Morning came all too soon, and she got up and dressed while Aiden showered. He walked her to her apartment and kissed her goodbye promising to text her on his break. She went inside and locked up, showered, and climbed into her own bed still basking in the glow of her first sexual encounter.

Her day went like normal after that, Aiden texted her when he arrived at work and she sent him a sexy response from bed when she woke up.

AIDEN: You're probably asleep baby. Just wanted you to know I made it.

When she woke she sent him a video message of herself in his t shirt, rolling around in her bed. "Thanks baby. I hope you don't mind but, I stole your shirt from last night to keep me warm until you get back. Mmmmm. It just smells soooo good...just like you. Muahh!! Have a great day!"

A few hours later, she was sitting in class and her phone buzzed. She snuck a look at the message that popped up on the screen and grinned.

AIDEN: OH FUCK! That was so hot!

Collin, who happened to be sitting next to her, also glanced down and saw his brother's message and smirked at her and whispered. "What did you do?"

She blushed and shook her head. "Just sent him a good morning video."

Collin shook his head at her and chuckled. "Did you do that yesterday too?"

She nodded and smiled looking at the instructor in front of them as he made notes on the white board.

He grinned, "Sis, I'm gonna have to revoke your phone privileges. That explains the 'dazed look' Gage described him having when he came home last night. And why he threatened our lives if we came up that elevator without you."

She blushed again tried to focus on class. When it was over she sent Aiden a message.

KATIE: Collin threatened to revoke my phone privileges... do I need to stop sending you videos?

She put her phone away. She knew he wouldn't get it until he got off work and he would be on his way home then. She would be setting up for their class together then.

In class that evening, she went through the motions as usual, setting up the video. The others had gone home around two to be there when Gage got in from school and make sure he was settled before they left for their evening classes with Aiden. So, she was on her own in the library for a few hours in the library.

The girls that normally taunted Aiden were now making little nasty comments about her. They had been breezing through all day with the same little jaunt and jabs and she had successfully ignored them. Now, she was in Dr. Gnapor's class getting set up and waiting for the guys to show up when they took their usual seats at the back and began their taunts at her again.

"I guess he's into jailbirds instead of jailbait, huh?" One girl snickered.

"Who knew it took time in the joint to get his attention." Another joined in.

"I don't know girls, she might have just used reverse psychology on him," the third added, "She was hanging around with the younger brothers before she laid one on him last week. I know! Maybe she's into doing families!"

Katie smiled and rolled her eyes as she put her ear buds in and turned her music up. Idiots. There was no way she would let them get to her. They were just jealous because Aiden and his brothers and cousins had no interest in any of them.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked and saw Aiden towering over her. She smiled up at him and took her ear buds out, "Mr. Lawrence."

"No." He said, mischief in his sparkling blue eyes, "You definitely don't need to stop the videos." Then he kissed her hard on the mouth, pulling away with a pop, "Damn, I missed you today!" Then he walked up front to his seat saying, "See you after class, Princess."

"Well, there goes my concentration for the night," She smiled, blushed and shook her head, flopping back in her chair and putting her ear buds back in. The taunts in the back of the room were again, shocked into silence with the actions of Aiden, this time, and the cheers and whistles of some of the others in the class.

After class she packed up and Collin came over grinning, "Hey sis, you, uh, seem a little, distracted, everything okay?" He teased, and she blushed and slapped at his stomach with her hand as Aiden's arms snaked their way around her waist from behind and she felt his fingers graze her bare skin under her tank top. Collin snickered, and she knew her expressive face showed that she was about to come unglued at his touch. "Ease up, Big Bro. We're in public."

"This is pay back for those videos isn't it?" She asked, shakily, looking up and over her shoulder at him.

He grinned down at her. "That first one was really sweet and innocent but the one from this morning... Princess..." He groaned and dropped a quick kiss on her mouth.

"I have got to see these videos you're talking about." Collin shook his head, as he watched the exchange.

Without even breaking eye contact with Katie, Aiden said, "Not a chance." Katie chuckled.

"Are you two, like, together, together?" One of the bitchy girls from before interrupted. "Because, I, like, thought, you, like, hated her or something, the way you've treated her."

Aiden glared at the girl. "Not your business."

Katie stroked his arm and he looked down at her, anger dissipating, "Come on, let's go. I've got to get this video edited before the next class starts."

Collin grabbed her back pack while she linked hands with Aiden and they all left the room with the girl's question unanswered by words. Eddie, Ryan and Ethan were waiting for them in the hallway and joined in as they headed to the library.

Katie noticed that the other students were gawking and staring and whispering. She knew it was because she and Aiden were openly displaying their togetherness by walking hand in hand for the second night that week. It was established and the rumors were sure to fly high. The guy that only dated young chicks had gotten together with the town murderer. The Infamous Katie Quinn and Mean Ass Aiden Lawrence were a couple.