The street had opened up into a residential area. Many of the houses looked large and most were walled off with personal guards guarding the front entrance. Many of the guards had to do double takes when they saw the trio walking down the quiet road with a huge man sized wolf following close by. Alex got a good laugh out of seeing their confused faces.
The night life was scarce and the mugging had left him with many questions. "Eren, are muggings common around the city?" He glanced back, "It has become more common in the last few months because of the rising monsters number around the city. Guards are being stationed at the remote towns around the region to fend them off. That leaves the city with few guards to cover the streets at night street."
"Rising monster numbers? So the woods aren't usually populated by so many goblins." Eren looked at him, "You've been out there? Yes, the monsters have gotten more aggressive and numerous in the last few weeks. Has something to do with that magic ritual thing the academy found, but Rose could tell you more."
The girl wrapped her coat around her, "Well, uh, I have only just become a member of the academy so I only hear rumours and what brother tells me." Alex was intrigued, a magic ritual that's causing the monsters to grow more dangerous.That sounds like his cup of poison.
"What about this ritual has the monsters crazed?" The wolf walked next to the girl causing a slight shuffle from her, "Don't worry, he won't bite." The girl held her hands in front of her and peared at the wolf as they walked. She reached a trembling hand out and lightly rubbed the wolf's crimson side.
The wolf made no signs of discomfort so she began scratching his side. Before soon his tail was flicking back and forth and Rosaline had lost her fear, "He is a beautiful animale," she said quietly talking to herself. The wolf must have heard and understood her because his tail picked up speed.
Rose talked to him as she rubbed his wolf's neck, "They say that a cave was found with strange runes never seen before. They found it far to the north near the Blackned Forest about three months ago, about the same time the monsters began acting strangely." Eran shivred, "The cursed woods, that place is evil. Hearing that, it's not too much to assume those ruins they found were evil themselves."
Alex frowned, oh how he would love to have a map. Hell put it on his priority list, if he planned on making any progress then he needed to have a map. They turned a corner and walked across the road into an even nicer looking neighborhood. They stopped in front of a big metal gate and Eren turned to him, "Were here, thank you for accompanying us and for saving us from those thugs. If you'd give me a second I could go and bring you payment for your help."
Alex shook his head, "No need," he pulled out the slip of paper from his pocket and handed it to Eren. "What's this?" Alex shrugged, "I was on my way to this address when I got hung up helping you. They're expecting me sometime tonight, if you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it."
He looked at the paper and looked back at him, "Um, who invited you, may I ask." "A knight, Maves Brightborn." The two teenagers looked at eachother and looked back at him, "You see, this is our-"
"There you are!" The gates swung open starling the wolf and Alex. A familiar elegant voice spoke up, "Why are you late Eren, you had instructions to-" Maves walked through the gates and stopped upon seeing Alex. He waved awkwardly, "Hey." She walked slowly to the groupe, "Sir Alex, you're finally here, I thought you had gotten lost."
He rubbed the back of his head, "Well, I kind of did. Good thing too." Maves looked at the Eren, who was half way hiding behind Rosaline, "Uh, Master, you see I have a perfect explanation for why we're late." Maves eyed the boy, her authority leaking out of her stern eyes, "Uh…" Eren choked upon seeing them, it was clear to Alex that he must be training under Maves as knight. "Well boy, go on."
Rosaline smiled and got between them, "It's my fault Maves, I kept us out late shopping and we ran into trouble on the way back. We tan into muggers in the back allies trying to take a shortcut, that's when we ran into Sir Alex." Maves looked at Alex, her eyes burrowing into him, "What happened?"
Alex sighed, "They were getting mugged and I stepped in to help. It was pure chance I came along when I did." She sighed and looked at the two teenagers, "This is why I said to keep an eye on the time, the streets aren't safe at night anymore." She put her hands on her side with a clank, "I guess that leaves just one last question."
Alex shoved his hands into his pockets, "What?" She pointed at the wolf who was sitting down next to him, "Where did you get that?"
The building was practically a mansion. Entering through the front doors you walked into the main room, with a fireplace in the middle of the left hand wall. Couches and chairs with tables were set up near the fireplace to make a pretty comfy looking meeting area. On the table sat a blass of brown liquid with glass cups next to it, that must have been Alcohol.
Above the fireplace was a flight of stairs that led to the second floor. The group walked into the main room and Maves sighed, "Eren, go and lock up the sparring hall. You forgot to before you left." "R-Right away, sorry Master." He ran off down the hallway and through some doors leading to the back of the building.
Rosaline smiled at Maves, "Please don't punish him for tonite, he was trying to get me to leave the library early but I lost track of time." Alex crossed his arms while looking around, "Yeah, you should have seen how well he handled that pipe. Took down four of them right?" Rosaline nodded nervously, "He was protecting me."
Maves sat on the couch next to the fire and placed the back of her hand to her forehead, "I'm not mad, I was just worried, and so was my Master. Please go up to his study and inform him of your return and of what transpired." Rosaline lowered her head and walked up the stairs.
The wolf padded over to the fire and laid down next to the flames. Considering it was of the fire element it must be particularly fond of the warmth. Maves looked at the huge mound of hair and back at Alex, "You look better in actual clothes then those ripped up rags from before. I'm sure you got Along with Manette well?"
