The carriage bumped and jerked as the horses dragged it along the dirt road. Alex hadn't seen a single marking on his entire journey, just the never ending wall of lush green forest. He sighed, "It was going to be a long walk if I hadn't caught this ride." Maves sat across from him in a red leather seat, her helmet now laid by her side.
She had an elegant face that fit a noble lady rather than a hardened knight. Sharp eyes and thin lips gave her a matured look and her blue eyes displayed a firm kindness a teacher may express. She twirled her short blond hair with an armoured finger, "Indeed, you would not have made it to the city until sundown. It was lucky for both of us to meet."
She crossed her legs, "I don't believe I ever asked your name?" He turned to her and lighty bowed his head, "My name's Alex." She tilted her head, "No... Sir name?" He shook his head, he was a pretty full blown commoner by evan real world standards. "Just Alex." She touched her chin, "It is odd to find a mage of your skill bearing no sir name, then again you had said earlier you were a Freelance Mage." So, mages in this world are considered nobility, he may be able to abuse that to his advantage.
The other knight with long hair crossed her arms, "You were in such a rush to meet your doom you never gave us a name to put on your tomb. That was very reckless." Her condescending tone practically leaked out. The other knight had refined looks with brown eyes, but seemed much less mature than Maves.
She must have been an underling, because she squirmed as Maves shot a glance at her, "Indeed reckless, but bravery does not wait on the battlefield. And you must admit, his appearance was greatly needed. He is the reason we aren't carrying bodies back to the city." She looked down, "I-I'm sorry, Captain. It was truly honorable to place his own safety behind other's."
Alex shook his head, "Please, it was reckless although brave. I do believe in my abilities, however, I was in minimum danger." The knight glanced at him, a soft expression on her face, "No one is invincible, especially mages." Her words held a deal of grief and experience, she seemed to have known another mage with worse luck than him.
"I will take it into consideration." She nodded, "Good, we need all the mages we can get." She turned away and became quiet, no longer wanting to talk. Alex turned to Maves, "I also don't believe my journey would end so soon. My luck isn't that bad." She looked at him and propped her elbow on the window and laid her chin on the back of her hand, "Beginning of your journey?"
He let loose something he shouldn't have, it seems. She looked at him with prying eyes and he needed to make up a good enough lie. He needs to create a persona to go by here, something believable. He slunk in his seat, "Well, you see, I… left the, uh, academy to strengthen my magic alone."
She nodded, "Considering your talent, I can see why you would be so eager to leave. Battle mages do make better travellers, but why leave the confines of a safe life in the city?" He shrugged, "It was boring, adventure is hard to find when you're stuck behind a desk." Those words could relate to his own life, indeed, he detested his office job.
She looked down at his clothes, "It seems you found quite a lot of 'Adventure' roaming the woods." He plucked one of the many holes ripped into his shirt, "Mabey, but the fighting keeps you busy." She laughed, "True, and I would lie if I said I didn't enjoy battle myself. It's still foolish to go around picking fights."
E was in the clear, they shouldn't be asking anymore hard questions now. Maves smiled and put her hands in her lap, "Were about to arrive, would you like us to drop you off anywhere." He looked at his clothes, "Um, do you know a place I can sell some items." She looked at him, "Monster items, yes we can drop you off with Manette. He can buy some of those monster items off of you."
He nodded, "That would be appreciated." Although he has found gold in some of the monster drops, he wasn't confident in the amount. Soon other carts and wagons began appearing including some people who held different tools and items. Guards walked alongside them as well.
It was then the path began running downwards along the side of a cliff and the forest finally broke away revealing the city. He couldn't look away, from their angle they looked downward on a huge valley with a river running through the middle and covered in fields of different crops. People could be seen in a good number working the field and walking through the now crude stone roads.
The City of Torellia outshined the valley completely. Sitting at the end of a huge seaside cliff the city sat above the water like a huge stone guardian. It's white walls were huge, reaching high and then turning into towers that reached higher still. The city was so much bigger than what he could have imagined from his look out on the mountain.
From his view he could see a large port with its own collection of buildings off the side near the water's edge. Ships with their colors raised were leaving and coming as they pleased. He wondered what lands they hailed from and knew that he would need a map soon. He couldn't imagine how big this world was.
As he was standing half way out of the window Maves laughed, I see you are enchanted with our city. Indeed, it may not be the prettiest, but it is our pride and joy." He shook his head, "It's beautiful, i've never seen anything like it." No view from any game or real life could match what he was seeing, it was truly beautiful.
If he didn't know he was playing a game, he could have ruled this off as real. The monsters, the people, the scenery, all of it seemed so real. The way the monsters acted, their personalities bore more semblance with real creatures than programs. The same could be said for the people, it didn't feel like he was talking to some computer, but real people.
The way tha boy felt earlier, the air around him felt intimidating. His words carried weight more than language can express. It wasn't like talking to some scripted AI, but a person who felt emotion and carried his position. This entire program, if you can call it such, felt unnaturally real.
As he sat there contemplating this dilemma he was jumped awake by a loud shrieking noise. It was deep and rough, and the creature behind the sound must have been large. He twisted his body around to search the sky but it was too late. A huge shadow blotted out the sun as it dived pon the carriage, it's intent hard to miss.
He pulled his staff out of his inventory with a flash of light, but the creature had already pulled up. A powerful gust of wind rocked the carriage and knocked him off balance. He fell to the bottom of the window and Maves helped to steady himself, before he could raise his staff the creature had already flown away towards the city.
Raising himself up he tried to catch a glimpse of the creature. He was stunned as he finally saw what had tried to attack him, "A dragon!?" A huge beast with blue scales and similarly colored leathery wings flapped away from them towards the city. It's blue scales shined in the light of the sun as it glided through the air.
Maves sighed and fell back into her seat annoyed, "Those Riders, ugh. A bunch of ruffians with too many freedoms." He peared at the dragon still mesmerized by the power he felt. Perched on top of the dragon was a man, he was too far away to make out perfectly but there was a man riding that beast.
Then it hit him. Dragons were monsters, even from where he sat a 67 was clearly floating over the head of the great beast. So, how was a man controlling it? "Maves, you said dragon riders. How have they tamed such a beast." She looked at him confused, "What do you mean, there was no taming involved."
The words seemed to toll off the tongue, "That man was a Summoner."