He backed up with his staff in hand, because it did no damage his pal would have to take this one out himself. The green slime rolled around eyeing his enemy, the blue slime seemed to do this as well. A text bubble appeared on his interface, a long text scribble to the side. It was named 'Slime Rivalry.'
Edge flew in front of him and began reading the text. "Slime Rivalry. Many slimes are very docile, leaving hunters and adventures alone a majority of the time. They also have no natural enemies, as no monsters like eating the slime Slime's are made up of. But, when slimes face those of different tribes they become hostile. This behaviour is seen in other groups of monsters as well, but since slimes are much less intelligent than those groups it is considered much more interesting to study."
Edge finished her bit while Alex watched his companion, "So, there is detailed information on the monsters of this game. That will be interesting to read about." "That's not the only thing, the more information you learn on the slimes through battle, reading, or test, also powerup your companions as well." That was very interesting, "So, in order to grow your companions you have to actually study them. That mechanic is pretty cool, it makes the players immerse themselves in the game."
Edge flew around, "My creators are just grand aren't they." He turned his attention to his companion in just enough time to catch him tackling his opponent. The blue slime actually jumped out of the way, evading the attack. It then tackled his slime causing it to roll back. The green slime gurgled and tried again, with the same effect.
"Come on buddy." The blue slime must have a higher speed than his companion. Now that's three hits, putting his buddy at low health. He slammed his staff down and a bolt of flame flew through the air hitting the blue slime and sending it flying a few feet away. Alex took out a bit of gel and rubbed it on his companion, "Alright, he's faster than you. We can work around this." He turned to the blue slime and thought of strategies. He snapped his finger and turned back around, "I got it, let him attack you. When he's knocked back, tackle him when he's stunned." He took out another thing of gell and fully restored his health, "Go get him."
His green slime watched as the blue slime got back up. He didn't attack, that means he had listened to his instructions. The blue slime attacked again, hitting his buddy and was knocked back. His companion held his ground and, when his skill activated, tackled the blue slime. Knocking it back against a rock. It did this twice more without the blue slime learning from it's mistake and was defeated.
Alex let out a full hearted cheer and picked up his buddy, "Good job, good job." It purred in his arms and he sat him down and began rubbing gel on him. The blue slime dropped some gel as well, but it was blue and not green.
'Gel of a Blue Slime. Healing Item. Heals players and companions health by ten. Increases companion spd by two.' He rubbed his head, "So that's why it was so fast, it was made of this stuff." He noticed his companions level rise alongside his own. Then another text bubble popped up.
"New Skill Earned! Ice shot!" He checked his stat window, and read it's description out loud. "Ice Shot. Shoot a bolt of Ice to pierce an enemy. Cool. Equip." But another text flew around his head that drew his attention.
'Companion Available! Blue Slime'
He immediately swung over to his Summons window and read the new description.
Blue Slime -5-
Stronger variant of the Green slime, there is very little difference between the two's stats. The major difference is the blue slimes speed. Boasting an average speed for the slime species it's skill, dodge, is rather useful in combat with slow enemies. Strong Fire resistance makes it a formidable oppnet for magic monsters of the fire element.
Element- Water
Skills- Tackle, Distraction, Dodge, Fire resistance
A new ally to help him on his way. He hit equipe and said goodbye to his green friend. He smacked his staff on the ground and the green slime disappeared into a beam of light and was replaced by a blue slime. So this was how you play, continuously take down bigger and badder enemies to gain more powerful allies.
He ran through the Slimes stats and off he went. The enemies were gradually growing harder as they progressed through the cave. This new Blue Slime was different then the Green Slime, being more mobile meant it avoided more attacks. The only drawback to this was he had to change their strategy. Instead of using rebound defence he relied more on the speed of his new ally. His new attack was helping tremendously as well. He could attack with his spell and the new slime could come in with an attack.
He gained three levels by the time they had finally reached the end of the cave. His slime was hopping around near his feet and he grew curious about something. "Edge," he called out, "do all these monsters have unique AI themselves?" She fluttered around, "Yes, and no. If you are referring to myself, I am unique in the way that I am a main program. These creatures are unique in their own special way."
As they walked along the dimly lit cave they finally reached the exit. Light poured out of the opening and his slime practically ran for it. He followed close behind, wanting to see the world in all its glory. He ran out and he covered his eyes. Edge flew ahead and sighed, "Welcome, to the land of Summoners Calling, Kingdom Torelia."
Blue Slime -6-
Str 7
Per 6
Spd 9
Def 5
Mag 6
Int 3
Grw 1.2
Element - Water
Skills- Tackle, Distraction, Dodge, Fire Resistance