Alex sat down on the opposite couch, "I did, but you failed to mention that he was your father. About that, is he your father." Alex had his doubts. One Maves certainly didn't look dwarfish, and two, she was taller than him. She smiled, "Adopted daughter, he took care of me as a child. Don't be fooled by his looks, the man was once a successful warrior. He taught me all his tricks, and passed on his knightly crest to me. He is as much a father as any would want."
Alex smiled, "Well, he was certainly a character. He did get me fixed up with some good gear, I look forward to my next visit with him." She smiled, "Good, he could use all the business he can get." She crossed her legs and twiddled her fingers, "Um, did you get what I asked for." Alex held out his hand and with a flash of lit a bag of candy appeared in his hand.
Mave's eyes lit up and she took the bag, "Thank you, I appreciate this." She took a candy out of the bag and popped it into her mouth. Despite her imposing maturity she now looked like a kid eating her candy. After she ate her first one she let out a satisfied sigh and tied the bag up, "I never get a chance to stop in ang get his candy, thank you."
Alex shrugged, "No big deal, he must have caught on to why I bought them because he gave me the bag for free." She smiled, "The oldman is smart, too smart, some have said. He is an expert on monster anatomy. The academy regularly pays him to conduct research, but they have dropped their deals with him as of late."
They heard some of the stairs creak and the young boy from back in the forest walked down. Maves stood up and walked to the end of the stairs, "My lord, your sister has filled you in, correct. Here he is." The boy looked at Alex, he had changed into more formal clothing not the fancy stuff from the forest.
He walked over and sat down on the couch, "You have some bad luck, Alex, it seems my family has caused you trouble twice in one day." Alex waved his hand, "It's nothing. It's like I said, I have a bad habit of running into trouble." He smiled, "Indeed. I have yet to introduce myself, my name is Julian Serenes, head of the Serenes Magic family and veteran student of the Academy."
Alex sat up straight, he was wrong about him being the son of a lord. This kid was a Lord. That explained the aura he carried, the undeniable weight of sovereignty. He must have been a pretty important person, someone with considerable power and connections. Alex was made away just what his presence in his home meant for him, he was a revered guest.
He stood up and bowed causing Maves to raise a hand, "Uh, master?" "Thank you, Alex. My sister is all I have left. Thank you for protecting her when I could not." Alex looked at the kid bowing and nervously smiled, "Raise your head, I don't need any thanks." He sat back down with a genuine smile, "Your attitude surprises me. You have asked for nothing despite deserving reward, and now you are owed even greater."
He raised a hand, "If you don't want anything let me offer you something instead. You need somewhere to stay, no? We have a guest room prepared for you already, and tomorrow we can continue with my questions. I'm sure you are tired." Alex felt like refusing would be discourteous, especially since he was a guest in a noble's house.
"I accept your offer, if you would have me." He looked at a cracked door in the hallway, "Eren, i know your eavesdropping. Come and show my guest to the guest bedroom please." Eren popped his head through the door, "Hey Julian. Saw right through me again." He walked over with a totally nonchalant attitude as Maves glared at him.
Julian looked at Alex and got up, "Get some rest, I will send a maid to wake you in the morning for breakfast. I will also ask questions tomorrow about your background, your true background." Alex felt his faucet die away. Julian looked at the wolf, "Keep your beast from eating anyone yes, I don't look forward to the mess that would leave." Alex laughed, "Don't worry he won't make a fuss."
Inside a dark room Julian sat at a desk reading papers in the light of the fireplace. His study was small, holding two chairs, a desk, and some dressers. A fireplace burned to his side as he read papers full of all sorts of things. Maves sat in a chair in front of him and she sipped on some tea, "So, what do you think of him?"
Julian laid the paper down, "He isn't what I thought. He is indeed the person we were looking for, he hiding his story reinforces my haunch. He is hiding something, that's for sure." Maves nodded, "Do you think it was just a coincidence he happened upon Rose?" Julian leaned back in his chair, "I don't know."
There was a short pause and Julian sighed, "Did you see the beast he was leading, it was a Red Wolf Packmaster. No beginning summoner could call upon such a beast, we must watch him closely. Get close, find out any information. I also need to figure out his strength, not only in magic but also summoning power."
Maves sipped her tea, "We know that he casted without conjuring a spell first, that alone tells us he must be an experienced magician." Julian wrote some things on an already filled up note pad with a pen, "I will have some of my people at the academy look into the new mage to make sure he is who we think it is. If it is, then my leads were correct."
Maves laid her tee on the chair's arm and looked down, "How could a person of his stature end up all the way out here without being found? The King had his best spies looking for him." Julian rubbed his cramped hand, "Something about him feels off. The way he talks, his attitude, his general feel, it's all different. That's not mentioning his magic ability."
She crossed her legs, "You have yet to tell me what you saw when you two met." He rubbed his eyes, "... It was a huge reserve of magical energy, I have never seen anything like it before." Maves looked at him, "Is he a threat?" Julian shook his head, "Rose already confirmed he wasn't. Continue to keep her in the dark, we'll need her opinion without our bias in the days to come."
Julian picked up a small drawing that looked like Alex, "... What could have happened to you, Prince Alexander."