Belle stabs him on his chest, he letting her go, back away touch his chest from bleed and pain. She run outside the house, through the wood.


She hear him behind as she running without looking at her back if he was chasing her or not.

He won't chase me around, he's weak, I stab him on his chest, like he did to Emma. What he did, he'll get back!

She run toward the bushes about minute she stop at middle of the wood. She don't know where else should she goes, all she want is to see a road and safe after someone rescuing her, she keep Emma's diaries inside her hoodie, so she can feel how the best thing ever killing maniac teacher like Victor Gibson.

She look around her, as she about to run again, Belle is shot in the leg by Gibson with a crossbow bolt, manages to knock her off before she could run again with crossbow bolt on her leg.

Gibson carried her back to the cabin and laid her on his bed, what he mean their bed, he tied her on bed as he walk toward the kitchen, grab medic kit box then back to the room. She still unconscious on bed, he then walk toward the bathroom, get a stitches on his own wound.

She hear him scream inside the bathroom, her eyes blurring, trying to get her sight back, notice she were back at his house. Shocking, finding herself been tied on bed by him. He hear her, then walk out from the bathroom, half naked.

"Look what you did?" He point at his wound. "You got me well, lucky the knife wasn't on my heart, and I'm still alive." chuckle.

His face pale, so she is. He walk toward bed and sit beside her. "I'm sorry I hurt you." He look at her leg. "You - you running from me, why?"

"Because you're the KILLERS! you kill my best friend!"

He shake his head. "Don't be afraid. I'm nothing to hurt you but this -" Removing the bolt from her leg, she scream in pain, blood spatter on the cover and on his hand.

She curse him for being not careful. "I got your diaries back." he show her. "She's good. I will give this back to you when everything is settle down."

"What do you mean?"

He smirking, said. "You will found out, Mrs Gibson. Soon you found out." he smile widely.