Emley up there

Elenore POV:

I woke up to the sound of footsteps and looked to see some man coming out way

I looked down to see Emley still asleep

The man in the middle was building and was strong and held a powerful aura around him

"Who are u?." He asked

"I am Elenore and this is my sister Emley."

"U realize that u have entered the Bloodhound territory without permission and u are a rogue" saying rogue it with such disgust

O godd!!! this territory was forbidden and people were scared of him.. The alpha was known to be ruthless, cold and merciless

I was scared...

"I am sorry i was being chased an didn't realize that"

"Well... Boys take her to the dungeon"

"No please don't we are just leaving.... Please I have a sister" I said

They didn't listen to me and pulled me up, I held Emley close to me who has woken up and was confused

They kept dragging me

Emley asked me" what's haphennin swsterr.?"


They told me and chained my hand with silver and damn did it hurt me

"Please not her... I am begging u"

They took one glance at her and then me when suddenly Emley spoke

"Hey u bwig doggie's. Donttt u dware hurth my swster or I would hurth u"

"Em!!! Quite" I said in a warning tone, worried they would hurt her and since I am an omega I can't protect her with these chains restraining me

The man laughed and said "leave her she is cute"

"The alpha will soon visit u" said be man grinning evilly

They left

Emley ran up to me and I pulled her on my lap

Few hours later.....

" i am hwungwyy swsterr"

"I know me too we will get out of here soon"

I heard a voice "u can never get out of here .. i have been here for months but have failed"

"Who the hell are u.?"

"Someone who has been here for years

Suddenly the doors opened, I heard footsteps approaching and I smelled a cinnamon scent

My prison door opened and in entered whom I guess is the alpha from the power I can feel around him..

"Look up rogue!!!"said one of the men behind him.

I looked up and saw the most beautiful person I have ever seen, strong build, electric cold blue eyes and fair skin..

My wolf suddenly said "mate! Mate! Mate!" To say I was shocked.. Would be an understatement

He himself looked shocked but suddenly his eyes turned black

I looked and he gave a signal, the guard pulled my arm and asked " what are u doing on our land?"

my wolf whimpered, hurt that he didn't acknowledge us as mate

My sister got scared and suddenly stepped in

"Hey u bwiggg guyyy... " pulling his pants

He looked down and say her... Amusement in her eyes

When he didn't get the hint

She pulled out and hit him on his leg. He fell down, looking rather amused than angry

She pulled his ears and said "u bwetter not huwrt my swster u bwig doggie guy or I will kwill u"

His men and he, the alpha, himself was trying to hold his laughter

He then turned to his man and said through mind link and one of the guards said "The alpha said to Bring them to a guest room and give them clean clothes"

"And he also said u will be serving me, and the pack at the pack house. if he hear any complain..."

"No u won't. I promise"


That hurt me a lot

"Okay" trying to hold back tears

He went

i was led to a room.. It was beautiful and Emley loved it immediately "its swoo good here"

I laughed

"I know"

Now lets go to the pack house