The carriage came to a grinding halt as they finally arrived at their destination. Orange and red rays poked through the ceiling of the forest, night was almost upon them. The birds were beginning to sing their evening songs before bedding down for the night. Strangely, he didn't recognize any of their tunes.
Julian held his hand out and a blue light began to illuminate the inside of the carriage. The magic manifested in his hand and transformed into a small songbird. It chirped at Julian before flying off through the window and into the darkening forest softly glowing before disappearing.
The spell was called magic familiar, or so said the text that popped up. Julian looked out the window at Maves and the other Female knight who was sitting in the driver's seat next to her, "Lights out." They nodded and begun to snuff out the magical lanterns hanging around the outside of the carriage. Julian pushed on the door of the carriage and walked out leaving him, Eren, and Rosaline to follow.
The six of them group together and Eren crossed his arms, "So, what's the plan boss?" Julian sighed, "We need to make our way to the bandit camp," he pointed in a direction, "the camp is about a quarter-mile that way." Alex nodded, "We can't expect them to just let us in, how do we go looking for your friend."
Julian crossed his arms, "Maves and I will create a diversion on the outskirts of the camp to allow you four to sneak in and begin searching."
Rosaline looked at him, "Search, couldn't your familiar locate Jasper?" Julian shook his head, "No, unfortunately, it ran into a powerful magical shield before I could see too much of the camp." Alex crossed his arms, "That means they have a mage."
Eren huffed, "What did that priest get himself into?" Julian shook his head, "Whatever it is it goes farther than just some drinking game gone wrong. Eren, Hilda, you two will move up to the left of the camp. Rose, take Alex and flank to the right. On my signal sneak into the camp. Take these."
He handed you and Eren a few sheets of papers, "What are these?" "There Transportation Sheets," Rosaline explained to him, "they allow you to travel a great distance instantly. he wants us to use them if we find Jasper."
Julian nodded proudly, "Exactly. If you find him, get out quickly. But, if neither group finds him within the designated time, the sheets will automatically activate and send you all back to the carriage." Eren shrugged, "Nothing says practice like sneaking through a camp of bandit's, am I right Hilda?"
Hilda smacked him upside the head with her armored hand causing him to hold his head in pain, "Head in the game apprentice, this is your first mission." Julian looked at each of them, "Be careful out there, don't get separated. Good luck."
The group broke and headed in their direction. Alex took out his staff and summoned his green slime. Despite his prediction, it stayed virtually unchanged. It was quite happy to see him, and he could hear the ball of goop purr from where he stood.
"Good to see you too buddy." He picked him up in his arms, "Alright, keep an eye out for any danger out here ok." It purred against his chest and the vibration felt much stronger than before. He checked the description and noticed its name had changed.
It was now a Transforming Green Slime.
The forest was pitch black, the only light coming from pale rays that slipped through the leaves. Bats fluttered through the branches chasing bugs. The forest had such a different feel at night. It felt peaceful and solemn.
Rose tripped over a branch and let out a small yelp before hitting the forest floor. Alex walked over to her quickly, "Careful! These eyes are no good if you don't use them." Both his and her eyes glowed neon green in the dark, at the moment they were using magic that would help them see in the dark. It also brought up a question in their power difference.
Every spell he used seemed to be both more powerful and much simpler than those used by Rosaline. She rubbed her knee, "I'm fine, just give me a second." Her face was pale and bags had begun forming beneath her eyes. The spell was sucking her magic dry.
As Alex inspected her he noticed a line of blood trickling down her leg, "Your hurt?" She looked at the blood and shrugged, "It's nothing but a scrape." His slime jumped down from his arms and rolled up to her leg, he was trying to help.
She held the tiny monster back, "Woah, wait, what are you-" Alex drug her arms away, "He's trying to help, look." The slime, undeterred, slowly climbed up her leg and covered the bloody wound with its green body. She looked at it with curiosity filled eyes as the wound began to close.
She couldn't help but shiver, the slime wasn't warm. After the wound had healed the slime slowly rolled off back onto the ground. She ran a hand over the slight brown area left by the healing effect, "Your slime can heal wounds, I have never heard of anything like that?"
Alex smiled and helped her stand up, "We're full of surprises." His slime lightly rubbed against her boot, "What does he want now, I'm all healed up?" He laughed as he felt what it wanted, "He just wants to be held." She smiled, "Fine, you helped me out so I don't mind."
She picked the gelatinous ball up and sat him on her chest and arms. She looked at it for a second and then back to him, "He's... Purring." Alex rubbed its green head, "What, did you think it was going to growl."
As they walked through the forest she held onto the cape of his jacket. He insisted on giving her eyes a break and let him do the walking for her. After a short while longer he began hearing voices and orange lights flickered through the gaps of the trees. Soon they found themselves at the edge of a clearing where the bandit camp was set up.
They both hid behind a huge tree trunk and peered around the side to look at the camp from the safety of the tree's shadow. The clearing was filled with tents and small wooden buildings lit up by dozens of small campfires. Men were walking back and forth through the rows of tents talking, singing, and drinking. These must be the bandit's that kidnapped this Jasper kid.
As he studied the camp he noticed a thin translucent wall made of segmented hexagons separating the camp from the rest of the forest. A bat flew directly into it and fell to the ground stunned, but otherwise fine. "This was the barrier your brother was talking about right?" She nodded, "Yes, it must be pretty powerful to keep my brothers familiar out."
She slipped a silver pocket watch out of her pocket and clicked it open, "Now we wait." She took a seat and rested her elbows on the green monster. Alex continued to search from the sidelines for any clues as to where Jasper could be." he was finding it relatively difficult.
All the tents and wooden buildings were simple and nearly identical to the others. The same could be said about the bandits, each wearing rough leather armor and had scruffy looking hair. So far nothing stood out, the tents had bandit's regularly walking in and out. It wasn't until he witnessed a lady with a ruffled up dress and messy hair exit the tent did he realize what they were being used for.
As he was about to look away he noticed a man walk out of a green tent. He looked different, with well-trimmed hair and goatee he seemed to be the only one in the camp who stands out. "Rosaline, look. That man with the dirty blond hair who just walked out of the green tent, I think he's our mage."
He had a fancy-ish shirt on with gold trim. Rosaline activated her magic and her jaw dropped, "That's Leom, he attends the meetings with my brother. He teaches at the academy, but why is he here?" Alex watched him hurry off into another tent, "Well, he's not out collecting flowers, that's for sure."
He pointed at the green tent, "I think that should be the first location on our checklist." She nodded, "If not there then we can check the tent he just walked into as well."
It was then he felt the rumble as if a herd of cows was being moved through the forest. That was impossible out here, and his reasoning was strengthened by a low and powerful roar that shook the ground and the branches shaking sleeping birds into frightened frenzies. Then a huge crash sounded out and the barrier shined bright blue.
The Bandits were sent into a panic as they scrambled for weapons to fend off their attacker. A single crash sounded out again but the barrier began to shatter into floating light particles that dissipated in the air. Alex tried seeing what was attacking the camp, but the smoke from the fires covered his only line of sight
Rose smiled and laid the green slime down, "That's our signal." He took a step forward but she stopped him, "Hey, call me Rose. It's faster, and you shouldn't be using my real name in there anyway."
He nodded at her, "Alright Rose, let's go rescue your friend."