The next morning, she was up and out early with Chad. Aiden didn't text her that night or all that day and she didn't text him. She wasn't sure how that was supposed to work anyway. She wasn't sure what was going on with them. She thought maybe she had imagined some of it too. Especially when their class that evening started. It was the same as always, his brothers and cousins spoke to her and flirted and he scowled at them for it. She set up her equipment for the video and took a seat with her ear buds in to drown out the asinine ignorance and pettiness of the girls behind her. She could see him getting angry and tense and it bothered her because it was bothering him. She suddenly got an idea that she knew was just awful and would probably embarrass him but, it would shut them up at the same time. She waited until class was over and Mr. Gnapor had gone into his office. The little skanks were still making their comments and Aiden was trying to calm himself down. She walked over to him and ran a hand across his shoulder. He looked up at her angrily but, his expression changed.

"Princess?" He frowned, wondering what she was up to.

She just smiled and leaned down and kissed him full on the mouth. Once he got over the initial shock of what she was doing, he reached up and took her face between his two large hands and deepened the kiss.

His brothers and cousins and a few others in the class were laughing and cheering. The girls in the back that had been making the comments about him sat with their mouths hanging open.

When she pulled away, he sat there grinning at her like a besotted fool. "Feel better?" She asked, as he stood up and towered over her.

"Uh-huh..." He chuckled, shaking his head, "Go pack up your stuff, Princess, before you get me in trouble."

She just grinned and went through her regular routine. As she approached the door, she shrugged at his family who was shaking their heads at her and laughing and said, "What? He was looking so grumpy! I thought I'd try it! It was worth a shot, right? It worked! He isn't grumpy anymore!"

Eddie slung his arm over her shoulder, "Katie, Katie, Katie! You are in so, so much trouble now, girl!"

She laughed as his arm was plucked away from her and she found herself tucked under Aiden's as he scowled at his little cousin and said, "Mine."

The others howled as they all headed toward the library.

"Aw c'mon, cuzzo!" Eddie teased, "Katie's my girl!"

Aiden cast him a look that told him in no uncertain terms that Katie was definitely not his girl and simply said, "No."

The others snickered again. "So, Katie...you didn't think that kiss thing through, did you?" Collin asked, with a teasing smile on his face. "Big bro is never going to let you out of his sight now."

She grinned, at him, waggling her eyebrows, "Hmm. I should have thought of that sooner, then, huh, big guy?"

Aiden just smiled, and shook his head, ignoring his brother's jaw dropping open.

When she got to her regular spot, they all rallied around her as, she popped her ear buds in and edited the video from the night's class. Mrs. Kingston cast her curious glances because Aiden sat next to her with his arm across the back of her chair watching while the others had their book out reviewing their notes along with what she was streaming.

Her phone buzzed, and she thought nothing of it when Aiden grabbed it and asked, "What's your passcode?"

"My birthday," She said, and didn't volunteer that information. It didn't surprise her that he knew it either.

"Morgan's on his way to get you." He said, and they both looked up and noted the stunned looks on the others faces. "I'll explain when we get home." He told them. "I'll walk you out, Princess."

"He's early," She frowned. "I wonder what's wrong."

Her phone buzzed again, and she looked down,

CHAD: Don't come out. I'm coming in.

When she looked up, Chad was walking through the library doors. He nodded to Mrs. Kingston and Katie understood that she had called him concerned about Aiden's sudden interest in her. He wasn't dressed as a parole officer though. He was as his normal self in low slung jeans a snug grey t shirt and sneakers. She couldn't help smiling at him.

"Morgan." Aiden greeted, tensing at his presence mostly due to how Katie's face lit up when she saw him.

"Hey, Chad." She greeted, "What going on?"

"Mrs. K was worried, is all." He said, pulling up a chair. "Lawrence." He nodded to Aiden. "You're taking good care of my girl, aren't you?"

"No one can get within in five inches of her let alone five feet. I thought he was gonna rip my arm off for hugging her." Eddie joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

Chad grinned. "I get that. Mandy's with me tonight."

Katie grinned. "Are you saying, I need to catch a ride home?"

"I got her, Morgan." Aiden smiled, "You finish your date. I promise I'll get her home and tucked in safe and sound."

Chad scowled. "Yeah? That's what I'm afraid of. But, if she's cool with you taking her home, I know she's in good hands."

Katie smiled at him and cut a glance at Aiden, "Oh, I'm cool with it. Tell Mandy I said 'hi' and have a goodnight."

Chad's eyes narrowed at her. "Text me when you're in your apartment, Katie. Not the building but, your apartment. With all the locks on. ALONE."

The younger Lawrence men snickered.

"Go on, Chad." Katie grinned. "I'll be fine. Promise." She got up and hugged him. "Go be with your girlfriend."

That seemed to make him relax. He stood up and hugged her again. Nodded to the Lawrence men and left the building.

"Dang bro, he really doesn't trust you with Katie." Ryan taunted.

"And he called her his girl." Eddie teased.

"Chill out." Katie laughed, reaching to run a hand across Aiden's taut shoulders. "He's my best friend and my family. My brother by choice. He's gotten used to it just being me and him since I came back. You know how that goes, right?"

They all looked at Aiden. "Yep."

She nodded, "Then you understand why he's so protective. It's hard for him to get his head around the idea that there may be someone else out there that he can trust to look out for me when he isn't around...because there wasn't a few times." She looked up at Aiden, who had a pained expression on his face. She knew he and Chad held similar guilt over things that had happened to her. None of which was their fault.

That sobered them up a bit. At the end of the evening, they all piled into Aiden's Suburban and headed to the apartment building.