Chapter 7

When I woke up memories of yesterday's event came flooding my memories, with a smile on my face I turned around to tell blake a good morning but there was no signed of him, his side of the bed was completely empty it was like he wasn't even here to begin with.

Laying back down I shut my eye's reminiscing about what occurred lastnight I couldn't help but reminisce blake was nothing like I've ever seen before, every touch sent shivers down my spain, his body was like drug's exploring every inch of my body and mind.

Smiling like an idiot while I bite my lower lips, I heard a hoarse voice said "if you continue to bite your lips like that I might loose controlled and just take you again".

Opening my eye's I came eye to eye with blake dressed in only his boxers. Where were you? I asked while wrapping the duvet over my body.

"I was at the bathroom," He said in his hoarse voice while his eye's was on my body, I thought you have left when I didn't saw you.

"Sorry about that but as you can see I'm still here."

Climbing over on the bed he hovered above me while staring into my eye's, "your beautiful he whispered." While removing a stray hair from my face placing it behind my ears.

And just like that I place a small peck on his lips, lastnight was fun I state pushing him to the side of the bed.

"You were like a time bomb lastnight, waiting to go off." He said while laying beside me, nodding at him I stood up from the bed going over to the bathroom to freshen up to headed back to my motel room.

After my well needed shower I entered the room where I find Blake's clothes neatly fold on the bed but there was no signed of him, grabbing his white t-shirt which is a little to big for small frame and his black joggers that's falling off my waist. I redo my hair in it's ponytail and grabbed my clothes put them in a bag and headed down the stairs in hope's of finding the kitchen.

Arriving down the stairs I didn't knew which way to headed and there was no one in the room I could asked, so with a sigh I flopped down on the bean chair while muttering curse word's.

Suddenly blake walked in telling me to follow him, I'm starving, where are we going I whined but like most times he remained silent, walking over to a black door he pushed it opened revealing the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?". Pancakes, eggs, and bacon haven't have that in a while so are you going to cook for me? I asked while walking over to one of the stool near the counter.

"Yeah only because I don't want you to die on me", chucking at his response I saw him take the necessary ingredients from his fridge. "Here is your breakfast" looking up at him he was holding a glass of orange juice in one hand and in the other was my pancakes covered in chocolate syrup, my eggs and bacon filled with sweet ketchup.

Thank You I said while taking my breakfast from his hand, after sitting back down I realize he was still standing there watching me, where's your breakfast?

"I've already eaten, now hurry and finished your breakfast so I can dropped you off at the motel so you can get some change of clothes then I'll take you to work". Nodding at him I begun devouring my yummy breakfast, after finishing eating I take a hold of my orange juice after putting away the dirty dishes in the dishwasher we make our way out of the house.

The breakfast was delicious I complimented but he just nodded at me, wondering why he's always this weird but I said nothing pertaining to his behaviour, making our way out front of the garage he walked over to a red sport car.

WOW!! Is this yours? "Yeah come on let's go."

Climbing in the passenger seat he speed off in the direction John's motel. So I will have my first match in two days, "Okay so you think you can handle it? And if you like I can give you a few pointers".

Thanks blake that would be nice of you, pulling up at the motel I asked blake if he wanted to come inside but he decline saying he's good while taking a pull from his cigar, nodding at him I make my way inside going to my room I changed out of his oversized clothes for black leggings, white blouse, dim jacket, and sneakers, after braiding my here in two I headed out to blake car.

Arriving at the bar I asked blake if he was coming in but he said "he have somewhere to me", walking through the door I spotted some four men in black suits in the corner talking and sipping on their liquor but soon as they saw me all talking were seize and all eye's where on me.

As I walked over behind the counter I asked killian who were those guy's in suits? "I'm not really sure they just ordered their liquor and headed over to the corner, but they looked like businessmen."

Nodding at him I begun to get some work done, after two hours of serving it was time to take my short break. Walking out front someone take a hold of my hand, turning around to see who it was I came face to face with one of the guy in black suit.

"Sorry I thought you were some one else". He said while removing his hold from my hand, staring straight in his face I nodded at him feeling slightly suspicious of him.

But I didn't speak on it I just continued for the door, upon reaching out side I saw blake pulling up on his motorcycle with some kind of bag in his right arm. Walking over towards him I asked what are you doing here I thought you have business to take care of?

"Yeah I did but I already finished with that, so I brought you lunch" thanks it's nice of you but you didn't have to. "Stop being ungrateful and just take the damn bag."

With a smile plastered on my lips I reached over for the bag, looking inside I saw KFC and a bottle of coke. "Hey can you wait for me inside I just have to make a real quick phone call", okay I said to him while making my way inside.


Third person Narrative

Blake watched as Israel stepped foot through the door before he approached the men in black,

"What the fuck are you guy's doing here?" Blake shouted at one guy in particular,

"boss said we should pay you a visit to see what's going on" Said the black hair guy.

"Tell him I'm taking care of it, and I don't ever want to see any of your ugly faces". He spat while taking out a cigar and make his way up the path to the bar.