Katie had been up all night. Sleep had not come to her at all. She worked well into the early morning hours trying not to dwell on the trouble last night's news cast would cause for her and her friends. She had powered off her phone and put her ear buds in so she could drown out the sounds of people knocking on the door if they came by. Around noon she crawled onto her couch and crashed. She had gotten from Aiden when he got home. He had knocked on her door, and she knew it was him but, she refused to answer.

AIDEN: I know you think that's best but, I don't. I think you are going to need us with you more than ever. Don't stress out over this, Princess. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you.

She hadn't responded. She was too tired. She turned the phone back off and fell off to sleep. Several hours later she began to stir because of another presence in her apartment.