Twinge Of Pain

David’s P.O.V.

“Dad, stop it! Let me handle this. I assure you… he will go.”

Helena quickly snuggled into her father’s arms. What she did made her father fully let me go, but I was badly thrown out that it hurt my lower back. I got out of balance, leaving me with no other choice but to accidentally meet the ground.

I tried not to wince in pain, but it felt like my pelvic bones were slightly dislocated. However, this pain was nothing compared to what Helena was doing to me.

“And you!” She turned around to face me, even pointing her finger at the road that would lead me outside their subdivision.

“Please, just leave! We have nothing more to talk about here! We’re done, David… and for the umpteenth time, I’ll tell you this. I’ve ended everything between the two of us, so just accept the fact that we will never be together again… and there’s no chance that we will be seeing each other again!” Helena screamed before she burst out crying.