Mona cried quietly for a few more minutes after she shared the memory with them, she didn't know when she would stop hurting from the treatment of her family delt her.
"My dear" Morpheus raised from his seat and pulled Mona into his arms. He rubbed her back gently "You will need time to heal but you will heal. You have experienced so much pain from the people who were supposed to love and cherish you"
Mona's dam broke she cried loudly.
Morpheus had a gentle deep voice that made Mona feel protected, he had the fatherly love that Mona had been craving for all her life. While she cried he whispered "It's alright my dear. It's alright."
Lily's eyes filled with tears as she watched her husband care for the distraught Mona. Morpheus was a quiet man, he didn't speak much but he listened and when he was ready he turned what he heard into action. She held her son's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She thanked the Goddess quietly for her family.