His slime was lying still, gurgling perhaps in pain. He dragged himself over to his small companion and picked him up and gently laid him in his lamp. "It's alright, it's ok, i'm going to get you healed up." The slime stopped gurgling and then began to softly purr.
He shook his head. This was supposed to be a program. A whole bunch of ones and zeros, parameters, and code. It didn't feel like that, it felt undeniably real. The pain he was feeling right now was real, the pain his green little friend was feeling was real.
He took out gel after gel, rubbing it over the slimes green surface. After it was fully healed it began to purr at full power. "Thanks for that buddy, I don't know what I would have done without you." Alex rubbed it's head and the slime soaked in all the affection he was receiving.
Week was no description for this slime, in fact he would consider it blasphemy to even think that. Alex let the slime down and seeing him hop around healthily brought a smile to his face. He made a promise to himself that he wouldn't put his friends in so much danger again. He's going to have to get stronger, not just them.
He flinched, the adrenaline was wearing off. He soon felt his wounds burning and inspecting them he found his clothes were soaked red. He sighed and tried to bring out some more gel. Nothing. He pulled up his inventory, nothing.
"I'm out?" He let his hand fall to his side. He was out of healing items. He laid down with a pained groan and looked at his stats, maybe he would regenerate health over time.
His health was lowered to 40 and after watching it for a minute it hadn't changed. He wouldn't be regenerating health anytime soon. Good news, he leveled up twice from that little encounter putting his max health up to 135.
"Lotta good that does me," he said sarcastically.His slime rolled over to him and looked at one of his wounds, "Yeah, i'm a little hurt." It rolled on top of the wound, maybe he thought because he was made of that gel stuff he could heal him. He doubted it. "It's alright bud, I just have… too…" He stopped talking as he watched his health begin to slowly rise.
"Oh, that's helpful!" He blurted out in relief. He pulled up his Monster Guid and looked up the green slimes bio. He had reached level 10 and learned a new skill called Smothered Healing. The slime slowly worked over all his wounds, healing one after the other. The feeling of each wound healing was soothing.
The slime slowly worked over each wound healing one after the other. After a few minutes he was healed up completely. His clothes were ripped to tatters, with tears along the legs and chest. He would need to get some new clothes from the town.
"Wait, don't the wolves drop anything." Looking around he found that they had dropped some stuff. He found three rolls of red pelts with a long dark line running down the middle. "Red wolf pelts. These would probably fetch a good price in town."
"Speaking of town, a small path leads into the nearby woods. He's going to have to cross through those woods to get to the city. He brought out his staff, "Alright buddy, get some rest. You deserve it." He tapped the staff to it's green body and it let out a happy gurgle before disappearing.
He looked at his stats and spent his points. As he looked at them he noticed a star on the Summons window. As he looked at it he found that a third window had been filled. He smiled as he read the new description.
Red Wolf -10-
A pack predator, these wolves will hunt in groups using their numbers to take prey off guard. Fast and fierce they'll attack anything they think is food. Although a weaker link on the beast chain it is a decent starter for beginning adventures to hunt for a good challenge.
With a considerably high Spd and Int stats, it's a powerful ambush predator.
Element - Fire
Skills - Sneak, Bite, Claw, Fire Breath, Ambush
The stat pool on this thing was much larger than that of the slimes. Looking at it now, it was a wonder how he was able to fight off three. His own skill must have done a good bit of damage. That means that these elements had weaknesses he would do well to learn.
He summoned his new companion. A red wolf appeared from the burst of light. The wolf looked around then set it's eyes on him. He had the same red fur as from before along with a long black stripes down each of its sides.
It sat down on its haunches and looked at him, it's red eyes alert. He walked over to the canine and kneeled down, "So, you're the most powerful of the team now." He extended his hand, he heard that's what you do when meeting new dogs. The wolf sniffed his hand and then licked it. That means he was ok with him.
He got up, "Alright let's go." The wolf got up and followed him into the forest.