(Ch 28)Soul Space

"I don't understand what you mean?" - Faith replied to the ancient thing hidden away in the bowels of darkness.

[Thats okay, I just was wondering if you had any inkling. To be honest, seeing you even I am a little stumped myself] - It replied, seriously unsure of the answer itself.

Faith sat down in the void of darkness while the thing's body slowly encircled him. He couldn't see it but Faith knew the thing was bigger than his father who had a wingspan Over a hundred metres. It was truly non sensically large and the amount of power it naturally emitted made Faith half doubt his shadow sense.

But the thing that hid in darkness never attacked him. If he had to guess this was the pit his mother had warned him about in the carriage, strange it held no danger.

[You remind me of a certain weakling little one] - It suddenly spoke alerting Faith.

"A weakling?" - Faith asked.

[Yes he had white hair and was about your age, though he was frailer, shorter, and had far more wit then brawn. It wasn't too long ago that I chased that brat out of my forest after he came too close to my abode. I think he was a demon as well, though I don't know what happened to him since I saw him even if it wasn't long ago] - The voice said, recounting the weakling that was too curious for his own good.

"It was probably someone from the exodus family then" - Faith answered, slightly enjoying the conversation with this thing.

[Yes, I recall he said something along those lines] - It replied, giving a chuckle at the memory of the little demon running like his ass was on fire.

"Hey um… what should I call you" - Faith asked, wondering what this things name could possibly be.

[I believe in your tongue my name would be "Adra" or something along those lines] - it answered not phased by the thought of giving its name.

Faith then stood up pulled back his braided hair a bit and fiddled with it before properly extending his hand out towards the darkness.

"It's nice to meet you Adra, would you like to be friends?" - He said with a smile radiant enough to make one question whether this boy was really a demon or not.

[You're certainly a strange one aren't you, Faith. I don't see a reason why I couldn't befriend you so sure] - Adra replied extending a little bit of darkness towards Faith too shake his hand.

'Man I am on a roll today, fought a minotaur and made two friends!! Go me!!! Next time I see Krus I'm going for a homerun' - he inwardly shouted first pumping the air.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask, was that demon weaker or stronger than myself" - Faith asked, a hint of his draconic pride slithering out.

[No normal demon could match a sibling of mine so of course he was weaker. The boy was clever but that was about it] - Adra answered with pride filling his voice.

"Sibling? I don't think I'm your sibling" - Faith said, the thought of Adra being his mother or fathers secret love child was unlikely at best and downright impossible at worst.

[But of course you are my sibling little one. You didn't think I just let anyone who had the balls to drop down my pit stay for tea right?] - Adra asked

Now Faith thought about it the fact he'd been safe really didn't make much sense but he was even more sure this thing wasn't related to his mother or father.

[No I am not related to your parents, in fact, I can guarantee you I'm much older than both of them. What makes us siblings is not something trivial like blood. It rests here.] - Adra voiced, sending a tendril of darkness into Faith, touching a part of him he remembered but couldn't find until now.

It was an abyss inside him, with only a few things to speak of.

The main two Faith remembered was the doors, Adra tendril was pointing to the open one that gave Faith his shadow magic. The other was even stranger than before, bent and curved, demonic and ominous.

Of the thousands upon thousands of locks, he could only see one open at the front, while the rest of the silver locks chained the door back covering most of the points not sticking out.

[Your Soul space certainly is interesting isn't] - Adra noted, seeing the other things apart from the doors that took place in the Soul space.

They were new additions from the last time Faith had been here years ago. 4 statues were standing only one of which was fully built, while the others were under construction. The first one fully built standing alone to the left of Faith and the doors was a small Creature that was a mix between a wolf and a fox. It was oddly cute and cuddly.

The others, not so much.

The first unfinished statue on the right was made out of a marble white like substance. It was only completed up till the knees but the general purplish-red outline around it gave a clear picture of exactly what it'd look like completed.

It was a white-haired demon, in his Bloodline form. For demons, a bloodline form was almost always their trump card in battle since it gave a chance to call upon the powers of your bloodline. This was one of the reasons they placed such importance on lineage. The runic tattoos across the whole body tied with the pair of wings extending from the shoulder blades were a dead give away.

Though some Bloodline forms varied the majority looked like this one though not nearly imposing. The statue in front of him had the aura of a natural ruler with its claws extending out its lean yet completely ripped frame.

One of the common traits of a bloodline form was there was almost always an increase in physical strength.

'That's gotta be the exodus bloodline form, right? I've seen mom do it a few times but this one looks, slightly more complete' - Faith thought staring at the statue that had drawn his attention. It looked more complete yet it could have just been the difference between genders considering the statue in question was clearly of a man.

"Well, it's pretty neat" - Faith said aloud, hoping to gain a second opinion.

[Reminds me even more of that weakling] - Adra added, remembering that the little demon had done looked similar to that at one point during the chase.

Faith gaze slowly shifted over to the one opposite, this one was much larger but equally incomplete.

'Now that's definitely a dragon, looks different from dad though. Even grander and far more imposing, plus though dad has black scales they aren't nearly as dark as that' - Faith noted sure that there was a pattern starting to form here.

[I haven't seen many dragons myself but none resembled that one] - Adra added, making Faith even more sure of his theory.

The straw that broke the camels back though, was the last statue. The dragon statue while big was only about 15 metres long. It was big for an adolescent dragon but not much compared to the aged dragons as big as castles themselves and not even coming close to Alzeor.

This statue though was almost twice the size of his father. Unlike the first two, its outline wasn't even half completed but from what Faith could see it was terrifying. Its tails were spiked all along the back and its body was lean yet massive. The sheer presence of the unfinished outline and the barely begun actual statue made Faith feel incredibly small.

Yet from the rush of pride, he immediately felt after he knew what the statues were.

"It's me isn't it" - Faith said, looking for confirmation.

[Well this is your soul space so it can't be anyone else now can it] - Adra replied, not caring too much about the statues.

The last piqued his interest but since it wasn't complete there was no reason to get excited about it. He was far more interested in the door that opened to Faith's shadow magic, or more specifically what was behind it.

[What do you think this door is, little brother] - Adra asked interested in his sibling's answers.

"It's the door to my shadow magic right, is it particularly special?" - Faith asked in blissful ignorance.

[Well your not wrong but you're also not completely right. This, little one, is the door of Noxis. Receiving it means you've been granted a blessing by the mother of darkness herself. She's taken interest in you and thus you have become part of her family, for better or for worse] - Adra replied, answering one question and opening up many more at the same time.

"Wait, wait.. I've heard of this Noxis person a little but who is she exactly?" - Faith asked, remembering the rambling of the minotaur that gained a little weight now this ancient being confirmed Noxis's existence.

[She's the mother of all night, Noxis, the goddess of darkness, one of the eight deities of nature. The founders of magic] - Aura said nonchalantly, shocking Faith as he learned that if this being wasn't lying deities were real.