(Ch 32)Ascilia

The little girl fidgeted slightly under Faith's gaze as her rather meek attitude stopped her from introducing herself. Dragons were being of pride so knowing that Faith wasn't even a full-blooded dragon and yet so much stronger then herself made her quite embarrassed.

Faith however did not share this problem.

"Hello there little one, I'm Faith and I guess I'm your big brother now" - Faith said, liking the sound of big brother more and more by the second.

He made sure to smile as much as possible but his Excited nature made more and more waves of dark magic flow off him. After all your heart generally beat faster when you were hype and dragons weren't an exception nor were their magical imbued hearts.

"Um.. Hi Faith.. I'm um A-Ascilia and I'm… I wanna be a wind dragon when I grow up" - Ascilia replied stuttering through, though the ending part was a lot more dignified.

Dragons would of a younger age usually introduced themselves by saying the element they wanted to have when the grew up. It was similar to how human children would introduce themselves and what they wanted to be when they grew up, whether that be firefighter or astrophysicist.

Faith though was almost dying inside with how cute the little one was. He felt like he understood how his mother felt when looking at him now, at least a little. The stuttering only made him want to protect her even more.

'Luna help me I don't know what to do' - Faith thought, begging Luna for help.

'Dragons like magic, do magic dumbass' - she replied half asleep since there wasn't much else to do.

"Well Ascilia, you wanna see something neat" - Faith said kneeling down so they were face to face.

As much as Ascilia wanted to hide behind her mother, Faiths inviting and comforting aura was just too peaceful for her to run. He was like a calm breeze that slowly soothed any worry or anxiety you had and his smile washed away any doubts you had.

"Yeah!" - She replied, wondering what her half brother would do.

With her confirmation Faith used the little magic he'd back to summon one of the teddies his Father had "manly" gifted him as a child. It was of one of the most ancient and still very much alive light dragons to date.

Since light was the element that best represented what dragons were as a whole all those blessed by it were revered and seen as very high authorities, they were also incredibly powerful so it was a given that merchandise would be made of them. Giving a baby dragon a teddy of the leading figure in the element they wanted was a way to motivate them to try harder and also humble them a little.

Pride after all was the bane of all dragons and their greatest weakness.

Faith, however, was a shadow dragon so Alzeor had been stumped and ended up just giving him a high ranking figure in his counterpart element.

The shadows from all around gathered at Faiths call then slowly transformed into a rather big plushie of a white dragon with golden scales that looked closer to cute then magnificent. Ascilia was instantly enthralled as even her own shadow had joined to create a plushie out of thin air.

"That was awesome Faith!! hold on a second" - Ascilia said running over to her mother who she badgered for a little to retrieve a green dragon plushie of her own.

After that she came running back as fast as she could and force Faith to play games with her and the plushies, basically the dragon equivalent of a tea party. Faith himself enjoyed it probably even more then Ascilia as they slowly ignored everyone else on the platform becoming enthralled in their game.

From time to time Faith would use shadow bend to give effects to the battle though he was always careful to never let it touch anything. He still had no idea how to make Physical shadows so his ethereal ones couldn't hold or touch anything properly.

"RAhh" - Ascilia shouted destroying Faith's makeshift shadow fortress about the size of a Lego set and bringing siege with her green dragon of terror.

"You got me this time but just wait, SHADOW SURPRISE!!" - Faith shouted back, bringing the equivalent of shadow artillery down on the thing, though he made sure all of them missed.

Surprising his shadow bending got better and better as he did this making the smaller constructs even if ethereal helped a lot with precision though Faith didn't care too much about that.

Eshir for her part just watched contently while Alzeor was having a hard time believing Faith had roped his daughter onto his side so fast. It was almost frightening the amount of charisma he had when he truly tried to entertain and impress.

Lora for her part enjoyed that her daughter had a friend her age, she was pretty laid back if you didn't count the looks she gave to Eshir.

Eventually, Faith exhaustion from the entire day got the best him, sending the little demon into a deep sleep while Ascilia was scared half to death that her brother had just died.

"Don't worry honey he was just tired, he's had a long day" - Alzeor said calming Ascilia down as Faith was already snoozing on his mother's lap.

The little dragon only calmed down when her mother assured her though making Alzeor doubt his abilities as a parent more and more. He could only sigh harder knowing he still had another on the way.

"So did you end up telling him Eshir?" - He asked looking at the rather frightening image of the wolf and sheep's clothing slowly caressing Faiths head.

"No, but I don't think it was the right time, finding out he had two extra siblings he didn't know about in one day probably wouldn't be good for him. One is enough for now" - Eshir said rather bluntly.

Dirias the only one not in the know took a second to register what Eshir had just said, before staring at her in abject horror.

"Eshir, don't tell me you're pregnant again?" - She asked, really not wanting the answer.

Faith was already a monster and the thought of there being another on the way made chills go down her spine.

"Yes I am, You're not going to tell me that the possibility of having two Faiths isn't the most amazing idea you've ever heard are you?" - Eshir asked, genuinely finding the idea of having another child like Faith something that no one could dispute was amazing.

Even with her normal cold expression, one could notice the pure euphoria at just the thought of having another child, while she eyed Alzeor like he was a piece of meat.

Scary shit, scary shit indeed.