Flashback, where Gibson see Belle and Jake kiss middle of the dance. He want to go there and kill that bastard. How dare that motherfucker kiss her, the mother of my child, you booked your own death motherfucker.

He's about to march towards them, anger, but being stop by Craig as he touch his shoulder from the back. He growl, knowingly he ask Craig to let him go. but no, Craig wasn't listen to him.

His head turn to front back where the kiss still continue, he about to march over them again, quickly Craig drag him out from the gym, out from the school, this time he drove Gibson trucks back to cabin.

As soon they arrive at the cabin, Gibson attack Craig by his fist, he punch him right on his face, the fight continue inside the cabin, the boys now covered with bruises and blood all over clothes.

End of the flashback, Gibson stood in front of the window to see the view, Craig at the kitchen drinking beer. Still, with bruises and blood.


He asked Gibson as he drink. He remember how he punch Gibson at corner of his lips after he punch him on his face, his nose wasn't broken by Gibson punch, just his nose won't stop bleeding.

How many time he had to wiped his nose, still it won't stop. "Punching my face doesn't mean she willing back for you, Gibs."

Gibson turn to him, he wanted to launge on top of him again, and kill this motherfucker then buried his body deep inside the forest wheres no one couldn't look for him. Very deep...

"Never, she won't. You can't force her to love you Gibs."


"NO! YOU SHUT UP! you think I don't know what you up to huh? you crazy motherfucker VICTOR GIBSON, you under medication- that is written on your meds bottle psychosis disorder you motherfucker."

He stop, his eyes on Craig. "You psycho and obsessed. What so special about her that you turn into a monster, your a teacher, Gibs. A teacher and student can't be in love by the law, it's forbid. Let her having her own time with that boy and she deserve it by her age."


"Who the fuck are you to stop her."

"Listen to me you bastard!" He approach, gritting his teeth. "She belong to me!" He said point it his own chest. "Like it or not she's mine. Not you or that fucker could stop me having hers in my life, she's not like other whores out there."

"I see, then why you lie about your suddenly marriage."

He can hear his breathe in and out, the background so tense between him and Gibson, he could hear everything from the inside and outside the cabin.

"Why? to impressed her? that's bullshit, your fake marriage doesn't had to do with her, doesn't effect on hers either, your the one who thought like that, not her. Forget about her Gibs, she ain't to you."

Craig take a last drink of beer, he crumble tin cans then throw it inside the bin. He open the fridge having more beer for himself, that could keep him calm and warm.

"I may not be your mother, as your friends- enough all this shit. Let her go,"

Finish his drink for the second time, he crumble tin cans again, throw inside the bin then he walk toward his room Gibson gaves to him. Shower, all he wanted is shower, after they fought pass an hours ago.

Gibson hear him slammed the door shut from where he stood, he ignore it. He got his own pride, and he will never letting her go just like that.

Back at school, later evening, Trouble Machine met up with the girls and Jake. The school fair ended, people rushes back to home. Belle notice Chris smilling at her since the kiss happen, sometime he wink and back to smile again. She scratch side of her head confusing, she look down at her clothes afraid Chris saw something, torn clothes perhaps, revealing her skin.

"What?" She ask Chris. "Why you looking at me like that, you scared me, is it because of the kiss." Chris sudden clapped his hand follow by his fellow, "Stop it, is not funny."

Emma look up from her phone, "You trying to keep it secret now what you two had done." She said, the picture of Belle and Jake kiss went viral all over the social network, Emma scroll her phone again. "You two mess up."

"I'm sorry." said Jake. "I wasn't thinking, I love Belle so much, I want to proposed her." Chris and his fellow band, Emma stare him. Belle eyes open wider as he bend one of his knee in front of her. "Andriana Belle Decker, will you be my wife after graduate?"

Belle look him, said. "We're just sixteen."

"Nah, just sixteen." said Chris. "Most girls like your age already a mom, accidently pregnant." He laugh. "Always accidently, aren't you?"

Belle gasp, she touch her flat belly. "I'm will not pregnant at sixteen, collegue first, university, then we talk about future heading."

"Good, don't be like us. I mean we can't pregnant and there no future await for us, this is our future now, to be known by others, to be famous in hollywood, our name craft on hollywood boulevard floor where people know who we are. This all what we dream for, our teenage life it's over- and now this is it."

Chris bit his bottom lips, he spokes back. "Someday, when we died hoping our song people still hear it like Elvis. People adore him, he's the icons."

"Don't forget MJ." said the guitarist.

"Yes, MJ. Icons, our faces boom on the wall, on new york billboard boom boom boom everywhere. When you have a kids one day, show them who we are, if I have a kids I'll show them who I'am when I was young."

He claps his hand, his eyes on Belle. "There a man I saw when you two kissing, his face full in anger like he about to ripping you both apart, he trying to approach but his friend hold him in. I don't know who he is, he handsome, like us. Right boys?"

Belle look down her laps, a man trying to ripping her apart as she kiss, her mind suddenly on Gibson, she'd never seen him since she arrive this morning, she didn't know who he brought with him, she didn't seen him anywhere or maybe she too busy with the band that she forgetting about him.

Not that she had been able to completely stop him from being alone with him, and, when he did manage to get her alone, he had done less than appropriate things. Like the time she was in the library, looking for a book. She hadn't been expecting him to be there, and had been surprised when he appeared behind her, now he trying to ripping them?

"Crazy man I think, you know, maybe he drunk, there's a small bar at the gym, I don't know who ideas is. Technically when you see him like he trying to attack but no, he just drunk. Sort of."

"Maybe, by the way thanks you three. We got to go now, we'll see you three again." Chris eyes on Jake. "Jake, remember what I'd said, be protected, being heroes. This girls are awesome, without them we won't be here." He wink.

Jake nod and smile as they watch the band left the school, at the gate, Chris stuck his head out the window. "Text me if you guys need anything, or the show- we'll be there!"