(Ch 33)Magic Lesson

Within the Exodus castle located at the aptly named demon city of exodus, one could spot a sleepy white-haired demon, slowly tossing and turning in his bed. The sun rising to greet him and to show him that it was in fact time to get up, whether he liked it or not.

'Faith, get up' - A voice in his head nagged him as small silver paw smacked his face lightly.

Faith being the carefree demon he was tried his best to ignore it, but the silver paw kept hitting him harder and harder a small creature sat on his chest repeatedly tried to wake him.

'Faith wake up, for fuck sake I'm So Bored' - Luna nagged trying her best to wake up the sleeping devil.

"ARHHHHH" - He shouted waking up abruptly and shocking Luna who had been trying to wake him.

'Faith!?!? Are you okay?!' - Luna shouted into his mind, worried for her blood pacts sake.

"Minotaurs" - Faith replied a scared and solemn look on his face like the boy had the worse nightmare of his life.

'Minotaurs?' - Luna replied wondering when the maid named Sapphire would barge in to check if he was Okay.

"Thousands of half a metre tall, wicked little minotaurs, all charging me at once" - Faith recalled, explaining the main contents of his nightmare

After that Luna couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing, though it sounded slightly strange to Faith considering the normal voice he heard inside his head. Faith didn't exactly like being laughed at but the fact he had someone to laugh at him made him feel slightly warm inside.

Sapphire strangely didn't come to his aid but someone else did.

"Faith, You okay little one?" - Came a voice that had just opened the door of his room.

It was a man with jet black hair and red iris's far too perfect to be normal. It was of course his father, Alzeor. Faith was a bit confused by the sight of his father but after remembering the events of yesterday properly a quick plan of action came into his mind.

First, he grabbed Luna before she had time to get away again and hugged her to tight to escape. The fact that she didn't just move into his soul space meant that she enjoyed it at least a little. Then with the most important order of business out of the way, he addressed his slightly confused father.

"I'm fine but why are you still here, I thought you had to leave after yesterday" - Faith asked wondering why his father had stayed despite how busy he was.

"Well I'm not about to break the promise I made, Every time I come here you get a magic lesson, that stays the same no matter the circumstance" - Alzeor answered looking forward to their father-son bonding session.

It saddened Alzeor greatly that he couldn't see Faith as much as he wanted to because of politics and it wasn't like he could bring Faith to his home since the elder dragons were even more strict about bloodlines then demons.

He couldn't imagine his son becoming even more of a social outcast because of his own selfishness. Meanwhile, Faith was ecstatic at the thought of having another magic lesson with all the newfound knowledge he had from Adra.

With that as motivation, he quickly got dressed in his normal silk vest and tunic while getting on his normal black overcoat. It was sleek and allowed for easy movement which helped out a lot with Faiths training.

"Well if you're finished I suggest we get going" - Alzeor said, propping Faith onto his shoulders before the boy had a chance to decline.

He was tall for his age but still much shorter then Alzeor who stood somewhere around 6.6ft tall with a lean and muscular build making him look more like a swimsuit model than a warrior or mage.

Without a second to waste on their bonding session Alzeor made his way to the magical research area that resided within the castle. Unlike the training hall, this was filled with scholars looking into magics possibilities and applications rather than training its combat uses.

Faith found it similar to the science wing of the army considering that the demon race as a whole or at least inside Exodus was one big army with generals in nobles status and the queen being their supreme commander.

In times of peace, however, the department had shifted from combat inventions to quality of life improvements in magic. Most of the demons that invested time in this department were more reasonable and talented in magic then the norm.

Demon culture had schools and education but Faith couldn't exactly enrol in any due to both his status and the irrelevance of teaching something he could learn from his servants or father.

'It still makes me a little sad though' - Faith mumbled in his inner thoughts while his father steady carried him.

It wasn't like Faith didn't want to walk but more he didn't want to be a killjoy to his father who had carried him for magic lessons since he was 2.

'What makes you sad?' - Luna asked not aware of the situation since she was new to his life.

'I wanted to go to school so I could make friends but since it holds no actual value and I'd just be revered because of my status I had to give the idea up" - Faith replied gushing out his problem to Luna who was quickly becoming his therapist whether she liked it or not.

'Why didn't you just use Transformation magic to disguise yourself. I'm sure you couldn've gotten your hands on an artifact that did the job just fine and faking an identity wouldn't be hard for a prince right?' - Luna replied with a relatively simple solution.

Faith was a little dumbstruck as he looked down at the silver fox resting inside vest since she apparently found it warm.

'FUCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!' - Faith shouted internally hating himself a bit for not thinking of something so simple.

Sure it would serve no purpose other than helping him make friends but that was more than enough for Faith. He lamented his foolish noting that he wondered where Luna was all his life as she was the perfect animal companion, helpful and annoying but in an endearing way.

"Well we're here little one, so let's get to it" - Alzeor noted at they entered a spacious area.

Within it there were enchanted walls that cordoned off certain experiments and each room was equipped with a dummy as well as different labs for alchemic and enchanting purposes as well as rune forging.

It also came stock with tools for measuring certain outputs and stabilising magic outbreaks to a certain extent. That last one Alzeor was painfully aware didn't work for him as dragons magic didn't work on the normal rules of magic.

For all races apart from Dragons and spirits, one was forced to speak in the magical language before any magic could come about. An understanding of magic could substitute for the vocal component but every other step of magic was a requirement including understanding the language of magic.

Runes for their part were magics alphabet since no other form of written language could express magic properly.

Faith had learned all this From Alzeor in an attempt to humble the boy to the effort the other races put in for something that was a given to them.

'Runes still go over my head though' - Faith thought as his father found the room cordoned off exclusively for his son.

Within the Exodus castle, everyone universally agreed that it was pretty much owned by the current ruler, thus Eshir could give Faith any room he wanted. As to not be a bother or hinder the progression of his race in magic Faith simply took the most standard room they had for magical research.

It still came with all the labs needed as well as an area cordoned off with enchanted glass where the dummy that had transformation and self-repair abilities stood.

"Well since you're five now and you also possess your own heart I think it might be about time I teach you how to breath like a proper dragon" - Alzeor said, prouder then even he'd admit that his son could accomplish such a feat at barely over five.

'I wonder if the next one will be as talented as Faith, I certainly hope so' - Alzeor thought, thought remembering the looks Eshir had given him yesterday he wondered whether having another Faith would be such a good idea.

If the woman was so lost in the idea of children with just one then surely more would worsen it too an extent Alzeor didn't like to imagine. As a married man, he felt uncomfortable at the thought of sleeping with another woman but clearly, Eshir didn't suffer his problem in the slightest.

'If there is anything I hope Faith doesn't take from his mothers it's her carefree nature about things like this' - Alzeor thought, getting a slight chill down his spine at the thought of his carrying the same love for having children as Eshir now had.

At least she was limited to one at a time.

'Maybe we should set up an arranged marriage before Faith finds any sort of passion for that type of thing, His pride should at least stop him from cheating' - Alzeor reasoned, blissfully unaware of how little Faith cared about such things.

Faith was stuck at making friends so anything beyond that was simply a pipe dream in his mind.