The heart transformation is a success.

I opened my eyes slowly.

I never thought I could be able to see the light again.

I was a bit surprised by seeing myself still alive.

I was revived but it feels so unreal, the doctors saved me, I should be very grateful for them

Lin will be very happy to see me alive.

The attack atmosphere has been completely vanished from the town, it's a short but dark attack out of sudden.

I wanted too see lin so badly but he's nowhere around.

I still remember the words he told me yesterday, well maybe not yesterday, but still I remember them well.

" ( I'll protect you no matter what it takes, even my life).... Does it mean he loves me? I questioned myself.

All of our friends came to me.

" Hey! How are you feeling...?" They asked with a deep, low and sorrowful voice.

They should be happy to see me alive, but they don't seem to be.

" I'm fine! I should thank lin for that, where is he?" I asked.

When I mentioned his name, they all gave off a depressed look.

" But you all don't seem to be, what's wrong with you guys? Where is he?" I asked.

But they haven't answered.

" Atleast say where he is, can someone please break this silence, i think only lin can break the silence" I said.

" He would have if he was alive" sashank said.

I was like... What the heck he's saying.

" What do you mean by that?" I asked.

But he haven't answered it.

" He died..... Saving you" doctor said.

Those words striked my heart all of a sudden.

" The reason you're alive is because of him, but not for carrying you to this hospital" doctor said.

God.... I'm not ready for what he's going to say next.

" It's because of him carrying his love to you,.... The heart you have right now isn't yours, it's your husband Lin's" doctor said.

" My husband? Lin? Died? His heart? What are you all talking, please don't say... He's not alive, this must be a prank right? Or am I dreaming, i guess I am having a nightmare, this isn't real right" I said emotionally.

" Reality feels like a lie, but it isn't" doctor said.

I was left shocked for sometime without even blinking off my eyes, but there's a waterfall falling and flowing down from my eyes.

The doctor gave me the letter that lin had written.

My heart was....completely broken after reading that letter.

I wish this is a dream, this shouldn't be real, .... I reall wish this is a dream, but after realising that it isn't, i felt so...damn broken, this is so unreal, God please don't give me this, please wake me up from the dream..... Please don't do this to me....

I can't stop crying.

After reminding all my memories with him, I completely realised that he's the one loving me...from years.

But I was left speechless, why did he sacrificed his life for me, do he love me that much..... I'm so worst to not recognise his love, i really am so worst.....

First time, I hated myself than any other.

My friends tried to console me, but it's an impossible task for them to aid a broken heart.

" Why all bad things happen to me?" I questioned myself while crying.

" Aira calm down! You came to consciousness just now, don't stress on yourself, we can't change what happened in past, we have to move on,... I know this pains you.... But he's no more" Arman said while feeling very sad.

For every second I cried even more loudly and more deeply, i just can't stop.

" Today, his body is going to be buried aira, we should... Go there" said Arman while leaving some of tears out.

" Time is indeed the worst thing aira, we really want to change few things so hard, but we can't change our past, it's what our life is, it's all done, I'm sorry aira" alok said.