Chapter 6

After my meeting with Mr. Reid about when I can participate in my first fight and when do I start my training I was off, walking down the empty hallway I reached for my phone in my back pocket and dialed Blake's number. putting the phone to my ear's he picked up on the first ring.

"Hello" he said in his sleepy voice

Blake my meeting is over, so I was wondering if your not busy if you could come get me I said hopefully

"Yeah wait for me I'm on my way"with that said he ended the call

Pushing the door opened and making my way outside I was stopped by some men circling me "asking what a little girl doing here by myself and if I wanted to have some fun" having enough of their bull shit I tried pushing my way past then when a jackass thought it was okay to grabbed a hold of my ass.

Turning around I grabbed a hold of his arm and flip him I watched as he landed on the hard pavement with a thud, touch me again and you die! I shouted at him.

"You stupid little bitch!" He yelled while reaching behind him for his knife upon taking a hold of his knife he flicked it opened and charge at me but I saw his move coming and ducked while throwing a jab in his stomach.

Hearing him grunt in pain I knew I hit him good, "I'm going to make you regret doing that bitch!" He spat. In the corner of my eye's I saw one of his friends coming at me with his knife but I did a round house kick hitting him in the neck knocking him out cold.

Taking my eye's after idiot #1 for just a spilt second to looked at my attacker when suddenly idiot #1 charged at me cutting me on my right arm, staggering back way but I regained my balance I saw blood tickling down my arm while his friends laugh and cheer him on.

Thinking this is going on far too long I walked over to him blocking all his punched and hit him in the face breaking his nose in the process, "You break my fucking nose!" He yelled while wiping away the blood coming from his nostrils.

When I'm done with you your nose is going to be the last of your concern I spat at him while taking slow steps towards him, I watched as he ran over to me in hope's of cutting me in the face but I moved my head just in time and grabbed a hold of his wrist with my left hand and punch him in the neck with my right fist.

I watched as he grasped for air seeing that he's in pain I did a round house kick hitting him in the face, and with a thud he fall to the ground.

Hearing the rev of an engine I looked up and saw blake speeding towards us, upon nearing us he turned his engine off and headed over towards me.

"Are you okay?" Was the first thing he asked when he approached me, Yeah can't say the same for that guy though I said pointing at the now unconscious man that was sprawled out on the cold pavement.

"What happened here?' Blake asked, after my little talked with you idiot #1 I said pointing at the first guy who grabbed my ass grabbed my ass I so I punched him down when suddenly he decided that he's going to kill the bitch but get his ass whooped instead.

Now for idiot #2 I said pointing to the second guy I don't know what his deal is but he charged at me but I deflected his hit and knocking him out cold.

"Your bleeding let's get you back to my place so I can get your wound cleaned so it won't get infected".

Nodding at him in an okay manner I followed behind him to his bike, after bringing the engine to life we speed off in the direction of his house. Arriving at back to his place he led me down the empty corridor to the infirmary room.

"Where is everyone?" I asked seeing that the once crowded house was now empty, "They were instructed to stay out of sight so there probably down in the basement" he replied.

"What's there.... and before I could get the rest of the word's out he's pushing a white door opened which I presume is the infirmary, after he opened the door it was the infirmary indeed.

Stepping foot inside he led me over to a small white hospital bed telling me to sit there, complying with his order I made my way over while I watched as he rampages through the cupboards.

After finding what he was looking for he walked over and made his way on the stool that was place infront of me, as he wiped way all of the dry blood with alcohol and cotton I took my time to examine his outfit.

He was earing black joggers that sit low on his waist, white muscle t-shirt, black hooded jacket, white Adidas sneakers with 2 strips of black on the sides, black digital watch, and his black here was messy all over his head.

"Checking me out I see?" He asked with that stupid signature of his,

Rolling my eye's at him I said "I've seen better",

But he just laugh like I've said something funny, "You wished" was all he said before breaking into a next fit a laugher.

He was beautiful with dimples in both his cheeks and I couldn't help it but to laugh along with him, after we both sobered up I asked if he have any siblings, but it looked like my question triggered a memory because the next thing I knew he was staring off into space.


Nudging him in the arm he turned to me and said "I had a sister she was older than me by a year's, she was the most outgoing person I knew with her fiery personality, she was alot like you".

What happened to her? "Wrong place, wrong time I supoose, my mom had send her to a nearby store when some gang member's came to robbed the store which led to a shoot out and she was hit, she died on the spot".

I'm so sorry blake, clearing his throat he said "you must be tired let's get you to a room".

Nodding at him even though he can't see because he had already walked off, trailing behind of him down the corridors he led me to a door which I presume to be the guest room.

"You can sleep here for the night, my room is just next door so I'll go and get something from my room so you can freshen up and change into".

Okay I said while nodding at him, making my way inside the room it was beautiful the walls were coloured in cream, a queen sized bed was in the middle neatly made with gray spread, there was a walk in closet in the corner of the room, a vanity table, small book shelf, 2 doors one leading to the balcony and the other is to the bathroom.

Stripping out of my clothes I headed to the bathroom to take a shower, after washing and rinsing both my hair and body I reached over on the towel rack for a towel and wrapped it around my body.

Entering back into the room there was a knocked on the door, walking over an unlocking the door blake was leaning on the door frame with layers of clothes in his hand. As he handed them to me I thank him, as he turned to leave, blake I called out to him.


Thanks for sharing your sister story with me and thanks for these I said holding up the clothes

"Okay" he said walking away

Closing the door behind me with a smile I attempted to change into his clothes when suddenly there was a knocked, wondering who could it be because blake just left I walked over opening up the door I saw blake standing there shirtless with his 8 packs on full display.

Blake did yo.... and he slam his lips against mine while shoving me backwards into the room, and kicking it shut wit his foot, as my hand rampage over his tone stomach and hair the towel fell from my body.

"Beautiful" was all he said while picking my up, I wrapped my ton legs around his torsos and he bring me over to the bed.