Later night, Evigan's house. Gibson is crouched outside Emma's window, hiding in the shrubbery. She looks almost feral, with wide eyes and a hungry expression, she suddenly losing her appetite, like she about to know what will happen to her, through the window, we see Emma sitting at a vanity and combing her hair, oblivious to the intruder in her yard.

What nobody realized was that I was doing a different kind of homework. I was watching her everynight. Waiting. I know this brat know about me, and I know about her too.

We see Emma putting the comb down and examining her hair with a appraising eye.

Waiting for her to get weak and dull. Waiting for her to burn through the life-force she'd stolen from me.

Gibson creeps away from the window.

It took moment, but I finally made my move. Remember? how I really love to kill her, now - this is my chance.

"Emma darling?" Her mother swung the door open, "Are you sure you don't wanna eat something before sleep, you barely touch your dinner."

Emma laid on her bed after she switch on the tv, "I'm not really hungry mom. I don't know why."

"Did you eat something that makes your tummy forbid you to eat." Emma shake her head no. "What the doctor?" Her mother suggest.

Emma shake her head no. "Okay, I leave you warm milk on the counter, if you need it - just went downstairs." Then her mother left the room. The door is close, now she's alone again.

Midnight, as the Evigan's went sleep beside Emma, she can't sleep that night, her heart feels about to burst out from her chest, her heart pumping like an hell. She don't know what happen today, the early day she's okay, but tonight? She like a dead girl.

What is wrong with me? am I gonna dead tonight?

Gibson plunging through the window. Emma thrashing. The blood. The struggle. The levitation. He cursed her for being such an pathetic gossip bitch, because of her - he might be lose Belle forever if she still with her.

He won't letting her near to Belle again, she's the poison, she the wicked.

Even in her last moments of life, she somehow managed to be cooler than me.

She fight for her life, for a moment, Emma's sly, challenging smile as Gibson raises the knife to slash her. That signature look of mastery and control.

She left an insanely hot corpse. Gibson out from her house, he hear and saw Emma's mother holding her again, screaming, though all we hear is silence and static. Sure enough, Emma's bleeding body seems to be art fully, sensually draped in her mother's arms. She almost seems to be smirking at him.

He left, proud he kill Emma Evigan.

The next morning, Belle up, taking her shower, grab her bag then running downstairs to kitchen. She step inside and saw her parents stay silent, she don't know what happen. Her mother wipe her tears, and her father stay silent with no word.

She chuckle saw the moment, "What are you two playing at? drama?" She open the door fridge having orange juice, she grab glass on the sink beside her mother, her mother not moved a bit or flinch, all she did is wipe her tear then she burst crying. Belle drink her juice curiously way, she turn to her father.

"Did someone died?"

Richards rose up, walk toward Belle, still don't know what the hell is going on this morning. Decker's family suddenly turn into a weirdo like Emma said to Jake back at the hospital, he cupped her cheek, Belle smile blushing.


"Honey, there's something you need to know - urmm, Emma is gone."

"Gone? where? is she going to vacation, without me? damn that bitch." She chuckle. "She didn't told me anything, oh, I will ask her bought me a present after she back." She about to leave the house but Richards stop her, she turn back to him. "What, I'm going to school."

He stop her again, "Honey listen, Emma is gone, gone mean - she's dead. She dead last night, her mother found her body in her room, someone kill her through her chest, she died, Belle. She's gone."

"This is all prank right, I know she like to prank me, okay, she good on this." She still don't believe that her best friend are gone, she remember what Emma saying to her I always with you, and now she gone. "This is not true, tell me is not true, dad."

He nod. "Yes, honey. she's gone."

Both her knee are weak, drop on the ground, Richards hold her before she could hurting herself, she cry, weeping on his shoulder. Molly follow, the Decker's cry over Emma dead.

She with me at school, she's with me - why? she with me, no. no. no. Oh my god.

The citizens are gathered around saint pool, crying. It's a candle light memorial for Emma. Their face sare weary and sorrowful. Photos of Emma have been arranged around the edge of the fence. We see a picture of Emma and Belle on the end.

After funeral, Belle went into Emma room. Her eyes are red and bruises because she never stop crying over hers, she sit on her bed, a memory with Emma keep coming through her head, a memory she will never forget. She look around her room, Emma loves blue and pink colour. She decor her room with those colour, hanging on the wall, a picture of Emma and Belle when they just a kids.

I miss you, Emma. I miss you already.

She walk toward her desk, she open the drawers where she found Emma's diaries, then she back to bed. She read her diaries, but then stop at middle of the page, she mention about Gibson on her diaries, what he do, what he desire for. A desire to have Belle in his arms, now she know where he lives, he wasn't married man, all his words are lies and more lies.

All these pass month he lives in his own lies, what Belle think about Gibson since she met him are true, he were there when she visit at the Ripley's and kiss her, he were there with her all this time with his lies, Gibson kill her best friends, now she's gone, she miss her so much.

She keep her diaries with her, Emma's mother at the frame. "Can I have this?"

"Take it, Belle. There's nothing left in here with us, my daughter is gone and she always in our heart." Belle hugs her, "You know, she always hope that one day you both will get married, have your own kids, husband, shopping together as a mother."

They two cry. Belle look up at her face. "I want a justice for her dead. I swear the killers will rot in hell."

Midnight, Belle arrive at Gibson cabin where she found out on Emma's diaries, she crouched between the bushes, behind the tree until she reach outside of the cabin. She saw him reading in front of the fire place, with coffee at his hand, he seem so relax after he kill her.

You bastard!

She sneak into his house, steals his knife from the kitchen.

Gibson realizes he is being stalked by someone he know, he smirking, inhaling the scent of hers. Belle attempts to distract the man with his car alarm long enough to grab him from his back, but he's fast as she thought, he pinned her down to ground. She trying to kick him but didn't budge.

"Oh, I've missed you." He smell her with smile. "There isn't a moment where, I haven't thought about you, Belle." chuckle. "I know it's you my darling, you came back to me, you're home with me - together, this is our home but not for now."

He reach her arm, they now standing middle of the room. He grip her tightly, "Please, don't do this."

"Now you beg me. Haven't you thought about how my feeling, how you crush my heart as you with that bastard, I'm watching you, Belle."

She cried. "Y-you kill, Emma." He cupped her cheek. "You kill her!!"

"I know, I'm sorry."

He kiss her forehead.

"I have too my love, I have too. She's always keep us apart, so then she can have you while I can't. This is not fair honey, I can't share you with someone else, you is mine and you belongs to me."