Good morning, Honey." said Molly. "Today is the day right?" Belle nod, taking a sit beside Richards. "I'm not promise but I will going, just the time made me." She nods again, reaching glass in front of her, she pour milk in it and sip it.

"I can feel something cool are about to happen in your school, darling."

Belle nod again, she eating lots of pancake and syrup for breakfast. Finishing her breakfast, she grab her things, gives a hug and kiss, she bolt out from the house to school.

"I'm so exciting to see her, Gibs." said Craig.

Today the boys wearing jeans and shirt, revealing their shape figure, he bet all the girls will fall for them, but not for Gibson. Belle is all he had in his mind.

"Are you ready?"

Noon. Belle met Chris at his van with the others, and Emma, the girls take a sit at the pavement, talking before the show start, the whole school crowds with people, lots of activities fair encounter. Chris and the band eat chili dog, fries and soda, and the girls eating nachos.

"This is good chili dog I've never taste, am I right boys." said Chris, the boys nod agree. "I must said thank you for you two, you know, your principal are complicated woman that she have my trust. Drug dealer? seriously."

The girls shrugged, he spokes back. "We may look a men's spending our life inside the van with no future heading but she had no right to judge us like that, did she had mental problem." He bite chili dog inside his mouth again.

"That's her, Chris. I fought with her because her overreacting without knowing people around her, she think she perfect and innocent. Who cares what people look like."

Chris smirking, eat the last bite of chili dog. "You're good and I'm gonna buy this chili dog more I like. We should recommended that stall boys. Oh we should."

"You can eat chili dog as many you like."

Gibson parked his car aside, they climbed out the car, with that the girls start to flirting them include the housewife. Acting normal, Gibson shut the door while his eyes look around.

"Nice." said Craig. "So, where is she and which one is the lovers of your life."

"She's not around here, somewhere that I have to find her."

Craig nod understand. Gibson and Craig walk toward the crowd, "Mrs. Melendez, hi." He smile, she turn on her back, smile as he saw Gibson. "Kind a crazy in here."

She nod her head. A thirty six years old science teacher, pregnant with her third child, together with her is Mr. Melendez and two of her kids.

"Mr. Gibson, well yes. My boys can't stop eating candy since we came, they obsessed with candy. This is my husband, Shaun."

"Nice to see you." said Gibson. He look down at the kids. "Adorable kids you had, I'm counting on it." Craig turn to him. "Can't wait to see them."

"You'll see them soon," Her eyes on Craig. "Who he is? where's your wife, Gibson."

He smile, both his hand inside his pocket. "She can't come, outstation, so I brought my friend with me, Craig."

"Nice too meet you, Mr. Craig." Craig pumps Melendez's outstretched hand. "Let's get inside the show about to started in minute, I can't believe our principal allow the band in our school, we never had a show till this. Isn't it exciting."

"Yes, of course." He smile again. "Lead the way."

They now entering inside towards the gym room wheres the students, the teachers, the people and the crowd waited. End of the gym there's a stage stood, enough for the band to performance with all equipment they had on stage.

Gibson eyes searching for Belle, where is she?

"Dude I'd never know you invite the band."

"Wasn't mine ideas, hers ideas."

His eyes caught Belle standing side of the stage with that bitch, Emma. What is she doing with the band? why she so comfortable with them? what the fuck is going on that I miss.

Craig turn to him. "Hers ideas? about time." He point at the band.

Craig hurries off toward the bar. Gibson moves self-consciously into a nearby corner, not wanting to continue the conversation with Craig. A local plugs a Loretta Lynn tune into the jukebox, witha challenging stare at the band. People begins two-stepping in front of the stage. Chris walks up to the guitar player, and pulls him aside.

"Gibson! come here." shout Craig between the crowd, Gibson turn his feet where the small bar stood.

Piercing feedback signals the beginning of the set. Chris takes the mic and smiles broadly.

"Good afternoon, Jackson st high school." The crowd turn to silent, he spokes again. "Anyway, we're Trouble Machine. And we just want to make you happy."

He winks at Belle and Emma. Gibson notice. The band launch into the same intense, soaring song we heard in the cop car and the hole. Belle's eyes never leave Chris's. She's hypnotized, clinging to Emma's arm. Even the locals look charmed, Jake slowly make his moves sneaking behind the girls.

"Hey." The girls turn. "Are you two gonna standing in here, while they performed? we should go there and gaves them support."

The girls agree, now they three stood middle of the crowds, behind them at the bar Gibson stood and his eyes at the back of Belle. She look so beautiful. Craig noticed his eyes lock on whom, he follow Gibson, he can't see Belle clearly from the crowds.

"And this for you guys."

Later, after Trouble Machine performance. Chris climbed down the stage meet Belle and Jake. Emma is nowhere to be seen, Chris eyes scanning Jake from head to shoes. He kind a know Jake somewhere.

"Are you the son of Harley?" He asked. Jake nod, "Are you her boyfriend?" He pointed at Belle, Jake nods again. "Careful what you wish for dude, if you hurt her I kill you." He wink at Belle.

Jake blushed, his face red. "You lucky having her, you won't regret it, she's the best girls I've never met, included Emma and where is she anyway."

"Sneak out. Thank you and you must be Chris the lead singer, Belle never stop talking about you, how she respect and adore you."

"Is she?" Chris look down to Belle. "Nah, I'm just bunch of losers, who tried to make money by my talent, without hers we won't be here."

Chris smile, pattes Jake shoulder. "You take good care of her, Jake. She like my little sister I wanted too, tell you both what. I'm gonna climbing up on stage, and sing another song special for you two."

He wink at them, turns his feet back to the stage. He takes a mic, "I appreciate and feel welcoming, thank you. And this song is for my friends, Belle, Emma and Jake."

Everyone eyes on them now. She feel bit blushed and faking her smile. Gibson at her behind, held the glass tighten in his hand, almost breaking it into pieces after Chris said her name and Jake.

What with that two?

Chris and his band take another performance and this time, this song for romantic dance couple. Everyone had a partner include Belle and Jake.

Jake take Belle hand and they two dance middle of the crowds. "I love you, Andriana Belle Decker." He kiss her on lips.