The guest room felt more like a suite then a bedroom. Dressers and wardrobes were lined against the wall and a huge fluffy bed was set up on the far side of the room next to huge windows with red drapes. The marble floor was cold beneath his feet as he had already taken off his boots and coat. He sat down on the bed and leaned back, "Finally a break. This is all way too real, including the strain."
Pressing buttons for hours didn't come close to actual labor. The golden eyes of his wolf walked right up to the fireplace and laid down in front of it curling up for a well deserved nap. He pushed himself back up right and lifted his wrist up. His menu appeared and he looked up his wolf's new stats.
Along with a new outlining on the description window the sprite had changed as well. It was now a larger wolf howling at a moon.
Red Wolf Packmaster -30-
A truly powerful and cunning strategist, Packmasters are the leaders of large Red Wolf packs. The smartest and strongest of the pack, Packmasters are uncanny leaders and rarely go hungry. Their underlings follow them with loyalty similar to devout knights, that is until their leader is defeated by a stronger packmaster.
Excellent strength and speed combined with high intelligence make this a speedy powerhouse that even experienced adventures can't predict.
Skills- Volcanic Breath, Sharpened Claws, Powerful Jaws, Tough Hide.
Special Skills- Packmaster, Terrifying Aura, Master Strategist, Great Potential
Alex nodded, "Well, you definitely don't seem overpowered at all. He flicked his tail in annoyance, "...I'll be quiet, get some sleep." He explored the room a bit, he was too anxious in his new dwelling to be going to sleep immediately. He opened what he thought was a closet door and entered into a dark room that slowly brightened up as he walked in.
It was a bathroom. Made almost completely out of white marble it looked like something straight out of a fashion magazine. One wall was just a mirror and a single corner of the room was a huge bathtub. On the wall above the tub were a couple handles colored red and blue along with a shower spout. "A medieval game with running water? Can't say I don't agree with the choice."
After fiddling with the water for a few minutes he took a nice long refreshing shower. Stepping out of the steam filled room wrapped in a towel he met with a familiar voice, "Did you miss me?" It was a small ball of shining magic floating inside the room. "Edge, where have you been?"
The AI who led him into the game had shown herself once again. Honestly he had forgotten all about her while he was entranced with the game. "Reading code, processing information, and looking after all the other AI who help me run the game. What I do is boring, let's talk about you." She floated around the room, "Honestly, you beat my expectations. The testers never made it this far so quick, you must have gotten lucky."
He explained quickly about all that had happened. "So, you managed to make friends with the Lord of the Serenes magic house. I don't have much information concerning the inner game NPC's, but the Serene's are a curious bunch. Hiding more than they let on. I'm sure he will make an excellent ally."
She floated around and Alex sat down on the bed, she floated up close, "I need to send you on a quest." Alex looked at her, "Well, that's pretty sudden. Any reason?" She floated down, "It's not important, but I need to send you to these old ruins to the north west. During my diagnostic check I encountered an informality."
Alex raised an eyebrow, "There's nothing wrong with the chip, is there?" She shook around, "No, no, no, I'm just picking up too much enemy information from those ruins. I can' check it because I am bound to your character. That means I cannot go anywhere without you in range, if you go there I could personally fix the error myself."
Alex nodded, "Alright, but if you're going to stick with me you're going to need to look less conspicuous." She went silent, "...I have an Idea hold out your staff." Alex released it from his inventory and held it out, "Now what?" She flew to the end of the scepter and then flew inside like how his monsters did.
He covered his eyes and Edge had disappeared. After patiently waiting a new script popped up on his interface.
'Companion Available! Lord Slime(Special)'
The end of the staff shined violently and he had only a moment's pause before it blinded him with a powerful flash of light. As his eyes adjusted to the room's lightning he started to make out a small figure sitting on the floor in front of him. A pale white ball of slime sat in front of him. It was Edge, and she turned into a Slime.
"See, now I can freely show myself in public now. Problem solved." Alex looked at her, "Um, why did you choose to be a slime? If you could have chosen, why didn't you choose like a dragon or something?" The ball of white slime hopped onto the bed, "Well, that's kinda your fault."
He shook his head, "But I didn't choose?" She shook her body, "You see, you subconsciously chose this against my will. I had originally planned on being a Siren because they look the most human. You must really like your slimes." He looked down, "Sorry?" "Oh, don't worry about it. Honestly there shouldn't be a problem, go ahead and read the description for the Lord Slime."
He raised his wrist and began reading the gold outlined description.
Lord Slime -80-
Lord Slimes are the rarest of all slimes, capable of ruling over hundreds of slimes at once. They are of a small group of monsters that can only become summonable under certain conditions. It's said only those of royal birth are able to control these beasts.
It is said that the appearance of a Lord Slime marks the beginning of a great hero's adventure.
Skills- Grand Group Healing, Protective barrier, Grand Casting, Last Minute Protection, Perfect Slime Controle.
Special Skills- Revival, System Command, Admin Privileges, Transform.
He stared at the description, "I hope you don't plan to join the fray, you'll be completely overpowered." She laughed nervously, "Actually, that's why I included a handicap. Unless facing mortal danger my true stats will be held back to the level of the player, that means I am just as strong as the others on your team."
Although some of these skills stood out one seemed interesting, "What's this... Transform skill?" "He he, just look." Edge jumped onto the floor and looked at him, "Watch and learn." Her slim body began to shine and grow. He couldn't see beyond the light but he could tell it was becoming more human as it transformed.
After the spell was complete Alex was left speechless at the person standing in front of him, "How's this?" The slime had transformed into a girl. She had black hair and purple eyes and stood slightly shorter than him. She smiled a fanged grin, "Do you think this is a good look for me."