Chapter 31

Chapter 31

"That eyes...!!"

Before Xenon could finished his sentence, they could see the man pointed his sword at the woman. Xenon could feel bloodlust coming from the man. They then saw the man dashed towards the woman, who seems to be quite hesitate to do anything.

Without thinking, Xenon jumped out from his hiding place and blocked the attack. The man jumped back, glaring at Xenon.

"Stop! What are you thinking!?", Xenon yelled.

He could see two red orbs glaring at him, full of malice and blood before he heard a laugh from the man. It was a cold, sadistic laugh that sent chills down Xenon's spin.

"Xenon!!", he heard someone yelled his name. He turned around and saw Eirito and the others running towards him, "I heard the explosion and figured you and Kinoshita-san might be here!"

"I-I...never felt such bloodlust before...", Daiki started to tremble.

The woman stared at Eirito in shock, "Eirito-kun...!? What are you doing here...!? Wait...did you just call..."