Chapter 5

Chapter 5; ...New Friends Join!

Daiki was walking around aimlessly when he saw the duo from the distance, "Fukumoto-san! Sawatari-san!"

They turned around when they heard him calling their name. Xenon smirked, "Ozawa. Are you feeling good now?"

"Yup! I have a good night rest!"

"That's good to hear.", Xenon look around, "...Where's Kinoshita?"

"She's packing up her things.", Daiki suddenly gasped, "Oh! You called her by name!"

"Of course I called her by name! What do you think I would call her!?"


"...I can't argue since that's what I actually used to call her that."

Kazuhiko smiled, "I see you finally befriended her!". Xenon sighed as he nodded, "Yeah. Ozawa was right. She's not that bad."

"Right?", Daiki smiled brightly, since Xenon finally befriended his childhood friend, "Well, she can be blunt but I-I'm wouldn't be affected by it...".

"No promises. I already told her that."


They went to the dining room to eat breakfast when they saw many people gathered there, "What's going on?"

Someone saw them and pointed at them, "There they are!"

Before they knew it, the townspeople gathered around them and cheered, "We still can't thank you enough! Please, accept all of our gifts!"

It turns out the people were still celebrating their victory towards the Logi Skrímsli defeat. Many came to the inn to leave tributes for Xenon, Kazuhiko and Daiki. This made Xenon happy since that solved the cash crisis they were starting to have, despite Daiki's best attempts to return the money and other presents.

"Oh my god! I'm glad they left!", Kazuhiko exclaimed as he sat down. In front of him was a table, filled with many presents. Daiki pouted, "I tried to give it back but they won't listen."

"Well, on the bright side, we won't have to worry about supplies for now.", Xenon said as he look at the potions and such, "Everything they give are useful for our journey."

Daiki look at Xenon curiously and was about to open his mouth when Maia appeared, "Hey guys....", she stared at the presents on the table, "...What the. I never expect you guys to buy so much."

"Uh no Mai-chan. It's from the townspeople.", Daiki replied but then he look back at Xenon, "Forgetting about the presents...Fukumoto-san, I just remembered that Sawatari-san said that you got chased by the Knights of Estoark..."

"He got chased by the Knights?", Maia asked, "I know you're such a troublemaker but I didn't expect you to be that...troublemaker."

"Hey!", Xenon coughed, "'s true. I got chased by the Knights because I pranked them."

"Somehow I'm not surprised."

"What is that suppose to mean!?"

Kazuhiko laughed, "They haven't known you for a long time yet they already notice the troublemaker Xenon!"

"What did you say!?", Xenon yelled angrily.

The innkeeper happened to be overheard their conservation so he decided to interrupt them, "--At any rate, you won't be safe here."

Kazuhiko and Xenon look back at him, "What do you mean by that?"

"The Knights always come here to help us out since we, as you know and see, look poorer than a peasant."

"That's harsh, especially when it's coming from a person who lived here."

"What can I say? Before you travellers defeated the Logi Skrímsli, we have suffered a great deal of damage property and loss of lives."

Kazuhiko got really curious at this moment, "This town don't have someone to defend your town? In Fallmont, we have a police and inventions to help us."

"So you're from wonder you have skills with the guns.", the innkeeper said as he rubbed his chin, "Unfortunately, we don't. Even if we do have a town defender, it won't help much. Especially when most people here can't use magic."

"Eh? Then why Ozawa-san..."

Daiki shook his head, "Oh. I'm not from here."

"....Oh. I thought you two were part of this town.", Kazuhiko said sheepishly.

"It's fine. Since we do seems to know our way in and out.", Daiki said before looking outside, "Usually, the Knights would come at this hour already..."

Xenon nodded before widen his eyes, "....Did you say the Knights would come at this hour?"

"Yes.....Oh!", Daiki gasped and look outside again, "Y-you should get going then! The Knights always come at the unexpected time."

Xenon nodded, "We should...but where should we go? All of the places I know are in protection of Estoark."


Xenon sighed as he stood up, "...Let's just pack our things for now, Kazu."

"Alright...", Kazuhiko said as he followed Xenon's action and went to their room to pack. Daiki stared at them until they were out of his field vision, "...I hope they'll be safe..."

"Me too."


Xenon already packed his things and was waiting for Kazuhiko to finish when Daiki approaced him, "Fukumoto-san."

"Oh Ozawa. What's wrong?"

"Um...I appreciate that you decided to help me beat the Logi Skrímsli. What I'm trying to say is...thank you.", the white haired boy searched something on his pocket and took out a feather, "Here."

