The Dwarf counted the silver amulets one by one, "21, 22, 23, 24. That's all of them. 24 Goblin Amulets, 19 Red Wolf Pelts, and 2 Goblin Warrior nose rings. It's quite a haul, the Adventures Guild B groups don't even come up with a hall like this and they're in groups." He leaned down and pulled out a small chest. He laid it on the counter and opened it with a key around his neck.
Inside was filled with gold coins. He began counting gold and putting them in a pouch. He tied the bag up and laid it on the counter, 220 gold. Know this, that sounds like a lot because it is. Groups of people usually split this kind of gold." Alex took the pouch and it disappeared with a flash. Manette looked at him, "You didn't just destroy that, did you?"
Alex guessed no one used this kind of inventory system, "Oh, no I just put it in my backpack." He nodded, "Oh, magic is always changing. Now, how about we get you into some new clothes." Manette opened a little door in the counter and led him to the only door in the room other than the two behind the counter.
Alex was led into a big room full of weapons and armour. The room had a wall dedicated to each. Manette walked to the one covered in armour and material. Along the wall a number of armours were all lined up either hanging or on display on wooden dummies. Manette clapped his hands and turned around, "So, what armor do you prefer?"
Alex walked along the pieces looking at their descriptions by holding a sleeve or loose piece of cloth. He needed medium armour and thankfully the armour was grouped up for him already. Alex looked at each of them reading the description while Manette talked about the pieces he looked at. Every description was pretty similar, none of the pieces he was looking at were too over leveled for him.
He looked at all of them, finding not a one he personally liked. Manette, seeing his customer unhappy with the ones on display began opening chests, "I have a few stored away, let me see if I can find them." As he looked around he continued to read descriptions when his eyes wandered to a half opened door near the end of the room.
He walked over, thinking it was another storage room. He opened the door all the way and the lights turned on by themselves. The lights have been a point of interest for him because they looked like small lanterns with a bright magic ball floating inside. Inside was a long closet full of older looking clothes. Manette walked up, "Oh, these. These are some old collectable pieces I have acquired through trading. THe reason I don't have them out is because I can't tell what material they're made of."
Alex walked in feeling like this was where he was going to find his new gear. He walked around a bit looking at the armour but still finding nothing. As he looked around a piece of armour in the back caught his eye. It was half covered by a sheet of cloth, but he could see a dark sleeve and glint of chainmail underneath.
He walked over and grabbed the sheet off and revealed an armoured coat. The outside was made out of black leather with red stitching and designs lined the leather in front. Beneath the leather was a blue, silver chainmail reinforced shirt. Alex touched the sleeve and read the description.
'The Unknown Protector's Coat. -Level 25-
Unarmored - Unupgraded
Strength 10
Vitality 10
Dexterity 12
Intelligence 10
Magic 20
Summon power +5
The coat of an unknown man. Old, reliable, and secretive, this coat upgrades it's users abilities by a great amount. Said to have been the reliable coat of a Summoning Master his magic is still etched into the leather. It's said, if a summoner where's this clothing their creatures are filled with magic.
Skills- Greater Summoning
Special Skills- Evolving Summons
Alex could barely believe his eyes, this was such a great amour piece. He looked at Manette, "How much for this one?" He shook his head, "Kid, I have got better amour out here. The reason I can't sell these is because I can't tell how good they are without knowing what it's made of." Alex shook his head, "I made my choice, this will do fine."
He scratched his head and walked up besides him and began examining the leather sleeves, "Ill say, 45 gold.It's an old piece so I wouldn't recommend it. Alex took out a pouch of money that was magically filled with the amount needed, "Here you go, and where are your pants and boots?"
After suiting up Alex walked back into the room and looked at himself in a mirror set up by Manette. He believed because he was so small the coat would feel baggy, but instead it fit perfectly. The back of the coat extended down a little further than his waist giving it a semi trench coat look. The front of the blue shirt shined brightly as the silver chainmail caught the light.
Thankfully Manette also found a good pair of pants and black boots. He liked the look of the old leather complimented by the chainmail. He looked like some type of fantasy ranger without the bow. Alex was a nerd at heart, but he didn't care.
His sword magically strapped to his waist once equipped and Manette looked at it, "Question, that sword, where did you get it?" Alex took it out of its sheath and examined it, thinking about it he has yet to look at it's description. It was an old looking sword, with flakes of rust on it's metal guard and worn leather on it's handle.
Old Knights Sword -15-
Str 10
Spd 8
Skills- Slash, Greater Block
A trusty old sword once used by a knight of old. It's blade may be wethred but its edge is just as sharp as the last day it was used.
He looked at the dwarf, "I stole it from a goblin chief after he attacked Maves's group out in the forest. How I got it was unorthodox, so to speak." The wound was fresh in his memory. He nodded, "Well, it's an old sword, but I wouldn't recommend buying anything new just yet."
Alex pulled his staff out of his inventory, "I would like to get my hands on a new staff, if possible." Manette smiled, "Well, you're in luck. Staffs are my specialty." He lead him to the other side of the room, the wall with weapons. Swords, axes, and other weapons were hung up together and others sat on stands. The staffs were all sat up side by side, all with different designs.
Manette began sorting through them, "So, what are you looking for. Most mages like the simple staffs, but some of the complicated ones are more powerful." Alex looked at them reading the descriptions. One sounded interesting.
This staff was made of metal, with a red and blue gem fixed on the top. The design was a long twisting line of overlapping runes that ran down the length of the metal shaft. He picked it up and spun it around, the weight felt good and the balance felt right in his hand. Manette nodded, "This is one of my better works, a staff with a fire and water infused gem. A rare find, but useful when casting spells."
Infused Metal Staff -18-
Mag 15
Per 10
Skills- White Spells, Blue Spells, Red spells
Special skills- Greater Fire Casting, Greater Water Casting, Lesser Mana Consumption
A Staff created by the old dwarf craftsmen, Manette Brightborn. The gem fixed to the top of the staff strengthens certain spells.
Alex nodded, "This one will do, how much?" Manette smiled, "Nothing." Alex frowned and Manette held his hands together, "Maves sent you here, that means you helped her out. If you fought against a Goblin Chief out in the woods then you put yourself into a good bit of danger to help. For that, consider that my thanks."
Alex twisted it in the air and with a flash of light inducted it into his arsenal. He was ready to start his journey now, good armour, good weapons, and a place to sell his items. They walked back into the main room, "Well, I see a long partnership with you, Sir…?" "Alex. My name is Alex." He smiled, "Alex? A good name. Would you need anything else today?"
Alex looked at the counter and found a small bucket of candies, "Could I get some of those."