They ran through the field, keeping low to avoid any glancing eyes. As they entered the camp they hid in the shadows of the tents to survey their surroundings. He didn't think they needed to be sneaky, the camp was in an uproar already. Whatever Julian had summoned was going on a rampage at the other end of the camp.
Roars and crashes could be heard along with the shouting of men fending off whatever monster was attacking them. It must have been huge because he could feel the ground shake with each step. The bandits ran here and there collecting weapons and arrows and he even saw a group of men carrying a ballista off towards the sound of the battle.
"What is it your brother summoned, some kind of magic." She shook her head and dipped into the darkness to avoid the eyes of a passerby, "If I know my brother, it's something crazy. He tends to understate his plans." As she spoke a wagon wheel flew over the tent and crashed into an unsuspecting bandit.
They cringed and looked back into camp. Alex grabbed her hand, "Stick close to me, we don't need to get separated here." He glanced at the bandits in their panicked rush, "Or trampled." He pulled her out into the open and continued running. He tried to catch a glimpse at the attacker but the smoke from the campfires and tents was blocking his view.
They came upon a huge path and slunk back into the shadows again looking around for the green tent he spied earlier. The sounds of battle were getting closer and the stomping was growing even more powerful. The path was filled up with bandits either retreating or running forward bravely. Now that he got a good look at the bandit something about them seemed strange.
Closer now they looked like regular men and not the hardened thug a highwayman would. In fact, many of them wore similar outfits, green and gold tunics with black armour. Even their weapons seemed more professional with a mix of spears and halberds. Rose tugged on his sleeve and pointed across the path, "Look!"
She pointed to a group of men wielding bows and firing off arrow after arrow, but it wasn't to the men she was pointing to but the green tent behind them. "There it is, we just need to wait for an opportunity to get past them. We don't need to get caught in their crossfire." He took out his staff and began conjuring up a plan.
Before he could come up with one the men scattered like a school of fish. "L-Look out," one of them shouted before a cart flew through the air and crashed into the earth. It caught two of them, pinning them in place as they groaned in pain. It was then Alex felt the stomping right next to them and a huge shadow loom into the path.
He extended an arm and pushed Rose back into the shadows as the great attacker came into view silencing them both. Rose shook her head and whispered, "I-Its a Troll!?" The huge monster stood taller than a house and he could see rippling muscles beneath thick grey skin. Its huge arms extended down and picked up the cart as if it were a bundle of sticks revealing the two injured men.
It threw the cart away and picked them both up with a three-fingered grip and raised them into the air in front of it. Its face was ugly, with beady black eyes above a huge mouth full of fangs that darted out like yellow daggers. It snarled at the two men as they cowered and cried fearing for their lives. The troll let out a deep roar soaking them in slobber before throwing them away like ragdolls.
It looked around before going off to continue its rampage. Alex was left frozen. Not in fear, or surprises, but in excitement, for above the head of the huge beast was a golden 35. He grinned and touched his chin, "Oh, you are so mine." The thought of such a powerful creature on his team was unbearable.
Rose looked at him confused, "What?" He looked back at her shook from his daze, "N-Nothing, let's go." He pulled her from the shadows and ran to the tent stepping over one of the men the monster threw. He seemed alright, just unconscious.
They burst into the dark tent before anyone saw them and looked around. As their eyes adjusted they saw the room was filled with bookcases, a desk, and some chairs. His staff was already raised in case they met with an enemy. Rose gasped, "Jasper!"
Gagged and bound to a wooden chair in the back of the tent was a young man with oily brown hair. Rose ran forward and pulled a knife from somewhere on her leg and began to cut at the binds. Jasper was eyes them wild and tried speaking through the rag placed in his mouth. "Hold on," Rose said as she cut the ropes holding down his right arm.
As soon as he was freed he tore the gag from his mouth, "Rose, you need to leave quickly!" She didn't look up from her work, "What do you mean?" Alex held up his staff towards the door while Jasper talked and noticed he had a total farm boy accent. "There looking for you, you and some other guy named Alexander. There using me as bait."
The troll growled loudly again, but Alex could tell that it was in pain now. These bandits, or whoever they were had finally whittled it down. Alex turned to them, "We don't have much time left. Who kidnapped you and why?"
He shook his head, "That professor, Leom. He seemed nice at first, bought me a few drinks while we talked about the school. Before I knew it I was gagged and thrown in the back of a cart, funny how my night ended. That must have been, two nights past now."
Rose shook her head, "Why do you have to go and get yourself in trouble all of the time?" He shrugged, "Trouble don't follow me, I think it's more you and your brother." Alex was rather confused by the situation.
For one, why was he being targeted? He only got here a few days ago. He hasn't done anything to mess with anyone. It was then the goblins threat came back to mind. Mabey the Goblin wasn't acting randomly, but on orders.
Mabey his intervention caused him to be put on the list alongside Julian and Rose. If that were the case then Jasper would be right about trouble following them. It would explain the one guy from the ally, the mage. Things were coming together now, but he didn't like how he was caught in the middle of it.
Alex furrowed his brows, "Did he mention any reasons? Why does he need us?" He shook his head, "That's all I heard before the camp was attacked. Are the guards here?" Alex sighed, "No, no just a troll." His demeanor seemed to slink down, "T-Troll! W-what are one of t-those doing so far south?"
Rose finally finished cutting his bindings but quickly shushed him, "Look!" She took out the papers Julian gave them. The runes painted on them began glowing blue, "We're out of time." Alex nodded, "Good, the sooner the-" "Woah," a voice said interrupting him, "Surly we have a little time to talk."
A man walked in smiling ear to ear and looked at them, "I see you've fallen right into my little trap."