After she got herself together, she went and grabbed her phone to see if she had any messages from Chad or the Callum siblings. She did.

CHAD: You good?

KATIE: Yeah. Aiden Lawrence knows I'm here. He just left.

CHAD: Fuck. Did he give you a hard time?

KATIE: No. He apologized for being an asshole to me and promised to check on me.

CHAD: He still likes you then?

KATIE: I think so...you know I don't really know how to tell those things

CHAD: You want to get out for a while?

KATIE: Yes. I'm bored.

CHAD: I'll be there in 20

She got up to get ready when another ping came in from a number she didn't recognize.

UNKNOWN CALLER: I got your number from Collin's cell. He left it out on the coffee table...unattended. LOL A L

She grinned and changed the contact information.

KATIE: smh He should know better. Oh well. I'm glad he was careless this time. Now I have your number too.

AIDEN: you wanted my number Princess?

KATIE: My one and only crush EVER? Of course!

AIDEN: LOL you're making me blush...so, what are you doing now

KATIE: waiting for Chad. He wants to get me out of the house for a while.

AIDEN: I'd like to be able to get you out of the house some time too.

She smiled as a wave of strange feelings spread through her body.

KATIE: I'd like that too. I'll talk to him about extending my restrictions to include you.

AIDEN: Yes, please do that...and text me when you get back. I want to come over and see you again.


She and Chad ran his Sunday afternoon errands and hung out at the park like they used to do as kids. He told her he and Mandy were starting over. He wasn't going to ask her to marry him again anytime soon though. Not until Katie's parole was over, at least.

"Speaking of that..." Katie said, "Can you allow Aiden and his family in on my restrictions. It gets pretty lonely when you're not around and I like them. I can be with someone when I'm out and about, at all times, like you want. I know I can't be in the city like that unless, maybe, with Aiden, since he was military at one time, but in the building. Please? I have to do my laundry some time."

Chad looked annoyed but, he laughed at her pouty face and said, "Fine but, they need to know how serious this is, Baby Girl. This is your life we're talking about. Not going back to jail."

She nodded, looking completely serious on the outside but jumping up and down like a little girl on the inside.

"Chad?" She said, suddenly, "I really am glad we're friends again. I really missed us."

He looked at her a sad smile on his face, "Me too, Katie. I missed us too. You're more than my friend. You're my family. I'm sorry I let you down."

"You didn't let me down, Chad. You were a kid, just like me." She sighed. "This town—the system here—let us down."

He nodded, not so sure he agreed, or could blame it all on that. He was sure there was more he could have done later. He was sure there was more her mother could have done right then...if she had tried but, no one had.

It was dark when they returned to her building and he didn't want to go back up with her. He had a lot on his mind. "Text Lawrence and see if he'll come down and get you."

KATIE: Chad wants you to come and walk me in, is that ok?

AIDEN: OMW Princess

She showed Chad his text and he rolled his eyes.

"He definitely still likes you, Katie." Chad grumbled as, the front door of the building opened, and Aiden came out walking with the prowess of a panther, toward the truck.

"Awww, you're still my best friend, Chad. No one else can ever take that spot." She said, laughing at him, and a smile played on his lips as he shook his head. She opened the door a little as Aiden stepped up.

He ducked his head in and greeted, "Morgan."

"Lawrence." Chad grunted back, "She means a lot to me. Take care of her."

Aiden looked surprised but, nodded and said, "No problem."

"Baby Girl, your ankle bracelet goes building wide only, once you go through those doors. Don't wander around alone." Chad told her but, looked at Aiden.

"I've got her covered, Morgan." Aiden reassured him, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him.

Chad just shook his head. "I'll text you when I'm home, Baby Girl." He said and pulled off.

Aiden chuckled, looking down at her hooded and hat covered face. "I don't think he likes me, Princess."

"He thinks you're trying to take his best friend away from him." She said, looking up at him. "He feels like I'm the only real family he's got, and I know he's the only real family I have."

Aiden arched an eyebrow at her, "Well, best friend isn't the title I'm going for, that's a promise."

She blushed and bit her lip. "We should probably go inside now."

He chuckled, "Come on, Princess." He led her into the building, onto the elevator, where she leaned into a corner and stared at the floor, while he stood dead center and openly glared at the other people on board. They waited at each level as the others exited and then when they were the last ones on board he moved next to her and linked their hands until they were at their floor.

When the elevator opened, he looked outside to make sure the hall was clear before leading her toward her apartment. He leaned against the wall, blocking the view from his own place as she unlocked her door, "Are you going to come in for a while?" She asked, without looking at him.

He chuckled, softly. "I want to Princess."

"But?" She sighed, as she opened the door.

"I'll want to stay..." he said, in a tone that sent her hormones raging and she stopped breathing for a moment as her brain registered what he meant. "...and you aren't anywhere near ready for me to stay tonight." He whispered near her ear.

She shivered, entering her place and stepping behind her door before turning so the side of her face was toward the hallway again. "Ok. I guess...I'll see you at school tomorrow night, then?"

"Yes, Princess. Goodnight. Lock up." He chuckled, when she nodded and bit her lip.

She closed the door and locked up tight, listening as he left before she let out the breath she was holding. She checked and noted she had gotten a text from Chad.

CHAD: Home

KATIE: K. Me too. Alone. Lol

CHAD: Really?

KATIE: Yes. He's got his bros and cousins to look after, remember? He's really not bad. Give him a chance...Please? For me?

CHAD: I liked it better when he was being an ass to you but, OK. For you.


CHAD: GN, Baby Girl