Xenon raised an eyebrow, "A feather?"

"Yes. I heard it holds an certain amount of healing abilities, other than a unicorn's horn of course. Maybe this will help you."

"...Thanks, Daiki.", Xenon smiled as he gently took the feather. Daiki widen his eyes, surprised that Xenon called him by his first name. Before he could ask, Kazuhiko opened the door, "I'm ready, Nii---oh Ozawa-san!"

"O-oh! Sawatari-san...", Daiki smiled, "Are you two leaving right away?"

"Yeah. I can't let Nii-san get caught again."


"He always got arrested by the police back in Fallmont. Though he always managed to get away.", Kazuhiko gave a deadpan expression to Xenon, "Don't ask me how he escaped."

"Oh.", the timid boy fidget, "Y-you...probably should get going."

They nodded and started to walk to the entrance. As they talked, they heard some ruckus coming from outside. Xenon went to the entrance and open the door. He widen his eyes when he made an eye contact with someone he knew, "....."

"WHAT THE--!? THEY REALLY DO ARRIVE WHEN WE LEAST EXPECTING IT!!", Xenon yelled in surprise. The Captain sighed, "I knew you would be here."

"Damn it...."

"I do not know what happen but please, come back.", the captain begged, "They're so worried about you."

"....I don't want to go back.", Xenon growled, "I just can't!!"

'Go back...?', Kazuhiko thought as he look at the frustrated Xenon.

"If you still wish not to go back, then we have no choice but to use force!", the captain then gestured his underlings to raise up their weapons. Daiki gasped, "Fukumoto-san!"

However, before Xenon could raise his weapon, the townspeople suddenly gathered around them and started to trample the Knights. The boys gasped, "What the--!?"

The innkeeper smiled at them, "Good luck on avoiding the Knights!", he then waved at them as they heard stomping of many pairs of feet behind them. Their faces turned into that comical horror.

"Oh my god! Aaahhhhh!!!", they yelped as they were pushed around like a rag doll. Xenon, Kazuhiko and Daiki fought their way through the crowd, heading for the exit behind them. More than one elbow collides into Xenon's hip and he almost fall on multiple occasions. Suddenly, someone grabs his hands, shoving a small pouch into his grasp before he was launched out of the crowd. He gasp for air, looking at Kazuhiko and Daiki, whom look worse for wear than him.

"That was crazy.", Kazuhiko panted, "I never thought I would see this day."

Xenon holds out a small pouch of money, his eyes widening.

"Hey I can't take this!", Xenon exclaimed, "They're technically broke yet they gave me money..."

"I suppose you should take it. Otherwise they would be upset.", Kazuhiko said, causing Xenon to sigh in defeat. The white haired boy look around, "Oh dear...I'm worried about Mai-chan..."

"We don't have much time! We need to get going!", Xenon exclaimed again as he dashed to the exit. Daiki was conflicted whenever he should come with them or not. Kazuhiko look at him, "If you want to come with us, you should run now!"

Daiki look back at the crowd before nodding, "Okay! I hope she's fine!"

"To the road ahead Kazu, Daiki!", Xenon grins at Kazuhiko meanwhile Daiki's face look pretty surprised.

"To the road ahead." Kazuhiko agrees.

"FUUUKUUUMOOTOOO XEEENOONN!", The Knights run towards them before Maia appeared in front of them and tripping them easily.

"Nice!" Xenon says, giving a thumbs up at Maia. She look at them, "Daiki, you should go with them for now! Go!"

But Mai-chan--!", Daiki was cut off by Maia told him to go, "Don't worry about me! I'll come with you later! Just get going!"

Daiki frowned before nodding, "I hope you'll be fine! I'll see you later!"

The boys ran away, much to the Knight's displeasure, "WAIT! FUKUMOTO XENOOONNN!!!!"

"Wow, you must love Xenon very much.", Maia said, "People might mistaken for it."

"NO I'M NOT!!", The captain yelled in horror, "ANYWAY STEP ASIDE WOMAN!"

"Sorry but I won't let you pass.", she readied her weapon and muttered, "Even though Fukumoto always got arrested from pranking people...I can't believe I'm about to do this..."

*Meanwhile Xenon, Kazuhiko and Daiki...*

Daiki was panting really hard from running for far too long, "P-please...wait..."

The duo stopped, seeing their friend's condition, "You have lower stamina than I thought...", Xenon remarked, "Well, since you're a bishop, I'm not surprised."

