The buildings sat side by side, intellectual crafted to take as little room as possible. The sleek white stone used in their construction shined in the sun to give the bity a kind of shine. The main highway as well as the branching of roads were well crafted and maintained. During their entire ride to the store Maves had suggested he felt no bumps.
He stepped off the carriage and spun around looking at the small road and the paques that hung above the stores. Some of them had cups and plant's painted on them, others had blacksmith anvils and potions.This must be a market, and telling from the number of people walking around, a busy one.
Maves jumped down, her greeves clanking atop the stone road, "Welcome to the Northern market. A good place to get stocked up for a decent price." Some people walked by them and waved at her, she smiled and waved back. Alex walked up to her, "Do you come here often."
SHe put her hands behind her back, "I was around quite often before becoming a knight so many of the shopkeepers know me." The carriage driver snapped the rains and the horse began their ventur once more. Alex looked at the leaving carriage, "Are you not going back with them?"
She shook her head, "No, I have to report the goblin activity to the guard captain. I'm also going to check on my men at the hospital." She walked up to the window of the nearest store, it had a plaque with books and daggers painted on. "This is Manette's shop, he is a," she touched her chin, "intriguing man."
Alex took a look out the window and browsed the set of items. Along with well crafted swords, axes, and daggers, armour was displayed as well. They seemed well crafted, metiquallsy crafted. The designs seemed to run deeper than just the surface, and looking closer the technique was beyond skilled and entering into the realm of masterwork.
"Are you sure I'll be able to afford anything here?" He was kinda light in the pockets, "She laughed, "Just tell him Maves sent you, you should catch a discount." She sighed, "He is a craftsman by trade and a madm- curiosity collector on the side." He was picking up a mad scientist vibe from this guy.
His eyes were drawn to the staffs near the end of the display, "Does he sell any Magic staffs?" SHe nodded, "Yes, that is actually his specialty. SInce the mages have begun getting supplies from over the sea he has seen a lack in that business range so he should have some good items in the back."
She then took out a small parchment out of a pocket on her armour and handed it to him, "This is the address for my masters home, after your done here I would like you to go there. Perhaps you can save some gold by avoiding buying a room." She twisted her toe into the ground, "Um, I actually have a favor for you."
He took the parchment and stuffed it into his pants, "Oh, of course what do you need?" She looked at the shop, "Could you buy some of the candy they sell at the front desk and bring it back with you?" An odd request from a knight, but it was the least he could do. It could probably save her time as well, "Alright, i'll bring some back with me."
She perked back up, "Then thank you again, Sir Alex." She took off down the street and waved at him as she passed the corner. He sighed, "First quest? Seems legit." Alex walked into the store, madman or not he needed gear.
He was introduced by a bell that the door hit as it swung open. A deep voice called out from the back of the store, "I'll be with you in just a second." Alex was hit in the face by a sweet aroma that was pleasant on the nose. It was as if the room was filled with different types of flowers, but as he made his way farther in he couldn't be more wrong.
The large room was filled to the brim with items of every spectacle. The walls were lined with shelves and display cases and held swords and axes neatly placed on and within respectfully. The shelves were filled with potions of every color, rocks of every huew, and plant's of every variety. The walls held a good amount of items, but the bulk of the store consisted within the middle.
Lining the middle of the room separated into rows were multiple tables lined with objects. He couldn't help but walk over and begin browsing. On the tables, all sorts of things were neatly lined up in rows. Ornate daggers of different designs were stuck within the table, monster material was named and given price tags. The room was a complete assortment of different items that never favored just one thing.
He heard a door open from behind the counter and a man walked out, his chest just barely making it over the waist high counter. "And who do we have here today?" Alex could barely believe his eyes as he looked down on the man. It was a dwarf.
The great and unparalleled craftsmen of mystic stories. He smiled great big, rudy cheeks puffed out above a huge grey beard that covered his chest. It looked ruff and singed, like he had had too many close encounters with fire during his work. He had huge stoic brown eyes and a shiny bald head.
"A-Are you Manette?" He perked up and smiled brighter, "The One and Only, at your service." He bowed and looked back up excited, "If you know my name, then you must know that which I deal in. You must only be interested in the exceptionally rare." With dexterous hands he turned around and parted a red curtain on the wall behind the counter.
"Oh, I'm actually," he shushed him, "Hush my dear boy, and feast your eyes on the best of my collection." Hidden behind the curtain was a small collection of weird items. Daggers of aged gold, scales of bright luminescent colorings, and other strange Items. The dwarf looked at the raised hands, "The most curious of my collection, and for the most singular of tastes."
Manette took what looked like a yellow eyeball from the display and showed it to him, "An eyeball of a Sea Watcher." He put it back and pulled out a long porcelain white fange with a sharp looking edge, "Or maybe the tooth of a FIre Drake." He gave you the tooth and grabbed something else from the display.
He pulled out a fleshy item, "Or perhaps, the bladder of a Moon Touched Werewolf." He laid the item back into the display and grabbed the tooth from him, "So, pick your poison. Well, we don't sell poisons here. Not legally anyways, ha ha." He laughed gruffly at his own joke. Alex was focused on the largest thing in the display case, "What about that."
It was a huge blackened tooth, cracked down the point from age or battle. The dwarf crossed his arms, "You do indeed have a good eye, but that is not for sale. It is my greatest possession, the Tooth of an ancient dragon." Alex couldn't look away from the tooth, he was almost drawn to it. "Ancient Dragon… they must be huge."
Manette sighed, "We're huge, they're extinct now. They lived many thousand years ago, long before us. They were said to be masters of magic, able to extend the elements to their greatest potential. But, all we have are old bones and bedtime stories to go off of." The two stared at the tooth and Alex caught the sign of a text bubble pop up.
'Ancient dragons!' He would have to look at that later. Alex snapped out of it, "Oh, um, actually I'm here to sell some items and get myself some new gear." The dwarf nodded, "Well, I still like showing off my rarities to those who enter the store. What can I do for you today?"
"A knight by the name of Maves said I-" The Dwarf's eyebrows shot up, "Mavey sent you, how is she doing? Is she alright, I'm sure she's still the most beautiful lass around, eh?" He nudged him with his shoulder. Alex smiled, "I-I don't know her too well, I just helped her fend off some goblins in the forest."
He nodded, "You protected my Mavey, thank you. I know she's a knight of considerable skill, but a father still worries." The room was silent and Alex could only stare at the man, "Huh?"