A cool gust hit his face and he shuddered. They were standing on a worn lookout point near the top of a mountain. The white tip just above their heads. Standing vigilant next to it other mountains stood like stone giants creating a huge natural wall. A cool breeze whistled above the peaks.
To the north green fields and thick forests speckled the landscape. The forest looked old and huge trees stretched above the canopy like pillars holding up the sky. Winged beasts of varying sizes flew above the trees in search of their next meal. It was a scene right out of a fantasy book, and he was witnessing it like it was real.
To the west a golden ocean sat beneath a setting sun. Waves gentilly crashed against a golden brown coast stretching North and South. The spectacle was enough to fulfill a painter's dream, but as tantalizing the view was one thing caught his eyes. Protected by great white walls and overlooking the coast atop a seaside cliff his next destination was laid out in front of him.
It overlooked the rolling waves like a vigilant guardian awaiting attack. Edge floated close by and began talking, "The southern city of Port Olva. Known for its beautiful springtime weather and scenic views, Olva will be your starting point." He looked upon the city and then the distance separating them.
"That's a long walk." She laughed, "No journey has ended in two steps, now get walking. We need to make camp before it gets dark." A path was chiseled out of the side of the steep peak, worn from years of weathering. Pillars, both standing and decrepit lined the path. They had strange symbols written on the sides with no clear purpose.
The campfire crackled and popped. Alex leaned against a boulder and threw a few sticks into the fire to keep it burning. He was going through his and his companions stats and asking Edge questions. His slimes were not progressing fast enough, indeed they were the weakest the world had to offer. If he was going to get stronger, he would need to get even stronger monsters.
He yawned, the first day of playing was short, but fun. Edge floated near him, "Edge, I'll be going to sleep now. You can go and run your parameters as you need." She floated around, "Ok, I'll see you later Alex." She disappeared into the sky. "Wait, when did I ever give her my name."
He shrugged it off and took out his staff. A beam of light shot out and his Green slime appeared. It hopped up to him and he picked him up, "Ok, I'm going to sleep so I need you to watch the camp alright." He gurgled. "Ok, stay focused and wake me up if you see anything."
He gurgled again and Alex nodded. He laid him down then laid his head down on the ground. It was a hard bed, but manageable. Then his green slime nuzzled his head. He lifted his head, "What's up?" He continued to nuzzle his head until he was laying under his head. "Oh, you want to be my pillow. Uh, thanks." He laid his head down on his companion and he began to purr.
"Goodnight buddy." His purr slowly lulled Alex to sleep and soon he was out like a lamp. In his dreams he saw images, scenes of battle. Then a huge rawr rocked his soul. A scaly foot with huge claws appeared and then an old brittle laugh of an old man.
He woke up with a start, sweating as if he had a nightmare. It was morning, and the sun had begun to poke up from behind the mountains. He looked around just in time to see his green slime quivering a little bit in front of him. "Oh, sorry I scared you. What-" a growl interrupted him from one of the nearby bushes. It wasn't him that scared him.
He stood up quickly and scanned the area. That's when he saw them. Three wolf-like creatures were walking up slowly towards them. They were red furred and had a black stripe running down their sides. It's eyes looked wild, and it's open snarling maw looked fierce.
He pulled out his staff and put his back against the boulder. His eyes then landed on the number above it's head. All three were level 8 putting each of them nearly three levels above his friend. He eyed each of them, it looked as if they would pounce any second.
His companion, although shaking, stood between them and it's master. They snarled and snapped at him, but he didn't even falter. The tension was growing worse with each step they took and he gripped his staff tighter with each second. This was the first real challenge.
The first one pounced, but he saw it coming and quickly slammed his staff down sending a bolt of Ice into the side of the leaping canine. It hit the fiery wolf in midair sending him flying. The other two wolves turned their head and watched their comrade get flinged away, but it didn't deter them in the slightest.
They both leaped for the slime hoping to take it by surprise. As their jaws locked onto their target they were instantly slapped away by his companions skill. Alex let another bolt loose hitting one of them in the side. His slime seeing the opportunity tackled his target, sending it back onto it's back.
It then shined bright white before disappearing, defeated. "One down." He yelled out in triumph. The words were stolen from his lips as he felt the jaws of the other one lock onto his left leg causing him to fall to his knee. He sent a bolt of ice into the side of this one as well, but the inertia from his attack acted against him causing the jaws of the monster to lock down even harder.
He let out a pained yelp. Upon hearing his master's cry the green slime acted fast, tackling the wolf and slamming it against the boulder. It shined and disappeared like the first. Alex held his wound feeling warm liquid covering his leg. He picked up his arm to pull out gel from his inventory but his eyes caught the glimpse of a shadow.
He looked at it, then noticed it was coming from the top of the boulder. His body had already reacted before he knew it. The wolf he had injured from before was standing above him, killing intent flooding into its eyes. Alex brought his staff up to defend himself, but the wolf had already pounced.
It's jaws clamped over the base of the staff and pinned him to the ground. He felt the claws of the beast dig into his chest and arms as it struggled to get to him through the staff. He fought hard, but the strength of the dog was overpowering him. It got closer and closer to his face that he could feel it's hot breath.
Then, like a siren, a shrill screech like sound flooded his ears. He wanted to cover his ears from the sharp pain he felt, but his hands were busy fending off the similarly stunned wolf. Looking over he found that the sound was coming from his companion. The sound stopped as abruptly as it had started leaving him and the wolf frozen in place.
The wolf then let go of his staff and with a snarl lunged at the little slime. The wolves jaws closed around it's gelatin body, and although he had seen the wolf take damage it powered through the slimes skill. He hurriedly raised his staff up and another bolt of ice flew through the air hitting it in the side and sending it flying before evaporating like the two prior.
He was left slack jawed and breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his brow. Adrenaline pumped through his body numbing the pain from his wounds. He was hurt pretty bad, sensing the dull burning of cuts and punctures down his arms, chest, and legs. Alex wasn't worried about that, his eyes were focused on the nearly depleted health bar above his wrist