"S-sorry...", Daiki fall to his knees, panting heavily, "I don't...have much...stamina..."

"...We should rest for now. Besides, we couldn't just leave Kinoshita-san after what she have done for us.", Kazuhiko said as he went to Daiki to help him out, "Nii-san, can you help me?"


Xenon helped Kazuhiko to carry Daiki to the nearby tree and set him down, "Th-thank you...", The white haired boy look up, "Max!"

They heard a flapping sound and look up. Xenon gasped at the sight, "Th-that bird..."

The bird landed on Daiki's shoulder and start chirping. He smiled, "Max, can you check on Mai-chan? She may be strong but she might into trouble again if she's not careful."

Max chirped again before flying off. Xenon immediately grabbed his shoulders, "Daiki! Is that your bird!?"

"Y-yes! His name is Max!", Daiki exclaimed, "Wh-why do you look so surprised?"

"No...the letter I's the same pigeon.", Xenon took out the letter from his pocket and show it to Daiki. The white haired boy read it and recognize something, "This's Mai-chan!"

"So it was her all did she know where we lived?"

"She probably ask Max to locate and give you the letter..."

"That would make sense."

They took a long break so Daiki can regain his strength while waiting for Maia to come back. Daiki then look at Xenon, "....Fukumoto...san."

"Yeah?", Xenon look up from his book, "You sounds hesitating."

" suddenly called me by my first name..."

"Oh. Should I call you by your last name then?"

"N-no! W-well...Mai-chan, my family and friends at the village are the only people who only called me by first name so..."

"Well, I just want to call you Daiki. Are you fine with that?"


"Then you can call me Xenon!", Xenon pointed at himself, "It actually feels weird ever since you called me by my last name."

Kazuhiko smiled, "You can call me 'Kazu' like Nii-san does."

Daiki happily nodded, "Okay Xenon-kun, Kazu-kun!"

He look up since he heard something. Surely enough, Max was there, flapping his wings and land on Daiki's shoulder. Not long enough, Maia was trailing behind, "I managed to get away, at least."

"Kinoshita-san!", Kazuhiko called out her name as he stood up, "I'm glad to see you come back uninjured."

"...Yeah.", Maia leaned against the tree as she stared at Xenon, "...Fukumoto."

The prankster look at her, "What is it?"

"...Did you...", she trailed off but then she shook her head, "...Nevermind. I don't remember what am I going to ask you."

"O...kay...?", He stood up, "Kazu, we actually need to get going. You're planning to enter the competition right?"

"O-oh yeah.", Kazuhiko sighed, "We won't have much time left..."

"Competition?", questioned Daiki and Maia at the same time.

"A competition in Estoark. Kazu and I were planning to enter."

"You too...?", Daiki raised an eyebrow, "But...aren't you being targeted by those Knights?"

"Nah.", Xenon smirked, "Even if I get caught, I will always find a way to break out of the jail."

Daiki and Maia sweatdropped, "Why do you look so proud of it...?"

She sighed, "A competition huh. Sounds like fun."

Kazuhiko gasped in realization, "I just remember that we're suppose to enter with a minimum of six people! Nooo! Now we can't enter the competition....boohoo..."

Daiki stared at the sad gunner before clapping his hands, "Well, I can join you..."

"What?", Kazuhiko blurt out in confusion.

"I-I said I can join you...", Daiki said meekly, "Besides, you guys look fun to be with. I'm sure my family wouldn't mind.", he then look at Maia, "What about you, Mai-chan?"

She rubbed her chin in thought before nodding, "...I...don't mind. Besides, if you're going then I'm going. I would definitely feel restless if you're going with them."

"Is that mean you don't trust us yet?", Xenon frowned. Maia gave him a blank look, "I can trust Sawatari but I don't think I can trust you with taking care of Daiki yet."


Kazuhiko clasped his hand together, "That's great! That makes us four members! Glad to have you guys around!"

"You too!/Yeah...", Daiki responded with excitement written all over his face while Maia only look away and shrugged.

Xenon suddenly thought this year was going to be interesting...

To be continued...


Xenon: Kinoshita really cared about you huh?

Daiki: Ah...y-yes. She always worried about me since I don't have much strength...

Kazuhiko; I can understand that. I always worried about Nii-san myself. He would always get into troubles and fights. Seriously, I can't take off my eyes on him for a second.

Xenon: Oh come on, I can take care of myself. You're not my mom man.

Kazuhiko: I am now.

Xenon: Oh shut up.

Daiki: *Laugh nervously*