Eleanor POV:

I didn't know where to be... Because frankly I didn't know anything here

I saw a large house coming up, as I was walking to it ,it looked huge, clean, elegant with diamonds placed on certain places.

When I entered the kitchen was filled with people talking, who I might add stopped talking when they smelt me.

One thing was very weird about Him he didn't speak though I have heard he doesn't speak to any one but still the alpha's do give orders however he didn't even do that....

There was one women near the stove so I went to her "excuse me?... I am Eleanor , can I help u with anything. I was told to be here by the Alpha" it felt weird to call him that since he was my mate. My wolf purred at that thought.

"Yes my dear, my name is Jenna, or Jen as u can call me. Would u mind looking after those waffles"

"I surely wouldn't mind" said smiling

While I was making all this, I felt tingles and the electricity in the air and I knew all to well who that would be...

The Alpha king entered and every one bowed. He came and sat in his seat at the table. I notice a girl I don't know started to make it way to the Alpha

"King... U look stressed. Mind me helping u"

This brought a burning feeling inside me and I felt jealous

he said some thing through the mind link and I think he said no with what his facial expressions tell...

"But Alpha.."


I felt a sense of relief take over me. I brought the food to the table and people gave me weird looks since they still don't know me.

Looks like I would be dealing with this look for a long time

Suddenly the Alpha eyes met mine and I could see an emotion in them but I couldn't depict what it was, and just like that his eyes became hard... He then mindlinked the alpha some thing to which he then told me

"Hey muttt bring Alpha his plate." Said the beta

And I felt it, the hurt , my wolf whimpered hearing me call such name in front of everyone. I was still his mate, he could at least respect me and not tell others and not encourage them to hurt me

"Bringing right away" trying to control my emotions