(Ch 27)Pit

"You have changed haven't you?" - Dirias asked in an interested tone as the parents down below their stage mingled and guessed on which prodigy would gain a familiar.

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'Changed' " - Eshir replied not particularly interesting in conversing with the dark elf.

All the children had gone through the portal smoothly but seeing the slight change in the faces of the royal, something resembling glee or content that hadn't been there until Faith went through gave birth to another deep set worry in Eshri's Heart.

"I mean I get it, I changed a little too when I became a mother but you did a complete 180. I mean letting the tike sit on your lap, not exactly the Eshir thing to do" - Dirias said with clear interest.

'If it means she starts lacking to become a mother that's just another weakness I can exploit to get ahead, then again the tike she's taking care of probably isn't something me or Krus will be able to compete with' - she thought.

Eshir and Dirias weren't exactly friends per se but If one was to ask what the closest thing Eshir or the hermit had to a friend was, they would probably agree it was each other. Of course, Eshir would adamantly argue that Faith was her best friend first but the comparison wasn't fair in that case.

Their rivalry since children had created a goal for both of them. It formed a bond hard to describe but still very much real.

"By the way, Eshir, do you have a stomach ache or something. You should give that sword-wielding brute a call if you do" - Dirias added to their barely stable conversation since Eshir was generally a "Talk only if needed" type person.

"Something like that" - She replied making it clear there wasn't any room to continue.

'Be safe Faith, please just be safe' - Eshir thought staring at the forest as if trying to peer through it.

Even without intention, her hands moved towards her stomach once more as she worried for her son and his prospects inside one of the only places she couldn't go.



'Ladies first' - Faith thought to the Rexel beside him.

He wasn't exactly keen on going into the pit in front of them but his shadow sense had never betrayed him. Faced with some still lingering doubts he thought that the Rexel might appreciate his gentleman side.

'Didn't you say you wanted to be friends, you go first and I'll be your friend' - Luna mind replied to the devious little demon in front of her.

She had tried to save him and contract with him mainly because he'd done the same for her and Rexels heavily believed in karma. However, when he'd breathed that strange yet ominous fire she realised the boy was probably more than just some white-haired demon with shadow magic.

Moonsight one of the abilities she prided herself in had show that the boy very essence had cracked open to let the fire out as if the outward appearance was all a facade to hide a cold bloodthirsty monster.

Thus she made a blood contract with him, feeling it was her duty to at least try and contain something like that, like the monster that had breathed those flames filled with a lifetime of contempt and hate had to be kept on a leash.

The pride of a Rexel as keepers and protectors didn't allow her to let such a broken being just walk around unsupervised.

'Yeah now see we're under a blood pact together now and that makes us companions for life so you're pretty much my friend by default at this point' - Faith reasoned, bending logic to his will.

'Wouldn't that make me closer to your wife?' - Luna reasoned back, turning the Demon a shade of red brighter than his own iris.

'N-No It would not!!' - Faith replied trying to hide his embarrassment and failing miserably.

From the way, he worded it though Faith couldn't deny that a life companion sounded a lot more like a significant other than just a friend.

'Wait, wait but wouldn't that mean you basically forced me to marry you' - he replied trying to justify his slowly bending logic.

'True, but it would also mean that you're forcing your wife into a dangerous pit filled with unnamed horrors because your not man enough to face it' - Luna said without missing a beat

'I'm five for fuck sake' - Faith replied getting slightly sick of this newfound telepathic debate magic.

'You're the first five-year-old I've met that swears at their animal companion and wife' - Luna said with a slightly disappointed tone.

'fine I'll go down the hole, just stop saying this stuff about being my wife' - Faith replied slowly getting more annoyed with his frightening good at arguing animal companion.

'fine by me' - Luna said, finding it far too easy to manipulate this little devil.

It should be said that Luna was rather clever and even outwitted her father multiple times though Faith didn't know that and simply thought he'd been a giant idiot.

Peering over the edge of the giant pit in the middle of this eerie clearing, Faith gulped and fidgeted a bit more than normal. It was mainly because the darkness of the pit held no connection to Faith which was something he'd never experienced before.

'Are you sure you won't go first?' - Faith asked still a little hesitant.

'You really want your precious and lovely wife that loves you oh s-'

'Fine! Fine! I get it, I'm going' - Faith said preparing to hop down.

'Remember to shout if it's safe' - Luna said in a cheerful voice.

Faith wasn't sure what was at the bottom but he regretted not gaining his wings yet. His father told him he'd be able to transform when he came of age but after breathing fire for the first time Faith wasn't so sure it was that simple.

Still, he did indeed do as agreed and hop down the hole but not before sending angry glances at the teasing Silver Rexel that knew how to push all his buttons. Falling wasn't a fun feeling but thanks to his braid his hair didn't suddenly whip around as much as it should have.

He waited for a while before he hit the bottom, which wasn't exactly a bottom at all. It was a strange place as it didn't feel like the floor it should have been. His legs were completely fine and he knew that much was certain from his shadow sense constantly screaming at him that it was safe. Yet it didn't feel safe. There was no light but he could see himself as clear as day, everything else around him was an abyss that didn't seem to have a beginning or an ending, just stretching on as far as one could imagine.

The place he'd fallen from above was also gone, replaced by that same empty darkness that consumed everything around him. It was eerily similar to his dragon heart trial except this was pure darkness instead of shadows and they weren't testing his will. They were just neutral not picking a side between him and anything else.

'Luna can you hear me? it's safe I think' - Faith said with a slightly annoyed voice, also realising that the little fox's cute name didn't match her in the slightest

she didn't reply.

'Luna, Hello? Are you just ignoring me? You are aren't you?' - Faith asked more then sure the Rexel would ignore him if given the proper chance. After all, she was rather snarky and didn't seem to like Faith all too much.

[I'm sorry to say this child but unless your friend jumps down she won't be able to hear you] - Resounded an Ancient and deep voice, that curiosity had been peaked.

"Oh… well then I guess she can't really blame me for it so it should be fine, wait who are you?!?" - Faith asked realising a little late he had no idea who the owner of the voice was.

[A very ancient thing] - it replied, in its deep voice

'Well that's not an answer I can work with' - Faith thought to himself

[Well it would if you knew more about the world] - it replied

Faith had forgotten for a second that his thoughts weren't private anymore, at least not for the Rexel and now this thing that hid in the endless darkness.

[You've asked me a question, now let me ask you one in return. What are you?] - It asked, truly interested.

"I'm not sure what you mean by "What" but I'm the current heir to the demon and dragon kingdoms, Faith exodus" - he answered.

The darkness swirled around him a little as the being in question seemed a little frustrated with his response.

[Kingdoms fall and races go extinct, I don't care about them in the slightest. Your name, while nice to know, isn't what I asked either] - It replied a little agitated like it was talking to a child who could barely speak its own language.

[I asked once and I'll ask again, What are you?] - it said not leaving any room for negotiation.

Faith couldn't answer because he honestly wasn't sure what the question meant.

If he wasn't Faith exodus the prince of demons then what was he?