Mona felt like running and hiding the last few months for her has been heaven but at the mention of her parents, she was thrust back into hell. Her heart raced and she began to tear up. She wanted to apologize to Lily and Morphous for behaving in such as manner but the words would come. They were stuck to the back of her throat choking her.
Very aware of her distress, Aden wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her close. He wished he could take her into his skin to keep her safe. But he couldn't for now he whipped her tears and mumbled incoherently to her.
"Oh Mona Belle my love shhh, it will be alright"
Zia rose from Mona's consciousness
Sister other how can I make it better.
Sensing her dragon's destress and need to help her made Mona calm down a little, it was clear that without asking Zia had taken some of Mona's anxiety. Feeling a little lighter her throat cleared.
You already did, thank you.