As they exited the truck, Chad noticed that the four Lawrence men were waiting by the front entrance for them and pointed them out to Katie.

"Hey Boss," Collin, greeted. "Big Bro, would hand us our asses if we didn't wait."

Chad just nodded, as he led her in by the hand. She had to keep her head down so no one ever saw her face. The boys provided good cover too but, you could never be too careful. Once inside the elevator. She took up her position in the far corner and Chad, unlike, Aiden, dropped her hand. None of this went unnoticed by the Lawrence boys. When the elevator doors opened Aiden was waiting for them.

"Bro." Collin greeted, with a knowing grin, as he and the others filed off and headed down the corridor.

"Lawrence." Chad greeted, as Katie reached up and pecked him on the cheek before exiting the elevator.

"Morgan." Aiden returned.

"Later, Chad." She said, walking into Aiden's embrace. "Text me when you're home."

"Yeah." He said, "Later." As the elevator doors closed and he punched the button to go back down.

"Mind staying at my place tonight?" Aiden asked. "Gage is still up doing homework I can't help him with."

She smiled and shook her head. "I'll take a look if he doesn't mind." She was looking forward to meeting the youngest of the Lawrence brood. "Can I grab some clothes though?"

He acted as if he was deciding if that was a good idea or not and she poked him, "Yeah, sure." He laughed, as they stopped by her place and she grabbed her nightwear and hygiene pack and threw them in her backpack. "That it?" He arched and eyebrow.

She shrugged. "I'll leave, when you leave."

He just smiled because, she hadn't packed much. She left her back pack in her bedroom and tucked her phone and charger in her hoodie pocket with her keys.

They walked hand in hand to his place and she noted that the door was unlocked. When they stepped through. Collin was walking through shirtless with wet hair and pajama pants on and a big grin on his face.

"Bro...sis," He said, causing another dark headed young man to look up from his studies at the coffee table and frown.

She pushed the hood off her head and shook out her hair and ran her fingers through it to fluff it out. "Hi. You must be Gage."

"Gage, this is Kaitlyn Quinn." Aiden introduced. "My girlfriend."

Gage's eyes enlarged and went to Collin's face which had a big cheesy grin on it. "Night bro...sis... cuz." Then he disappeared into a bedroom.

"You can call me Katie." She offered, getting a little uncomfortable with the teenagers blatant staring.

"You're staying here tonight?" He asked, looking at Aiden like he had lost his mind.

"Gage..." Aiden warned.

"Do you know who she is?" Gage said, and Katie knew what the problem was. He had heard the stories and rumors about her. He had seen the pictures and read the newspaper articles about her return.

"Of course, I do, Gage." Aiden gritted.

"And you still brought her here? Around me? Around your family?" Gage shook his head, disgusted. "I'm going to my room and locking my door." He got up with his books and papers and stomped off to his bedroom shared with whatever cousins and slammed it shut. She heard muffled yelling and then the door opened, and someone came out. She saw that it was Eddie and Ryan dragging Gage by his ears.

"Apologize. Now." Ryan demanded, brandishing an angry look that she had never seen adorn his adorable face.

Gage refused. He was a stubborn one, Katie noted, Eddie twisted the ear he was holding, "I don't hear any words coming out, Gage."

"It's okay guys, really. He doesn't know anything more than what he's seen in the papers, on the internet or heard around town or at school. He doesn't know me. You can't expect him to just accept me when he doesn't know me." She said, sadly, tilting her head and looking at him. She noted how much like Aiden he looked. "I'm sorry we didn't consider how you would feel before I came over to stay the night, Gage. Aiden was only thinking of my safety...and his sanity."

Gage frowned. "You're in trouble?"

She shrugged. "Like you...people have a problem with me being around...even if I'm not really bothering them or anything. Just the sight of me or knowing I'm there is a problem. Guilty or not...I did my time—all of it—and I've been released. Most people think I should still be punished though so, I get death threats. I've actually gotten beat up and put in the hospital for just going to my apartment. I get accused for anything that goes wrong first just because I did time." She shrugged, again. "Right now, someone is stalking me. They want me dead. My time served wasn't enough in their opinion, even though I did the maximum allowed and I'm on parole for another four years so, technically, I'm still a prisoner."

Gage sucked in a breath and looked at Aiden who nodded, exhaustion evident on his handsome face.

"I only brought her here because you were still up struggling with your homework. I don't understand what you're doing and I'm too exhausted to try and figure out. I didn't want to leave you up alone otherwise, I would have stayed with her at her place." Aiden said, honestly, "Katie's a whiz with everything. She's willing to help if she can. She tutors the others."

She smiled up at him and then frowned. "You should go on to bed, I'll get Ryan and Eddie to walk me back."

"No," Gage said, "I really need the help...if, you're willing."

She grinned, knowing that was as close to an apology as they were getting right then. She kissed Aiden and told him she would come to bed when she finished and settled down next to Gage on the couch to help him with chemistry homework. It only took her about an hour to get him organized and going in the right direction so it all clicked for him and he was done and grinning.

"Thanks, Katie." He said, as he admired his work.

"No problem." She said, and moved to get up and go but, he put a hand on her arm.

"Look, I'm sorry." He said. "I shouldn't have judged by what I heard and read. I know sometimes people do time and they aren't guilty...I heard Aiden and the guys talking about how they didn't believe you did what you went to jail for a long time ago. Aiden was real torn up about it. He's liked you a long time."

She nodded. "I know. He told me. My father and uncle and my Godfather—Edgar Callum, forbade him to ask me out because I was too young for a relationship with him back then. When I was old enough and he finally came home I was in prison for murdering my Godfather. I didn't do it though. I witnessed it and took the fall for it. This town is crazy when it comes to its local celebrities. I was a nobody, so I was dispensable. When I got out I was too afraid and angry and alone to even notice that Aiden liked me. I thought he hated me. I liked him though, despite how mean he was to me. I had never liked anyone like that before. It's taken all this time and your cousins wearing me down for me to let him in."

Gage grinned. "Yeah, they can wear on anybody's nerves." He looked back at Aiden's door. "I doubt that he's asleep. I'm awake and you're out here with me." He gathered up his stuff and pecked her on the cheek. "Night Katie. Thanks."

"Night." She said, as she watched him go to his room and close the door. She glanced at the front door and notices that all of the locks were done up, so she headed to Aiden's room where she stripped down in his room thinking he was asleep and pulled on her tank top and sleep shorts and then climbed into bed with him. He immediately dragged her body into his and wrapped himself around her.

"That was the hottest thing, I've ever seen, Princess." He murmured, close to her ear. "I almost exploded over here."

"Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry! I thought you were asleep already!" She gushed, heating up as his lips grazed her neck.

He hummed against her throat and she shuddered and moaned. "Shhh. Baby, I just need to feel you a little tonight." He whispered as he rolled her on her back and suckled her neck. She braced herself with her hands on his forearms as he settled his weight between her legs and ground his hardness against her wet heat. "It's good that we both stay dressed for this." He chuckled softly, before diving down and taking her mouth hard as he began to grind and thrust and rub his manhood against her womanhood.

Katie gasped and moaned into his mouth as she was overwhelmed by the sensations. She felt like her whole body was on fire with need for Aiden. The more he gave the more she wanted until finally she exploded crying out into his mouth and shuddering beneath him. He soon followed, and she could feel a sticky wetness through his pants on her belly, that she was sure was semen. She knew for a fact she has spilled her own liquid throughout the entire exchange. They collapsed and fell asleep together wrapped in each other's juices. She should have been grossed out by it but, she wasn't. It was the most euphoric thing she had ever experienced.